Doncaster Holiday (1)

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Harry's POV

"We've got to get him the perfect gift. It can't just be something random!" Harry said to his sister. Gemma laughed in his direction, wrapping herself in her lovely green cardigan and they went store by store looking for the perfect gift for the holidays, and more importantly Louis' birthday.

"Well, what do you think he would want? You should do the three rule that mom taught us! Something to eat, something to wear, and something to enjoy his time with." Gemma said as she ran her hands through a string of light pink pearls in the small store. Harry was fond of the advice and they went around until he had made two perfect gifts, one for Christmas and one for his birthday.

It had definitely been a bummer that they had not won X Factor, and saying bye to Louis for the first time in weeks was proving to be less than easy. He hadn't been sleeping as well as he wished, and even though he had previously dreamed of his home all he found was the ache that was being without Louis. When he was sitting on the couch he thought of him, eating breakfast he thought of him, watching television he thought of him..


So, when Louis and him were on their nightly call and he asked Harry if he would care to join them for his birthday to New Year's Eve, he ran down stairs and begged his mother to let him. Harry pulled out all the persuasive cards he knew how, and ultimately after promising he'd call them on Christmas and be back for New Year's day she reluctantly agreed.

Harry could still remember Louis making fun of his excited squeals at the news.

Anne was as good of a mother as Harry could have asked for. She was loving and kind, understanding and intelligent, and always taught Harry to treat people well and with respect. Along with his supportive sister and step-dad, there was little for Harry to worry about when it came to family affairs. He was always happy to spend time with his family, and when they were apart he did miss them dearly. He missed almost everything about them when he was away.

Other than the underlying need for "Saving Face."

Anne rejected this notion time and time again. Insisted that she didn't obsess over what her kids looked like to others or what she herself looked like either. Harry tried to convince her it was only normal to want to look proper, but she went to consistently deny the entire thing laughing it off as a joke. Harry had learned to simply be polite and proper constantly to avoid his mom having to potentially come to that realization, so that's why her agreement to his holiday absence took him by great surprise.

Harry knew she didn't particularly like the idea of the Tomlinson's thinking Harry had no Christmas traditions and so he could just do whatever he wanted that day. She strived to be a remarkable person and mother, and she wanted others to see it in her and her kids. She worked tirelessly to make sure they had a strong home and family bond, and so Harry leaving it on their first holiday together since he returned was hard for her even though she was reluctant to admit it.

But ultimately above it all Anne was quite kind and wonderful and wanted the happiness for her kids over whatever thoughts plagued her own mind temporarily.

So Harry wrapped Louis' gift up in golden wrapping paper that shined when Harry put light on it as Christmas music played in the background. He tore and glided the paper over the gift in his kitchen until after a bit of struggle and a lot of youtube learning, he had what he thought was a well wrapped present. He thought the paper was appropriate to give to his friend (?) because of their conversations of Louis being warm like the sun for him, but he hoped he wouldn't find it to gut-wreckingly cheesy. He was buzzing to give him his presents as he always tended to be, and he also wrapped small little gifts of candy and jewelry for his sisters and mom- his own mother saying they couldn't possibly leave them out.

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