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*Harry's POV*

"You can't always just give me those big eyes and think i'm going to do whatever you want!" He said to Louis, who was giving him his huge ocean blues asking if Harry could come sit by him with a pouted lip to match. The room was filled with chatter from all the the tables, and Harry's nose filled with the smell of the long awaited dinner as his stomach grumbled.

I wonder if he knows I was going sit by him anyway. He doesn't even have to ask at this point.

Harry went over and took his seat next to Louis at the dinner table. His plate was piled high with meticulously placed vegetables, chips and shredded chicken burritos that he couldn't wait to sink his teeth into. Louis' looked similar, only instead of the space the vegetables were suppose to take up, he filed it with an extra serving of salty chips and mayo. Harry grinned over to him before taking a huge bite and then directing his attention back to his band mates.

Louis was really beginning to come out of his shell, growing happier and clearly more comfortable than ever around everyone and Harry couldn't have been happier as he continued to notice it. He wasn't afraid of being his loud and funny self anymore, and his shyness was melting away beautifully (not that Harry didn't like him before anyway, he was always wonderful only now he looked happier). The other contestants began taking a liking to all the boys, and so they had their weekly outings together where they would all celebrate their survival into another seven days on the show. Everyone becoming more comfortable with one another as time went on.

Aiden had continued his pestering to Louis, constantly touching him and fiddling with his hair everytime he was close, only for Harry to pull Louis into his chest after feeling the ache. Louis would only laugh at the small altercation, tapping Harry's nose lovingly and reminding him that it didn't matter what anyone did anyway.

He's too good for me, let alone you. He would think at this unembarrassed flirting.

The days stayed warm, with their sunlight rushing through the windows each morning to notify Harry it was time for his daily tip-toe back to his own bed. It was always the same, he would fall asleep with Louis after everyone had already been snoring and then sneak himself back before anyone noticed. It worked for the most part, but Niall did catch them once sleeping together because he woke up having to pee after a night of drinking. Harry had been curled into Louis' chest, and opened his eyes slightly to see Niall double take at the sight of them too. Suddenly, he then was completely enamored with the situation.

"Well have you kissed him yet!?" Niall asked, chasing Harry around the hallway later that night after Harry asked to talk to him about what he had seen.

"It's none of your business! And we were just sleeping next to each other. It's nothing."

"There's no way it's nothing! Have you seen him? Is he big-"

"SHUT UP NIALL!" Harry said covering his ears and giggling before returning into the dark room and sleeping in his own blankets. Since then he had been making sure to sleep on the inside of the bunk, closest to the wall, and huddle them both in blankets at risk of the other boys seeing.

Sometimes when they couldnt sleep at all, him and Louis would sneak out of the room and walk up toward the twenty four, grabbing sodas and candy for them to share as they sat in the living room sharing things they didn't even know should've felt like secrets. It was all so easy that nothing felt wrong to say. They would sit pressed against the vanilla sofas, throwing chocolate into each other's mouths and letting their fears slip through with each taste of the velvet cocoa.

"My mom always wanted the best for us, and so did my dad even though he was far. But they fought a lot, and even though they tried to hide it I know Gemma protected me the most. It almost made me feel bad, that she was always having to see it so she could protect me from it." Harry told him after catching a piece of bitter chocolate in his mouth.

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