X.F. Week One (Rehearsal)

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Harry's POV.

"Finally I get to give a proper Good Morning." Liam told him with a laugh as Harry began his daily search for any leftover available vegetables in the breakfast serving they had at the house.

Their last couple of days had truly been as dreamy as Harry could've imagined. They began running in actually rehearsing studios, they got assigned music, and they even worked on solo voice details and Harry was already imagining himself standing on the stage alone one day. They had gotten the earliest time slot for rehearsing at the stage, so it meant five am rehearsals, but it also meant they were out by ten which was extremely nice. It was everything he wanted, and he was having a pretty fun time doing it too.

He admitted that a lot of that feeling had to do with his spending copious amounts of time with Louis, which he would never complain about. It was so often that even sleeping felt weird, because he couldn't be with him completely. He had found his way into every thought he had, and even made his way into his dreams...but so casually it felt like maybe he had always been there. Or maybe it was just that he was always MEANT to be there.

They had been keeping their distance (annoyingly enough to Harry), only having their moments in the spaces between busy work and when the sun went down and everyone thought they had slept. They would stay up through the night and talk, sit together, or even just listen to their favorite music together...talking their ears off and losing their voices from the whispering. It was all so perfectly soothing and yet completely exciting as well. They hadn't really talked about what was going on between them and so telling people seemed like a far off motive, but either way he kinda liked watching it all develop so slowly but so purposefully. He noticed himself thinking of Louis even in times he would've not particularly expected to, and he saw it in Louis' body language too. Consciously choosing each other all the time. Consciously remembering each other all the time. There was beauty in the unconscious worry you feel for someone, but being purposely chose everyday was worth so much more than he had anticipated feeling.

Louis woke up early to sit next to Harry as he journaled. Harry saved him seats at their table, and would leave his sweater behind so Louis could wear it. Harry would stay up late to draw circles on Louis' back after everyone had fallen tired, so he wouldn't have nightmares. Louis would leave notes to remind Harry to call his mom and sister, or even to just remind him that he liked him immensely. Being purposely chosen felt extraordinary.

So as Harry greeted Liam, he also felt his eyes wonder around the room, waiting for Louis to pop out any second

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So as Harry greeted Liam, he also felt his eyes wonder around the room, waiting for Louis to pop out any second. They had just finished their morning rehearsal, and Harry had caught Louis looking at him and smiling multiple times and was feeling the need to tease him for it.

To his dismay, Louis wasn't anywhere to be found for his teasing. Or just for his enjoyment of simply starting at him.

What a cruel world it is.

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