X Factor Night

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Louis was practically singing a song like a princess in his head as he watched Harry trot away towards his group.

Did he even recognize me from the shows? Louis thought to himself. He could've picked Harry out in any crowd after Battle of the Bands, but he looked pretty shocked to see him in the toilets.

He probably doesn't remember you silly. He probably looks at everyone like that, don't think too much into it.

He straightened himself out, and went off to sit and wait for the cars to begin their journey back to the living area. He had talked to some people last night, but he assumed them all to be auditioning, because he was mostly surrounded by girls who seemed a bit older than him.

He put his back against the wall and slid against it to sit, pulling out his phone and listening to music as he closed his eyes. He hadn't gotten the best sleep yesterday, partially because of the nerves but also because him and the other boys stayed up talking longer than he had realized.

Almost immediately after he had seen Harry sitting across from him yesterday night, Harry had gotten up and went off with two other boys into his room. Louis followed him with his eyes, but Harry didn't seem to pay any particular attention to him or anyone else. His eyes had been locked on his friends all night, and from the sound of it they also had a great time laughing about whatever they did.

Which was another reason why Louis was surprised at his offer to hang out tonight, he thought Harry would have all the friends he wanted by now...

Louis sat against the wall with one headphone in just in case he fell asleep and there was an important announcement. He would just die of embarrassment if someone had to wake him up, or worse if he missed the cars back. He decided to pull out his journal in attempt to stay alert, but as he did he turned his head up and found himself watching as Harry threw his head back in laughter on stage.

He was sweet. And he was completely correct when he had said he was charming. The way he was so frantic and shy made Louis feel comfortable around him, almost like they were more alike than either of them thought yet. Louis almost had felt confident talking him, even though that wasn't an emotion he typically felt himself.

He'd never really considered himself to be shy, but seeing some of these people and how easy it seemed for them to make friends and talk to others made him realize that maybe he was. He just found himself nervous to say the wrong thing and get ridiculed. He dealt enough with that from his schooling, and either way something really ached in him when he was ridiculed. He couldn't shake it off like most people, it tended to linger like a bad taste in his mouth. He caught himself sometimes refraining from saying too much because of it.

But, with Harry it had been different for some reason.

He furrowed his brows as he began writing in his journal.


Hey Lou. It's you again. We gotta go over something..

The boy from the battle of bands, you've finally learned his name. It's Harry. Also, he peed on your shoe which was kinda terrible but also kinda hilarious. He is really charming, almost more than we'd previously imagined him to be.

Also something kinda strange happened too.. I mean other than the fact that he's literally here at the Xfactor the same time as you like seriously who is playing the board game of my life?


As you were talking to him, he looked at you and I SWEAR the world went dead for 0.2 seconds. I cant put a finger on what happened, or maybe I just lost my fucking hearing for a moment but man it was WEEIRRRD. I'm trying not to think about it too much.

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