Chapter 9 - Murder in the Madness

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Hi Y'all,

I have been gone for an age I know. I am sorry. But here is a long part for y'all. Have fun!!! I'll put up a new part soon I promise!


With his prized prisoner gone, Lucifer had to do something to find the boy he had become mildly obsessed with. Sam Winchester had become something that Lucifer needed in his life, someone he would love to break, the hard spirit of that Winchester gave him all kinds of ideas. And so he joined the hunt.

It was only sunrise the next morning when he felt to need to obliterate an angel and found he couldn't that he began to feel something was wrong. He called Azazel to him and after a thorough examination spell discovered that his power had been removed and as such his title as crown prince. Lucifer was fuming, he had to remain calm for the people he was leading, they could have no reason to believe that his power was fading.

"Is there a way to reverse this?" Lucifer pondered half to himself and half to his priest friend.

"Not reverse, but there is a ritual found in some of the old scriptures that could be used to increase power." Lucifer grinned maniacally. He would become invincible.

A few days later, the pair could be found flying above the mountain pass by one of Haeveen's most northern cities when Azazel spotted John Winchester. The man was riding back in the direction of Earos but not taking the main roads, he must be well informed of their patrols. Lucifer had been travelling up the mountain range taking advantage of anyone who dared cross his path. They had increased his power but barely. John Winchester, Azazel helpfully pointed out, had a very bright soul and thus would have great impact on his power. Lucifer decided to take the chance. By the time anyone found out he would be too powerful to stop.

They brought John Winchester to a nearby church having ditched his horse by the road. The church was built into the mountains and in its day would have been magnificent. Now it looked like a very large cave with a flat stone in the center. Nevertheless, it was tied to the oldest practitioners of their religion and as such held great potential for potent and powerful spells. After tying John up and laying him on the would have been alter. They got to work.

Azazel prepared the ritual as Lucifer pondered their previous exploits. The few that they had done already had been screaming long after Lucifer was feeing the affects of their power. He suspected his old friend was siphoning off some of the power for himself. Lucifer was determined to find out and as such he watched Azazel with great interest. He watched as Azazel hastily pulled out a few of his hairs to add to lucifers and the ritual ingredients. There was his proof.

Lucifer watched the ritual this time instead of feeling the power of John Winchester's soul coursing through his veins. He watched as the beams of light from the mans body was redirected to Azazel in the middle of the ritual as john continued screaming in agony. For Lucifer this was the last straw, Azazel had finally done it.

When John stopped screaming Lucifer rounded on his friend.

"So thought you'd take some for yourself did you? Thought you'd be powerful too? Thought you could double cross me? Me? I invented the double cross." Lucifer advanced on his now quivering company. He took out his knife and slashed right across Azazel stomach. Lucifer continued with his onslaught until his body was barely recognisable.

In his rage Lucifer didn't notice his older brother holding back Dean Winchester having escaped from the capital's prison.


His plan was fairly simple, break out Dean, climb to the top of the prison tower, fly to his parents in the northern cities to tell them about lucifer himself and also admit that he had been forced into rejoining the family. That was if his strange, unexpected power up meant anything. But there was Dean, who made everything harder by ignoring him and just existing in general. There was also Lucifer, who in Castiel's mind must have been pissed as hell to abduct the monarch of a neighbouring kingdom and then kill the guy. Which leads us back to the present day.

Dean and Cas had completed the first step on their journey no problem, in fact escaping room the castle was almost too easy. Which worried Castiel but in reality he was just relived to leave the dungeons and fly again, his wings were in desperate need of attention. It was one of the things that Dean offered to help with on their second night sleeping in the forest. Castiel had refused.

After three days of flying, walking and rest they reached the mountain pass to Earos, not too far from where the king and consort of Haeveen were visiting. Cas was relieved that they were almost there and he could avoid Dean for a few days whilst talking to his parents. However, fate decided that this was a crappy plan. what brought him out of his planning was Dean yelling at him to land. Dean was kind of adverse to flying, which Cas understood, it was one of the reasons that this had taken them so long. Cas obliged, but rather than find the nearest tree to lean against Dean ran over to a black mass by the roadside.

"Oh baby what did they do to you?" He heard the young prince mutter. And only then did he notice the horse was John Winchester's prised steed Chevy. He had hardly time to register they information before Dean went into full tracker mode. One of the things that Castiel had loved about Earos was that the designation of the person never seemed to matter, sure you had your traditionalists but John Winchester raised both his sons like they were warriors despite them both being omegas. It was one of the few things that Castiel admired about the man. As such Dean was an excellent hunter and Castiel prayed that John Winchester was alive if only for the sake of his kidnappers.

Dean hunting trail had led them to this cave and the Death of John Winchester. Castiel held Dean back so that they would not be discovered by Lucifer. If Dean had ever loved his brother all it was replaced with now was loathing. Once Lucifer was firmly out of sight and earshot Castiel let Dean go. Only for Dean to fall against his chest and let out a small, defeated sob. After a few minutes, Castiel pulled Dean away from his chest to look him in the eyes.

"Dean we have to go and meet with my parents." Dean only nodded. Cas would kill Lucifer, if only for making Dean a shadow of himself. And so without any further discussion Dean and Cas took flight heading for the city just below the mountains.

Hope you liked it. Have fun! Love Cas in this chapter and I promise more Sabriel next time and some better destiel moments (or maybe not).


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