Chapter 25 - The End of the Beginning

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Finally I have finished. Hello lovely people. This is the final chapter of Dance with me. There will me a few more stories that happen along the way (don't hold your breath because clearly I'm not very good at consistency) this is not the end for Sabriel, Charvelle or James and Nathaniel. I am planning prequel and sequels. Anyway, I hope you like the end. If you don't rage at me in the comments and I'll have another look. Maybe.



Sam doesn't really know what to do with himself. Dean's off on a tour, Bobby manages the household, Gabriel is off back home. He supposes there's always pirating again. It was fun, he had fun didn't he. It was the most fun he'd had without Gabriel anyway. Resolved he sets out to find Jo.


"But father why not?"

"You can't marry a man you just met Gabriel" James says resolutely.

"Not sure thats a valid argument dear."

"Nate, please you must see that this isn't a good idea."

"Oh no, it's not the most levelheaded idea you've every had Gabriel, but James if you're going to oppose it at least use a valid argument."

"Father I don't want to marry him! at least not yet. What I want to do is stay in a country where I know I'm not going to be ridiculed for something I can't control. There isn't the same bias here as there is in Haeveen. This isn't about Sam Winchester anymore, its about me!"

"Fine Gabriel, if this is what you truly want then I suppose there is nothing I can do to stop you. But know that if you every want to come back, our door is always open to you. You are our son, omega or not." Gabriel hugs his father tight.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Donna spoke to Bobby and Bobby wants a replacement for when he retires and so he's willing to take me on as an apprentice. Said it might annoy Charlie but he thinks I'd be better at it."

"We're proud of you Gabriel, we really are. Your father is just a little protective of his children." Nathaniel says smiling warmly at his mate.

"I'm going to go tell Sam. I'll see you before you leave." With that he walks out of the room to see if anyone has seen the younger Winchester. He decides Charlie is probably a good place to start.

Having searched most of the castle and still not found Charlie, Gabriel stumbles upon Donna, who tells him that Charlie left with the rest of the crew on Jo Harvelle's ship not too long ago. When he enquires about Sam however, she tenses up and doesn't say much. Which already gives him half an answer. Sam's not here, but where he is Gabriel still needs to find out. After a little more enquiry, with Bobby and a few gossiping kitchen maids he learns that Sam went down to the docks with a chest and some other personal belongings in tow.

Gabriel is heartbroken, well probably more than heartbroken, but there isn't a word strong enough for having your heart ripped to pieces in front of you. So maybe sam wasn't as in love with him as he thought. All the same what Gabriel said to his father earlier was the truth, he doesn't want to return to Haeveen anymore, not when he's seen what Earos has to offer. It's probably time to make something of himself in this country without Sam. He's more than Sam Winchesters lover and he will prove that. Gabriel decided to do the only thing he can do right now. He needs to function and learn to live without Sam Winchester. So he throws himself into his work.

Three weeks later...


Sam was miserable.

"Winchester if you don't quit the pouting and get on with it I will feed you to the sharks!"

"There aren't any sharks in these waters Jo." Sam says, groaning as he forces himself out of his bunk.

Sam is bored, thats probably not the right word. He can't find the energy to get up, eat or anything really. The days are monotonous and his nights are spent thinking of Gabriel and what he left behind. It's different he supposes, when you have something to lose. Sam has made a very bad decision and he doesn't know how to make it better. They're three weeks away from Earos and further away from Gabriel in Haeveen. So sam resolves himself to getting himself up and waiting for the time they port a little closer to home. Jo is well aware that he wants to leave. They're training up Charlie together so that someone can take over when he's gone. Benny put up a fight about that until Charlie saved his life in a skirmish in Purgatorio.


Finally on their way back from the press tour, Dean has had a lot of fun. Not with the tour itself, though that went very well. Mostly with Cas. Cas it turns out blushes very rarely, but when he does Dean thinks the most adorable thing. Dean has taken to calling Cas every possible nickname under the sun. Things like Tweetypie, Sugarplum, Angel and Pumpkin.

At the moment they're in the Carriage on the way back to the Capital. Cas is currently hiding his face in Deans shoulder as Dean showers him with compliments.

"You're really badass Cas, I love you so much, you're smart, caring, funny, cute-"

"Stop." Cas mumbles, his voice muffles by Deans shoulder. But Dean can tell he's smiling .

"What was that my night in shining armour?"

Cas hits elbows him as he sits up. Once the Carriage has stopped Cas helps Dean disembark, and Dean makes a big thing of it just to see Cas blush one more time.

Once unpacked in their room Cas turns to him.

"Dean I want to show you something."

"Okay," Dean answers easily gesturing him to lead the way. Cas lead him through the servants halls and staircases out to the garden. And then on through the forest, past his mothers glade and up a hill. When they stop Dean realises that he's standing on a cliff of sorts. It's not very tall but its green and spacious and the best thing about it is that it overlooks the little creek and the glade that his mother always loved. Dean turns around to look at Cas and finds him on his knees.


"Dean Winchester, King of Earos. I don't really know how to start this, or what to say. I love you. Um.. your kind, patient, charming, if a little infuriating and by far one of the best men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Your my best friend and I...I haven't treated you as such but you always give me a chance. And thats a damned good thing because otherwise I don't think we'd be here. I just wanted you to know all of that, I brought you here because I like this spot, it reminds me of you and I hoped it would allow your mother to be a part of our relationship. If there is an us of course. I'm sorry I have totally assumed that you'd want that. Um.. I guess I should ask right? So would you allow me to court you Dean?" Cas finished and looked up at him with hope in his eyes. Dean looked back at him with what he hoped was a look of endearment.

"Ya know Cas, your adorable when you ramble." Cas looked down at the floor, probably blushing but Dean can't tell from this angle. After a while Cas looks back up at him, worry again shown on his face.

"Is that a yes?" He trails off. Dean just can't help it. He kneels down, taking Cas face in his hands. He kisses him, its short, sweet and (he hates that he's admitting it) perfect.


Hope you enjoyed. See you in the next story!


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