Chapter 5 - Forest Grump

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Hi lovely people, 

I'm late again but what's new. Hope you came for scheming Angeli kids and grumpy Sasquatches because that's what your getting. 


"Now Dean, here's how the last few months of your life are going to go."

"You sound very confident, for a douchebag."

"Let's not get off on the wrong foot here."

"Bite me blondie."

"I just might take you up on that." A hand gesture was made and Dean was dragged away. Through the doors he could here the fading noise of Cas' cries and whimpers.


Later that day Lucifer visited him in his cell. The man was smug in a way that Dean did not like at all, especially after what he had done to Cas.

"Dean, here is how your stay here is going to work. You act up, Cas pays the price. But if you refuse something Cas gets a little luxury."

"What kind of luxury? How do I know I can trust you? What did you do to Cas?"

"No Dean you have this all wrong, you did that to Cas. You put him through that and you made him suffer because you wanted to get some sassy remarks in. In answer to you question, luxuries like food and water or a blanket." Dean thought about the prospect. Sure he couldn't necessarily trust that Cas would receive these things. But, if it kept him at-least off the rack as it were, then in Dean's mind it made sense. He hated to admit it but Lucifer had been right, he had wanted to prove to Cas that he could handle himself, that he would get them out of this . Instead his big mouth had cost Cas the skin on his back.

Well this is ironic, he thought, here I am going to do something that Dad would be proud of and I manage to land myself here. That's just typical, I always let him down, no wonder he want's Sam to run the country. I can't ride a horse without falling into one of those romance novels that mom used to love. Dammit, I'm gonna kill myself for that man. It's the least I can do after he followed me out here.

"What would I have to do?"


He and Gabriel had been walking for a total of 1 day and 5 hours and the man had never shut up.

"Come on Sasquatch hurry up. We're gonna be late." The shorter man yelled across his shoulder while eyeing up some berries. Sam sighed and ran over to him before he could eat the poisonous fruit.

"Firstly, those are periwinkle berries, don't eat them. Secondly, we'll be late anyway, you don't know where you're going we should have gone left four hours ago." Gabriel pouted. Sam found himself softening and sighing for a second time.

"If we go in that direction," he said pointing North east. "For the next few hours and then turn dead east we will get there before dark."

"See moose man that's the spirit." Gabriel smiled brightly, grabbing Sam's hand and dragging him in the direction he had just pointed.


Lucifer grinned. Finally Dean was coming to his senses.

"The concept is simple, you refuse food for a day, that gets Cassie a little extra. You sit on top of the tower for a day and Cas gets a blanket the next. You let us beat you and we leave Castiel alone. Basically you do everything I ask and we leave Lover Boy alone. I'll leave you to think about it." He could hear Dean's protests from down the hall. This was going to be interesting.

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