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Louis woke up on the couch with a fleece blanket thrown over his shoulders. No alarms, no noise. He only heard the sound of the wind coming from outside, and a clock ticking near the doorway as he reshuffled to be completely under the soft quilt. He turned and grabbed his phone to check the time, seeing it was five in the morning and threw his head back against his pillow in a silent groan.

God. You've never been a good sleeper, Lou.

He moved so he was laid with his back pressed against the seat cushions and his eyes looking up to the ceiling. They had stayed up till one messing around and talking, but Louis wasn't too surprised at his waking so early. He was used to not getting a lot of rest at this point anyway, he had kinda always been.

He stared at the ceiling for a while, listening to the breathing of his friends surrounding him.

I wish I was still tired..nobodys going to up for hours.

Well at least you have some time to yourself to think about what you're going do with Harry...

He tried to roll back into bed, thinking about his situation with the boy. He felt like he was being more flirty, and had kinda come to terms that his crush wasn't going to just go away. It was all about reading Harry's actions, and so far they had been flirty too.

They had been right? Louis, you're intuitive enough. Don't second guess yourself.

He tried to put himself back to sleep, but only stayed in the weird half-asleep state he always ended up hating so much. It always gave him nightmares that were too vivid for a public space, and that was not how he wanted to spend his first morning. Eventually he sat himself up in bed and rubbed his eyes.

"What are you doing up?"

Louis gasped at the unexpected voice and laid his hand over his chest in shock. He heard Harry's giggle through his covered mouth as they tried to keep quiet.

Louis gestured for him and Harry to leave the room as not to wake the other boys, and they tip toed out quietly hearing the small creeks below their bare feet of the wooden floors. Each time something creeked loudly Louis winced, hoping he wouldn't disturb the rest of his friends and Harry laughed silently at his overcaution.

They finally got to the back door that was connected to the kitchen and they opened it to a patch of green field, accompanied by a trampoline, hammock and small pool. It was a larger backyard than Louis expected, and he couldn't help but let his mouth drop as he stepped his toes into the soft green grass.

"Your bed head is cute." Harry said, and immediately Louis felt himself blush right down to his toes. He felt Harry bring his fingers up to his hair and fix the spiky parts, lingering there.

"Your hair is soft." Harry said as he continued to run his hands through it, letting his whole palm gather his hair.

The butterflies in my stomach are going to eat right through it if you don't quit that.

"Yeah..but I bet yours is too. I'm nothing special."

"Wanna find out?" Harry replied, taking his hand out of Louis' hair and leaning over as if to tell Louis to scratch his head.

"Later, later." Louis replied. "What are you doing up so early?"

He pulled away from Harry so they sat down at the edge of the doorsteps. He probably would've sat in the grass, but he saw the dew collected on it from the light rain that always seemed to plague their little corner of the world and thought it safer to sit on the step.

"Just an earlier riser I guess. Been up for a while." Harry said.

He's definitely lying. His voice is still raspy, almost like he had just woken up as well...

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