Boot Camp One

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*Louis POV*

"Okay, okay mom I got it love." Louis said giggling as he pulled away from his moms pepper kisses. He saw her eyes gloss over with a fond smile, and somehow it felt like she was the only one there in the station full of people.

"I'm just so proud of you!" She said, blubbering once again and pulling him in for a tight hug. Louis hugged her and rubbed her back gently as she let out a sniffle.

"I will be back before you will even notice i'm gone Mum. Those girls will keep you busy!" He said in her ear as he tapped her back lovingly. She laughed into his shoulder at the comment and pulled away, swallowing hard as if you compose herself.

"Good luck. Be smart like you always are." She said, intially pointing a finger at him but then reaching out to grab his hand and squeeze it.

"Always been too quick on your feet for my own good. I can never seem to outsmart you, boy."

"Not true. I'm no improviser, just tend to remember the right things to say is all." He said and squeezed his moms hand back scrunching his nose at her.

"Alright. Got everything? Gosh, I wouldn't even know what to ask you to have...But i'm sure you do. You always do." she said, rummaging in her purse while Louis did a checklist of all his belongings.

One suitcase, his favorite tea, clothes for the next couple of months, glasses, contacts, journal, chargers, phone, wallet, ticket.

All accounted for in his mind while he watched his mom continue to scratch into her huge bag. He always told her that the bigger the bag you got the more likely it was that you would leave it a mess, and even though she agreed there she was with a bag as big as Louis' head.

"Got it!" She said happily, and handed Louis a small handful of money. He furrowed his eyebrows and stuck his hand out to refuse it.

"You know you don't have to do that. They provide what we need there-"

"Oh just take it! Do something fun while you're there. Make some friends. I don't want you getting lonely."

"And you think money will help me not be lonely? It'll just get me drunk!" He said, and his mom raised her eyebrows in shock.

"I kid! I kid

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"I kid! I kid." Louis said laughing, and his mom shoved his shoulder playfully before linking her hands together and looking down at the floor.

"I'm going to miss you Boo-Bear. You always keep my head on the right way." She said softly, and Louis pulled her into a hug and wrapped his arm tightly around her. He pulled away after a second and saw her smiling face.

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