The Most Romantic Gesture

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Harrys POV

Louis didn't thank Harry in the way he had expected for the gesture, but he saw it in other ways that Louis was appreciative of Harry having done something special for him. Louis continued to cover him in the middle of the night as he slept, and sometimes if he was lucky Louis would leave him little notes in places only Harry would know to look.

"Have a good day :) I think of you, don't worry about that." was the one he found in his shoe Saturday.

You make quite a funny conversationalist in your sleep. Do you know you tell me when your cold now?"
was the one he found under his pillow on Sunday.

He loved every single one.

They were closer than ever while also being as far apart as they had ever been, and Harry wondered how the contradiction was possible. They shared their stares at each other, the little saved piece of cake or an extra serving of chips for one another, the humming of the same tune in the morning to signify they both fell asleep to the playlist they shared. Smaller incidents kept them more connected than ever without Harry feeling like he was pushing Louis too far once again. Even though they weren't wrapped around each other to the public eye, they both knew at some level that once this was over they could finally decide what to do.

And all Harry knew was that he was head over heels, so he was going to do anything he could to finally grasp onto Louis and not let go.

That always seemed to be the problem. Me trying too hard not to let him go.

Harry still didn't know why Louis had left the house that day, and he was still under the complete impression that it was his doing. Despite their conversations, he found that Louis had really never been clear over the need for him to leave with no warning that night. Harry didn't remember the rules that they may have broken as it was not particularly on his mind, so with that also came his density of understanding Louis was trying to protect him from lash he would get from Simon. He sure didn't know how much was at stake if him and Louis' relationship was revealed, and ultimately had kinda let those consequences slip his mind. He wasn't much of a worrier in general, so it was surprising he only seemed to see what was right in front of him.

So as the beginning of a new week in the X Factor house started, Harry was trying to ignore the energy change as much as he could but found it impossible due to his constant assess of all his surroundings. He noticed the nervous clinking of utensils and the heavy sighs that filled the dining hall of all his fellow friends. It was their last week of auditions, and there was a sort of relief that was laced in stormy melancholy with each breath. This was the final show, and it's exciting but he felt nervous nonetheless.

He scooped up his vanilla yogurt and put it in a white ceramic bowl, hearing it clink due to the quiet around him. It was a bit more difficult for the casual chatter that they usually had to continue, so he took his seat at his boys table and began trying to swallow his breakfast through the silence. He decided not to push anyone to uncomfortable conversation.

Louis sat in front of him, toying around with his fruity cereal and swirling the marshmallows in it, making the milk a soft pink that resembled the way Harrys insides felt when their met eyes every once and a while. He could see the wheels in Louis' mind turning over and over, and he wished he could plant soft kisses on his temple to relax his overactive mind.

It's hard not to get tired of the back and forth. I just wish he could tell me what he was thinking every once and while.

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