The Sun Has Got His Hat On

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Louis POV

It had been a few weeks of back and forth travels between the two of them, accompanied by long phone calls that ate up each other's battery into the evening. Louis realized quickly just how annoying distance was with the person you wanted to be with the most, but luckily as February was coming to a close they were together and didn't see distance for a while. Simon had worked with them on signing to his label, which all the boys were over the moon about and could barely comprehend. They had been participating in the X Factor tour, staying in the rehearsal hotels they assigned in Surrey and Louis and Harry sneaking to sleep next to each other each night. They were both running on cold coffee and granola bars, but loving each moment of it too.

They had also begun their recording for their first album as a band in the process, which kinda seemed unreal to Louis. He couldn't believe his position as he and Zayn had driven up to Brighten to record a single earlier in the month, or that he was in L.A. right now recording another. The studios always smelled like old leather and cologne, which was masked with the smell of Mcdonald's and coffee by the time they had all stepped out. It was a dream come true in many ways, and he could practically see memories in his mind playing out as they happened and he tried desperately to grasp onto them.

Him and Harry had also been doing well in time. They had spent that week together in the beginning on January, Harry showing Louis his town briefly and introducing him to his family. Louis was much less of a charmer in his mind than he believed Harry was, but he managed to get along with them nonetheless, Gemma especially. She seemed to enjoy his presence and the way he was so quick witted with her brother. He promised once they were done with the X Factor tour he would return if he was allowed, and Anne explained that he had a permanent home here whenever he wanted it.

They spent their moments wrapped up in each other's blankets with the lights dimmed, telling stories that were both familiar and unfamiliar at this point. The boys were onto their situation, but they hadn't even had the conversation involving their relationship let alone telling their band mates. Louis had convinced his mom he was dating a girl names Hannah back home to keep both their parents off their backs, and the relished in their secret. They were together mostly every night, and Harry had even gotten into the habit of picking a song for Louis to listen to every time before bed. It was usually a casual affair, but Louis held onto some of those moments more than others.

~ "Oh! Your song for the day!" Harry had said. "I have a really good one. Stay right there!" Harry got up and began shuffling through his backpack for his phone noisily. Louis stayed laid with his back still pressed against the floor of the balcony, hand outstretched waiting for Harrys fingers to come back and intertwine themselves again. They were trying to make shapes out of the stars that laid above them in Surrey, Louis having to convince Harry it would be too cheesy and that they would have fun.

"Harry hurry up, my fingers are freezing over here!" Louis said lightly raising in his voice to carry over to his Harry. He heard him chuckle before his big clumsy steps came next to him and he positioned himself to lay his head on Louis' chest instead. Harry sighed into the hug and Louis could feel his relief dropping in his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around him.

"This is for you. It's perfect!"

Harry clicked on the phone screen and Home by Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros began playing, the music fluttering into the air above them and incircling them like aerial silks. Perfect privacy.

"Man oh man your my best friend I scream it to the nothingness... there ain't nothing that I need...." Harry sang into the sky, his nose gracefully pointing up and skin being illuminated by the moon above them. His curls gathered on Louis' chest gracefully, and he could smell his hair from here.

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