Princess Park

578 13 17

Harry's POV

"Hurry on now let's get going." Harry heard Anne say through his doorway. He checked his hair in the mirror once more, feeling a newly discovered connection to the now empty vanity that stared back at him. His whole room seemed to be shell of himself as he looked over at its emptiness. Closets emptied out and shoved into suitcases. Bed spread thrown out from under him. The floor seeming eerily clean without his socks and t shirts covering it time to time.

He had been arrived back from his ski trip to his cozy home to spend some well needed time with his family before moving in with Louis, and it was only today that he felt a sadness to leaving it behind. The emptiness of his living space seemed to yell back at him in annoyance of his absence. His bed seemed to frown in its dips and crevices of him laying on it all day surfing the internet or doing homework. It all seemed so melancholy that not even the light yellow of the walls covered in Paul McCartney and Rolling Stones posters could make it seem more alive.

"Harry! Let's go! C'mon we don't have all day!" His Mum yelled crossly as she peaked into his room. Only then did he realize how dramatic he must've looked staring at the walls in the middle of his overflowing suitcases. His moms heels clipped towards him after a sigh and she embraced him, giving him a kiss on the top of the head as he felt a small tear glisten his cheek. He was excited of course, but thinking that this may be his last time in his childhood home with his Mum hugging him made for a sad dismissal.

"Gotta pull myself together!" Harry said with a laugh wiping his eyes, his Mum always shocked at his ability to be so mature through each passing change. Harry grabbed his suitcases in each hand, handing a duffel bag to his Mum and planted his feet for one more look around.

Through the sadness of leaving, Harry couldnt deny that he felt joy. It had been a surprising couple of weeks in his home, and they passed through with their smell of fresh laundry and fire wood dabbed with Gemmas perfume. Although it was comfortable, Harry realized that no matter how comfortable he was....home had suddenly become where ever Louis was. So, even as he stood wishing he could have both, he knew that not even in his own childhood bedroom could compare any longer.

His green eyes met him in the mirror as he smiled about his new beginnings and closed the door with a bit of creak. They would be making their ride to the station and then to London to set up their flat with their families just as they had planned over the small break from work. There wouldnt be much to do as it was a fully furnished and quite luxurious flat to begin with, but both their mums were insistent on putting in touches that made them feel at home. Harry rolled his eyes at the thought considering it was not their parents home, but in fact, Louis and his new home (still gave him butterflies to say that), but he let it go when he saw how terribly excited his mom was to simply put in shower curtains that had Homestead Chapel on the map of the area.

He had empathy for his mother after leaving so suddenly, barely giving her time to even think about what might be best for him. He was having to school on the road, would never have a regular job, wouldn't have a regular life in general and miss out on most things teenagers get to do. There was no prom she would embarrass him at by taking too many pictures, or no move in day for university where he would try and study math and quit halfway through to do music.

This was it.

So letting his mum help him decorate was the least he could do.

He still couldnt believe that he had been allowed to move in with Louis in the first place, and as much as he wanted to tell her that Louis and him were together in someway, he didn't want to risk anything falling through with the flat. It made for a solemn goodbye as he knew he wasnt being truthful with the one person who would never stop him from doing what he loved, but the fear was a bit much for right now. For the both of them. They didn't want to lose what they had at the risk of either of their parents changing their minds because they were in a potential relationship. Even Harry, hit by cupid's arrow himself, could see letting your sixteen year old child move in with his boyfriend (or whatever they were) was a stretch.

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