With you, anything works out

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*Harrys POV*

"Get off it!" Liam said shoving Niall to the side as he tried to pour ice down his shirt once again at breakfast. They all sat eating their cereal and messing around as they prepared for their last show of the X Factor tour. Harry was eating some strawberries and yogurt, with a side of toast and jam that kinda tasted like pure sugar cane. Louis sat next to him, ankle hooked under his, eating cereal as he always did and talking with his mouth full.

Just another thing Harry would usually find terrifying, but lately has found endearing.

I always hated when my sister did that. Why does he make it look so endearing?

"I said off it!" Liam said laughing and falling over Zayn in the process of trying to hit Niall in the chest. They busted out into laughter as Niall turned and shook his ass in Liams direction like a toddler, both of them disappearing into the halls of the hotel giggling away.

"How you all have so much energy in the morning is beyond me." Zayn said rolling his eyes and taking a swig of his tea. Louis teased him for it, saying it was much too light, but Zayn only ignored it saying "leaf water" was leaf water no matter how much effort you put in it. Harry laughed at the comment, toying with Louis' foot under his and smiling like a school boy each time it crawled up his ankle.

"Would you quit that?" Harry said, leaning into Louis and whispering right next to his ear through a smile after Louis had rubbed his foot against his calve. Louis turned to him with a bit of slant in his eye and a big smile that looked oddly like the ones Harry was used to seeing just before he was teased by him, but Louis only stopped the climbing and puckered his lips in a flirty manner.

"Whatever you want, it's yours." He said as he winked at Harry and turned away. Harry felt his stomach flip inside out as he suddenly felt a burn in his lower belly for Louis' ankle back on his. He reached out for his hand and Louis politely shuffled away, tapping the top of Harrys hand in a patting motion that left him confused. He leaned his chair over to put his arm around Louis, to which he shimmed out of and looked at Harry to smile sweetly. Harry furrowed his brows and scrunched his nose as he tried to understand the reason behind it all, to which Louis couldn't stop smiling about like he was the sun itself reincarnated.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked, pouting more than he would've liked to admit. Louis only shrugged his shoulders and continued his occasional giggling under his breath. Every touch Harry tried to give he dogged politely, blowing Harry kisses and practically giving him whiplash in the process.


They had a show tonight that they needed to prepare for by resting up for the day and not blowing their voices out with one another, so they each went up to their rooms with a quick goodbye. Harry continued to try and touch Louis all through the elevator, only for him to dodge it each time. Harry grabbed at his shoulders as the doors closed and Louis only played a game of chase until Harry had his arms on either side of Louis' head, pressing him against the wall.

"What's the tease for huh?" He said smirking and giving Louis a kiss on his cheek, ruffling his nose against his hair before pulling back. He noticed Louis' flushed cheeks after he departed from his small bubble, and gave himself a mental pat on the back for the effect he got.

"You told me to stop, I only did what you asked." Louis said, shrugging as he exited the elevator as if it was the easiest answer in the entire world. He gave a small hesitant step as he looked back, until Harry followed behind his heals and chased him playfully into the room. The hotel hallways began feeling more and more like home ever did as their live tour came to an end, and Harry was not ready to give up sleeping next to Louis now or ever. He dreaded the end of the endless bubble they shared, knowing they would still be recording their album under Simon's Management, but he wasn't sure of all the ins or outs of it. He wasn't sure how traveling felt so much like home, but he started getting the idea that maybe it was the person and not the place.

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