Chapter 24 - Charlie ships it

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Hello Beautiful and wonderful people, 

I am so sorry for the wait. My inability to update has been partly school and partly that I didn't know how to end this story and do it justice. (Also I might be a little attached to it) anyway, hopefully you like this part, have some cute destiel fluff, and I'll get you some Sabriel angst by the end of the week. (These are the last few parts of my story, I aim to be done by part 27.)


He had spent most of the day with Castiel. They had talked about everything, he had learnt about Cas' siblings, his father and Dean had told him all abut his mom and all about everything he wanted to do in the kingdom. But now he was back on his own and getting ready for the tour the next day. He was planning on bringing Cas and now he was getting interrogated, because Charlie had to know everything.

"What's he like?"

"Charles you know him, you know what he's like."

"Yeah but like what is he like?"

"Charlie!" He squawked

"What I just thought I'd ask." There was a pause as she focused on his trunks and he continued writing.

" gonna have the sex?" Dean choked and spluttered. "Bet he has a huge dick." Dean fell off his chair as Charlie doubled over with laughter. Cas of course chose that moment to enter the room. He watched Cas walk over to him, sit down and cock his head, which Dean thought was adorable.


"why are we sitting on the floor?" Castiel asked quietly. He watched as Dean went bright red and hid his head in Castiel's shoulder.

"No reason," Dean murmured eventually. "Did you talk to your father?"

"I did, he's not happy but papa will get him there." Castiel wanted to stay in Earos with Dean, which his father was not happy about. He had gone too talk to him about it that afternoon, if talking was the right word for what had occurred. It was mostly shouting and swearing but thankfully his Papa had taken his side with Gabriel. They had defended him, saying that what happened years ago was not his fault and he should not be blamed for Lucifers actions. Then Nathaniel placated James by explaining that now Auntie Lilith was looking after Lucifer the succession would not go to him. James Novak was a stubborn mule but eventually it came out that he just didn't want to lose his son again. Then the emotion of the room changed entirely, there were tears and reassurances that Castiel would only ever admit to Dean. Afterwards Nathaniel had stepped in and told Castiel to go on the tour. Castiel had decided that he would if Dean permitted him, which led him back to this very moment. He didn't really have the energy to do a dinner and a tour but it had to happen, Cas felt that with Dean by his side he could accomplish anything.

"Cas? Was there a reason you came to see me?" Dean asked, pulling Castiel out of the clouds.

"Yes actually, I came to ask if you wanted company on your very important, must happen tomorrow, country tour." He smiled at Dean's shocked face.

"You father agreed?"

"He can be persuaded. Papa is working on it."

"Remind me to send Nathaniel something very ostentatiously expensive for Christmas." Dean said curling into Castiel's side.

"So you would like me to come?"

"Among other things." Came a whisper from the corner.

"CHARLIE!" Dean yelled.

"I'm going." Sing-songed the redhead as she skipped from the room.

"Yes Cas I would like it if you came with me."


Together they packed for the upcoming tour. They were going around the biggest cities in the country but they would be passing through some of the smaller ones as well. Effectively, this was something that always happened but the monarchy was still unstable and Dean was eager to get to work. Dean also couldn't wait to show Cas off, particularly to the court ladies whom he'd spent far too much time with less than a few months ago. How things change. To think that once he was looking at hiding himself and his identity, get himself a nice little omega wife, settle down and have 2.5 kids. Now he's touring the country unafraid to hide his identity, with a gorgeous alpha Castiel by his side. His father was great at many things, leader being one of them, but he was by no means a great father. You cannot master everything Dean supposed.

Whilst they're packing Dean looks over at Castiel to see him staring down at one of his chests. The chest itself of overflowing with clothes strewn everywhere, but thats not what Dean noticed about the picture. Because Cas is there standing, staring down at it with that little squint he gets when he's concentrating, tilting his head to the side and its just the cutest thing.

"You good Cas?" Cas looks over at him and then back at the chest almost petulantly.

"It won't fit. Dean it doesn't want to be flat. How do I make it flat?" Cas is almost whining now and Dean just cant take it and he doubles over in fits of giggles (sorry manly laughs). "Dean this isn't funny. We leave soon and I can't do it." Cas must have looked over at his chest then because he gasps and then he's right in front of Dean. "Dean you must show me how you make your clothes flat." He declares. By this point Dean's just laughing so much that he can't do anything but nod.

It takes a few minutes, but Dean gets it together long enough to teach Cas how to fold his jackets and doublets and breeches correctly. By the time they're done its nearly time to leave and they have to get ready for dinner. They leave to go to their separate rooms and Cas sweeps Dean off his feet in a completely different way. Honestly, one of these days he's going to get whiplash because of the way Cas can seamlessly go from one personality to the other. First there's Cas, the cute over grown child whose father still calls him Little Bee and who can sit and stare for hours thinking of almost nothing. The man who misses most of the social cues and innuendos of everyday life. Second there's Castiel, the man who's perfect with his decorum to a T, who can walk into a room like he commands the planet, the one who can charm anyone, the one who kisses Dean's hand like he's the most precious thing on the planet and leaves with an "until dinner my Lord." And my god does Dean want to know everything about Cas, he wants to explore every aspect of his personality (and other things but baby steps) just to see how many times he can make Cas drop the mask of Castiel. And Dean comes to the conclusion that yes the next few weeks, these are going to be fun.

Here you are my lovelies, I am thinking of doing some spin off stories and a collection of scenes from this story that I haven't been able to put in anywhere so stay tuned for more fluffy destiel and some awesome Charvelle and some more sabriel sarcasm. 


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