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Trigger Warning: Aggression.


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"Shut up Louis! Just shut the fuck up for ten second Jesus Christ."

His dad stomped down the hallway angrily. It was distant. Fog was following him, and the water was getting higher on his ankles.

"I can help!" He saw himself say. So small. He was in a small pair of black jeans and a blue sweater, following his dad with loud steps since he didn't have the best coordination yet.

"You can't! Now just do what I'm telling you and get fucking lost." He saw his dad swing back a soda bottle. He threw it on the ground in front of Louis, and it shattered.

He thought soda bottles were plastic weren't they?

"Dad please! Let me do something. I'm sorry I always mess things up but i'll be better this time!" Louis yelled, trying to avoid stepping in the glass. His feet only had socks with small snowmen on them as he tiptoed around it.

"Louis?" He heard coming from somewhere. He could pick it out, but ignored it as he caught up with his dad and pulled on his jacket.

The hem of the jacket barely fit in his little palm, and as he pulled it felt rough against his fingertips. His dad turned to him with bloodshot red eyes that looked too exhausted to see. He pulled himself out of Louis' grasp and pushed him away against his chest with his forearm.

Louis tried to hold onto his dads jacket to avoid falling into the glass, and as he looked around he saw water rising everywhere except for where he was about to land.

"Louis?!" He heard the yelling from a distance. He closed his eyes tightly and braced for the hard impact against the broken glass, putting his hand out to brace himself.

"Lou!" Harry whispered, shaking him awake. He woke up and inhaled quickly feeling the sweat on his forehead, then grabbing his hand to stop the bleeding he remembered feeling. Harry sat with his hand on his lower back, supporting him as he sat up.

He pulled himself away from Harry in true normal fashion after he woke up from his nightmares. He didn't want to be near anyone for the first couple of minutes. Worried about what he may have said, and worried about what he may have done in his sleep.

"It's okay Lou. I'm here if you want me." Harry said as he lowered himself onto the floor and sat cross legged in front of Louis' bed. He caught his breath as he continued to grasp onto his hand and wrist, fearing letting it go and the bleeding to start.

It's not real. It felt so real. I was so little. Is that what really happened?

And he started counting down from twenty until his breathing readjusted. He still gripped onto where he thought it hurt so hard his fingers were starting to grow cold.

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