Get Me Home To You.

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"So then what the fuck were you two doing if not snogging? You know the coaches are gonna fucking hate this." The girl said. The room had immediately fallen cold, like a ghost had come in and gone with Harrys outburst and then storm outside. Louis inched himself toward the door as if trying to convince himself to go and tangle them up and say fuck it to the whole competition, but he had to take in account everyone's dismantle if that happened. The girl in front of him was stern with her bottom lip between her teeth and hot air coming from her nose. Still, Louis noticed the calming sympathy in her voice as she spoke her words. When he finally got the courage to look up at her, he noticed her brown eyes obvious with sugary sweet honey, only right now that honey felt more like the sticky feeling he couldn't get off his hands rather than sympathy.

Her friend had left once she saw the consequences of the situation, leaving her to deal with it alone and Louis saw the reason for her sympathetic honey eyes as Harry had left him in the same position. What would happen if she knew of what was going and didn't tell? It made her empty stomach bite together like a bear trap. She knew that the contestants couldn't be together in the way she had just seen Harry and him, and she also knew getting the band out of the way meant a better chance for hers. The thought made her nose scrunch in disgust, thinking of herself doing such a terrible thing in order to claw her way to the top..yet if she didn't tell the truth the possibility of them saying she knew they were violating rules to get HER out later on since she was the only witness made her stomach queasy.

"Please." She continued, still knitting her brows together like you could see the struggle in her brain forming an external tug-of-war splashed on her forehead. "Just give me a good reason and then I won't have to tell. Just lie to me right now and it'll be fine."

Lie to you? I've always been a shit liar. And honestly I'm only thinking about the fact that Harry stormed out of here looking at me like I took his heart and shook it around in a jar right in front of him. Why the fuck is he always so quick to react? I can't say or do anything without his attitude bubbling over like poorly watched tea. He's delusional if he thinks he can read every situation  and every person so perfectly that he just simply storm off with no need to explanation.

Just like everyone else. Storm off and leave me to clean up the broken glass of your metaphorical beer bottle just like Dad, which is in fact just a stupid tantrum I'm exhausted of.

"Hello?! Are you going to say anything?" she asked frantically, still switching her head to the side to eye Harry's silhouette outside the door. He recognized her body language getting more anxious by the minute with her tapping foot and shallow breath, but all Louis could think about was how he knew he should've just followed him. He knew that it didn't matter what mess surrounded them, what mattered was if they were gonna do it together or Harry was going to leave him to clean up the mess first. Louis was annoyed at him, because somewhere in him Harry knew that Louis wasn't the type to just run and leave it for everyone to fix, that wasn't his place in situations. He was meant to repair them, just like he always did.

"Sorry. Just give me a second to think please." He muttered, putting his face firmly in his hands. His palms smelled like Harry's shampoo and the memory of way his fingers had twisted and twirled in his chocolate locks moments ago peaked in after a shade of green. He could still feel his face flushed to a rose, whether that be from the fit of anger before Harry left or from the kiss itself he didn't know, but he knew he couldn't control it one bit. He found himself missing Harry already even in his annoyance with him, wondering whose hand to place on his back to comfort him in making this decision.

He's probably out there begging for me to follow him, but forgetting that this has to be taken care of. Always acting so quickly like there's not going to be any real consequences. He makes me forget that there are.

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