Week 5 (X Factor)

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*Harrys POV*

Harry paced along the shiny white tile floor of the kitchen as he heard his shoes squeak against it reminding him of his anxious stance. The boys sat beside him and also continued to wait apprehensively for Louis as they were promised by Simon at the end of rehearsal. He hadn't answered Harrys calls all day or night, and he had already moved from extreme anger, to worry, to sadness, back to anger, and landing on desperation. The smell of breakfast coming from the kitchen made his stomach churn, and he couldn't imagine swallowing much of anything right now. All he wanted was to wrap his arms around Louis and just give in. Saying they could figure out the rest later and none of this extra crap had to matter. He wanted to say he was sorry, and that he shouldn't have reacted against Louis' statement when he just wants to protect him. He wanted to see him, to talk to him, to be next to him like he was meant to be.

That's how it's meant to be.

Simon had not got around to telling Harry why Louis had left. He had thought about it during rehearsal when he saw Harry fumbling over simple vocal lines and getting more frustrated as time went on, but decided it might've made matters worse. Everyone had only told him over and over that Louis had needed a break from everything and had gone to see him Mum prematurely.

Unfortunately to Harrys ear he only heard that as: "Louis is so upset with you that he had left the premise without even telling anyone anything at all."

The thought made him ill. Hence the inability to even smell food.

In addition to his queasy stomach, he also hadn't been able to close his eyes even remotely over night. He laid on his back feeling the sheets suffocating him, and hoping that maybe he would get to hear the sweet sound of his phone buzzing and Louis answering on the other end. He missed him terribly. He missed his voice terribly. It felt wrong for him to be away.

The clock seemed overly loud as it ticked on above his head on the white kitchen wall. They had the rest of the day off today since they had already rehearsed this morning. They were going to have a lot of cleaning up to do, but with Louis' return it meant for a clearer rehearsal anyway tomorrow with Harry not being as terribly distracted. Because of the clear day Harry knew he was in for a very long chat with Louis since they didn't have much else to do. That is, if Louis decided to talk to him.

He was half dreading the entire conversation, but half just relieved because it meant that Louis would be there for him to talk to at the very least. After some thought and the immense amount of guilt he felt for Louis' disappearence, he had come to terms that maybe once again he had overreacted about the whole thing.

I've gotta stop doing that. He's gonna get sick of it. Not everything is so easily solvable in one moment. I put too much pressure on everything.

I'm not always right.

Usually...but not always.

He waited, pacing back and forth and with Niall telling him to relax over and over with a bored voice at his need of repetition. He was the only one that had even some clue about what was happening since he had caught them together that night, and so he felt bad seeing Harry with bags under his eyes and such a helpless nature. Niall wondered silently if maybe it was something more than just messing around like he thought, but decided not to push it too hard. Harry had already been messed up during rehearsals anyway, he didn't want to worsen it.

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