One Direction

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*Harry's Pov*

"Hurry up, let's get up now!" Harry heard coming from his closed door. He checked the clock to see it was already had it become that so quickly?

Him and Louis had stayed up talking last night, just like they had the previous one too. Harry really liked to be with him, and so they had been doing exactly that the whole time.

~ "You know, you're really observant. I've been noticing how you like to adjust just a little every time we're around someone new." Louis told him as they were laying down on the floor of Harry's room. They were sharing a soda that laid in between them, and the tip of Harry's shoe was touching Louis'.

"Yeah..I guess I've always been that way. Good at reading people I guess. It makes everything a lot easier to just adapt to what they kinda wanna hear."

"What if they wanna hear the real you?" Louis asked.

"Well, I guess they'll have to wait cause I don't think I even know what that is yet."

"I don't think anyone does.."

"I think you do."

"Oh god!" Louis exclaimed, sitting up and facing Harry. "You have no idea."

"You're right, but I wanna find out." Harry replied, and he saw Louis blush and then lay back down next to him placing his shoe to touch Harry's again.



"What can you read about me?" Louis asked.

And for a second, Harry hadn't really known how to answer. There was a lot he assumed, but every time he thought he got something Louis would only prove him incorrect.

"You're really very bright." Harry ended up saying confidently. "Like...I cant get anything past you. You noticed my adjustments to other people? It usually takes me having to tell someone I do that for them to notice. You're so smart."

"Smart? Not so much. But, I'm pretty observant too, I will agree. Maybe you've met your match!" Louis said laughing.

"Yeah..maybe." Harry answered looking up at the ceiling and feeling his shoe lightly trace Louis'. ~

Harry had become almost completely enamored with Louis just in the past forty-eight hours. As he did anything he thought about him, searched for him, and clung to him like flies to honey. They clicked so wonderfully, and Harry wondered if maybe the universe had been keeping his best friend from him this whole time. He had never clicked with anyone like this before.

In true fashion of the past two days, after he got ready Harry strolled down the hallway and knocked on Louis' door. He heard shuffling on the other side before he opened it looking a bit disheveled.

"Morning!" Harry said, walking in but only for Louis to put his hands up his chest to stop him.

"It's too messy in there. Let's just sit out here." Louis said, and Harry laughed.

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