Tell Me

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"Harry?" Louis said as his arm reached out across the crumpled bed sheets for a familiar hand. His heart was racing, chest quivering, he felt like by the minute the room was getting smaller. He knew he had turned the air conditioner on high, yet it felt burning hot as the world caved in.

Harry. Harry. Harry.

Harry grumbled as he intertwined his and Louis' hands casually, thinking it was just a half asleep cuddle and hummed into the gesture. Louis took his fingers away and grabbed his shoulder in attempt to ground himself as Harry came to. His surroundings went in and out on the dark room and the images of his imaginations. Haunting him in the limbo he had yet to know how to escape.

Just a dream. Nothing but a dream. It's okay. You're okay. Louis tried thinking. He thought it over and over, holding onto the bed for grounding before he could fall back into an unconscious dream. His heart tried to push out of his chest and into his throat like a chaotic climb to get out of him. He could hear the glass breaking. He could hear the screaming. His mind was a lot faster than he seemed acceptable at a time like this. He tried hard to keep reality in his grasp.

Harry, Harry, Harry.

"Hey? What's wrong?" Harry said finally shooting up from his position on the bed and cradling Louis' face in his hands. He couldn't help but feel so terrible for waking him up, especially when they had so much trouble going to sleep and he saw his eyes puffy and gleamed in exhaustion. This was the first time he could remember waking up and grasping out for someone. This was the first time he remembered sharing any portions of his nightmares with anyone. And the world part being he reached out immediately, meaning Harry had climbed into his mind in the most intimate way possible.

I never used to do that. I want him to save me?

Harry ran his fingers over Louis' face in the dark room which was being teased by a sunrise. Louis felt his lips coming on his cheeks leaving a bit of wetness against his skin, and he couldn't help but feel like he was in a romantic comedy that played in theatres for a week tops. His emotions bubbled into him, angry that he needed Harry and happy that if he needed ANYONE he was lucky it was Harry after all. It mixed together like a hurricane that couldn't decide how to hit first.

"Are you kissing my tears away?" Louis said, feeling his heart come down and more laughter come through. It didn't come so easily as his breath was shaky and heart angry, but it was a close one. The ringing in his ears stopped after Harry's voice had come through, and he found himself being almost happy? He never recovered so quickly, but something about sitting in Harrys lap and cradling his face covering him in kisses, it made it feel aligned again. It made the emotions confusingly clear... as if that made any sense either.

"Tell me what happened." Harry pushed still kissing Louis' face as he pulled Louis into his arms and held him there. Louis buried his face into Harry's neck, smelling his own cologne mixed with soft vanilla hair product and his legs coming on either side of Harry. It weirdly made him feel good that Harry smelled like him. Harry held him closely, but gently like he was trying not to push too hard.

Focus. This is the first time Harry's asked out rightly.

"Just like always. I don't know why they're coming so often. I hate that they are and I'm sorry you're having to see them." Louis spilled out quickly, no thought really in his voice. He wasn't the best at talking or expressing his emotions eloquently, and he had a feeling he never would be without some effort. His gift was poking and having fun with people until they loved him enough to stay around. He thought of himself almost like your neighbors annoying cat you feed, it's nice enough but if you hadn't gotten attached you may not have thought it was anting special. He was never going to be that charmer that made you feel good from the inside out, or the one to go to when you wanted flirting advice. He wasn't Harry.

Chasing My Sun (Larry Stylinson) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें