Friends First, Band Second

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* Anything in italics is Louis' thoughts just incase that's not clear. *

*Louis' POV*

Louis couldn't wrap his mind around what had just happened. His head began to cloud up in absolute joy as he moved off the stage with his new bandmates?

Holy. Fucking. Crap.

"Hey Mum!" Louis squealed into the phone as soon as he was able to get it out and dial the number.

"You sound happy, that means good news! Tell me, what happened? How'd it go? What are you singing next week? God, we miss you so much. Absolutely so much Lou but I'm so happy you're going to judges houses. Tell me! What happened!" His mom said in his ear and Louis laughed as he tried to get a word in between the questions. The truth was, he missed her too but right now he was too excited to feel anything but that.

"Mum I'm in a boy band! Like NSYNC from the states or like the Backstreet Boys! I can't even believe it. ME! They picked me!"

"Louis that's amazing! And don't sound so surprised, you deserve this. Do you know any of the boys in the band or everyone's new to you?" She asked.

"I know some of them. Liam? The boy I told you about that made it to judges house last year? Yeah he's there!"

"That's awesome Boo!"

"Yeah, and Harry. He's—uhm—He's a guy Ive met here. He's really great actually. We've been spending all night talking and-"

"You? Staying up all night? That doesn't sound like my Lou....He must really be wonderful!"

Louis smiled and then he turned and saw Harry also speaking loudly into his phone with a huge grin on his face. One of his hands was running through his hair, and he was talking excitedly barely able to keep still in one place.

"Yeah. He is Mum. It's all wonderful!"

They talked for a while longer, his Mum catching him up on the girls and then repeating everything he'd already known about staying safe and being polite. He only listened to her attentively, pretending he had thought of none of it, because he knew it would make her feel good.

"I'll keep you updated on everything going on okay? I think I get to come home for a week or two before preparation so i'll see you soon anyway."

"I hope so Boo. But! Have as much fun as you can okay?"

"Deal. Love you Mum."

"Love you more honey."

"Love you MOST!"

"Love you MORE THAN TOAST!" she said, and Louis could tell she was giggling on the other side of the phone as he hung up. He saw all of the boys, he was now meant to be with, either texting or talking still and so he walked towards Harry to be there as he finished.

Holy crap. You're in a band now. A band going on X Factor, to the judges house. What?!? You haven't even graduated high school and you're doing this. What. The. Fuck. It can't be real. Louis thought just in the span of walking over to Harry. His mind was going a million miles a second as he tried to come to terms that his life might be changed forever. With people like Harry and Liam in his band, he sorta felt like maybe this could be it.

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