Chapter 12 - Dance with Me?

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Hi y'all, 

I was going to do this later this week but I thought we needed this. Lockdown three in England and i think we could do with some destiel! It's not all fluffy but at least the tensions gone right? 


It had been a whole four hours since Dean had been left in his room with a very condescending Cas. He was not getting any sleep, he needed to walk all of this confusion off and well if he found Cas in the process that was just a coincidence, right?

Dean didn't end up finding Cas but he did end up finding his father. Nathaniel was the consort to King James of Haeveen and he and the king were a very happy couple, if the rumours and their public appearances were to be believed. Dean found Nathaniel on the top of the city hall near on the roof balcony.

"I'm guessing you can't sleep either." Dean said breaking the silence and letting the consort know he was there. Nathaniel merely acknowledged the statement. Then he turned suddenly to face Dean.

"Please ignore my rudeness, I haven't been sleeping much lately. Not since Jimmy and I were nearly killed a few weeks back." Dean was taken aback. Nathaniel said this like it was something he should just be able to move on from but to Dean this was huge news. He tried to stop his military brain from whirring as he answered the consort.

"It's fine really, I don't think I have been all that kind to you or your family lately." Dean murmured.

"Sounds to me like my family hasn't been that kind to you either. Dean, something is bothering Castiel, I may have left my son but that doesn't mean I don't know him. Would you mind telling me about what happened during your captivity." Dean was stunned.

"You blame yourself, for him running away?" Nathaniel nodded.

"Well you shouldn't," Dean continued. "Cas has told me time and time again that the life he wanted to lead strayed from his duties as crown prince, he always said that he wanted to live out of the limelight and in privacy. I don't think that him running away was even remotely your fault. But you're not wrong. Michael and Lucifer have been anything but kind if I am honest with myself. Lucifer may be the mastermind but Michael is just as devious. In answer to your question I'm not sure what happened with Castiel or what I did wrong but your son is downright pissed at me and he keeps shutting me down. I can't fucking all to him. It's like the last three years mean nothing." Dean slumped next to Nathaniel on the balcony front.

"Seems like we could both do with some time to mull things over," Dean hummed in agreement. "Tell me about what happened to you." Dean took a steadying breath before continuing.

"Well we were ambushed on the road a little off from the border, we were headed out to find some information on my brother. Cas let them take him in order for me to get away. I followed the group to the castle where we realised that my brother had made a daring escape. They brought Cas out and he looked like some freaky kind of purée. Lucifer said very few things to us and he dragged me away I didn't see what they did but he promised to hurt Cas because I was disobeying. Lucifer gave me an offer after a few days. I could buy things for Cas but the price was usually far too high for what was offered. I accepted. I went without food or water so that Cas cold have things like blankets and clothes," Dean sighed, did he really want to discuss this? "I only got to see Cas once before we escaped. Lucifer insisted that I put some suit thing on and come with him. I went to see Cas. Then he, Lucifer that is, kissed me. It sounds stupid but I just felt so wrong and dirty. That wasn't even the worst thing about the situation either. I think the worst thing is that Cas won't let me talk to him about it." Dean finally took a breath and looked up at Nathaniel who had yet to close his mouth.

"My son took advantage of you? In order to harm his brother? I know this is not necessarily customary for a parent but if I get to Lucifer before the guard does all hell is going to break loose." Dean didn't understand why Nathaniel would put himself above his own child but he was glad for a parental figure in his life. It made him feel like he was looked after. Nathaniel excused himself and asked Dean if he was going to try and sleep. Dean declined saying he was going to contemplate how to fix things between him and Cas for a little longer. He didn't catch Nathaniel's smile.

Dean was so deep in thought he didn't notice Cas approaching until he saw him lean on the railings.

"I'm leaving in the morning. You should too." Was all Cas said.

"Well hello to you too."

"Is there something I have done to annoy you your highness." Cas leered.

"I am assuming you have terminated your employment. Cas you know I prefer it when you call me Dean," Dean looked out at the city. "You'll visit me right? I mean I know shit is rocky between us but I can't loose you Cas, not like this and certainly not forever."

"I would like to remain your friend Dean but I think that this is very much never going to go away-"

"Oh you bastard, you are an absolute bastard Castiel Nightingale. I have tried over and over again to explain to you what happened and try to understand what yo went through but you keep cutting me off."

"Dean-" Cas started.

"Oh no mister I'm not finished. Did you really think that I had it easy in that prison. I spent fucking days without food so that you could have some. I sleep in a fucking freezer so that you could have a blanket. I let myself be molested by a guy that i absolutely hate just so that you wouldn't have to endure a beating and all you do now is shove it off like you went through the fucking apocalypse while I was hand fed grapes. Sure I don't know what they did to you before I got there. Hell, I don't know what happened to you during either but you don't know what happened to me. So don't go and make yourself look like the victim of my actions because I would throw myself off this building if there was something I could have done to help you and I chose myself!" Dean panted and looked up Castiel who was standing a little back from the railing now, his eyes wide.

"I love you Cas, I thought you knew that," Dean mumbled before lifting his head to look Castiel in the eye. "Dance with me? He asked hopefully.

Hope this was fun to read!


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