Trip Down

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Louis' POV

Louis came out the front door to see Harry lugging his suitcase into the back of Anne's trunk, along with the other boys climbing into the car.

"You don't have to do that!" Louis yelled, running over and putting his hands under his case to hike it up onto the top of the tetris style setup Harry had going on. It put him pretty close to Harry after doing so, but luckily by now he was getting more comfortable with his personal bubble being filled with Harry too.

I can't believe you kissed him this week. He sorta kissed you..but still! He kissed you! And you didn't pull away! Big steps Lou. Big steps.

Even though the rest of the time had not been as eventful physically, it was extremely eventful for Louis emotionally.
He had always at some level known that he wasn't completely straight, but it was one of those things that he decided he would deal with when (and if) he was ever in that position. And...well now he was. Because he had a crush a stupid boy, who actually wasn't stupid at all funnily enough.

He was caring and sweet, and remembered things Louis didn't even expect him too. He took care of him in the small ways Louis always seemed to have held onto, and he had never really noticed how heavy all those small things were until Harry helped him carry them.

"Ready?" Harry said, smiling at him sweetly. He noticed how his green eyes trailed over his forehead and down to his lips. He couldn't help but blush and turn away from it all.

"Yeah! Let's go

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"Yeah! Let's go."

He grabbed Harry's hand and pulled it over to the side of the car for them to find their seats and settle for the ride to the train station. Louis threw his backpack into his desired spot and sat with Harry following close behind him. Liam and Zayn had taken the two in the front, so they climbed back to join Niall.

"So, how was the experience at Bungalow Twist? Hopefully you didn't just eat chocolate cereal all week?" Robin asked them, turning over and smiling at the boys. Louis laughed, but with it he then immediately found himself missing his own stepdad...the feelings of missing his family creeped in more and more each day. They were a mix of worry, guilt, and homesickness.

"It was great! Harry is a fantastic cook, thank God. Could actually keep us alive!" Liam said laughing, and Anne also smiled catching Harry's eyes in the rear view mirror.

"He got it allll from his Mama!" She teased, and she stretched her hand out to turn up the radio.

Now, Louis had learned a thing or two about Harry's music taste in the past week. The first, was that he literally couldn't sleep without having it in is ear. Every night they would lay on their backs and share headphones, to which Harry would beg to show him every song he ever loved (most of it belonging to the decades previous), but he enjoyed it nonetheless. He had still been waking up frequently in the night at the Bungalow unfortunately, and when he did he would hear the music lightly playing from the headphones they would share into the hours of the night. Honestly? He couldn't imagine how Harry fell asleep to that stuff. It was so loud most of the time.

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