Chapter 20 - The Coronation

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Hello lovely people, 

I do plan on finishing this story in case you were wondering. Things have been backing up a little at the moment so infrequent updates from here on out if I haven't said so already. 


He felt stupid, the sheer amount of decoration he was wearing was pompous. He had at least managed to get Kelly and Charlie to limit the medals they were adorning him with to those he had actually earned. They spent ages on the suit and the cloak and his hair. He had forgotten, over the last few years, just how tedious life could be. When he looked back at it, until Castiel had entered his life it had been pretty boring. But then Cas had the tendency to brighten up a room, in Dean's opinion anyway. It was in moments like this when he remembered how much he hated being the centre of attention.

'It's your day boy, you're ready for this.' Is what bobby would say. He wanted Sam to stay. He wanted Cas to... actually he didn't know what he wanted Cas to do. In his own little utopia that he coveted very deep inside, he wanted Castiel to stay and he wanted Cas to love him. His more conscious, logical self knew that Castiel was his own person and he could not expect that Cas would drop everything and return to him. He was also conscious that he couldn't change Castiel and if Cas expected Dean to wait on him and follow him like a lost puppy then Dean was not sure that he wanted Cas to even come for the coronation.

"Dean stop worrying I can feel it coming off of you in waves." Charlie teased as she fastened the cloak around his shoulders.

"Sorry Charles." He said sheepishly.

"It's going to be fine. I'm sure he wants to apologise, especially if he's coming," Dean did a double take and Charlie chuckled. "You do know you said most of that out loud." Dean went beat red and she just laughed.

Meanwhile down in the courtyard the carriages were lining up and Bobby was greeting the guests as head of the Winchester household with his wife Ellen.


They arrived at the castle earlier than they had originally intended. Seeing the palace in Earos almost made him sick and Sam commented on the odd fact that Cas seemed to know his way round better than Sam. Cas tried not to notice Sam and Gabriel sneaking pitiful looks at him. This was where he would prefer to be. He wanted to be by Dean's side he wanted to aid him in running the country. Cas decided that he needed to talk to his father before it was too late and everything was in motion.

They were greeted downstairs by a man Sam affectionately called Bobby and a woman Gabriel seemed to shy away from. Everything else Cas seemed to block out, the only person he wanted to see was Dean.

The coronation passes by in a blur of movement for Cas. His father Nathaniel had to nudge him to stand up at the right times and sit down when he was meant to. Cas could tell he was getting a talking to later, honestly the coronation was the only time Castiel every concentrated on anything for more than two or three minutes. Dean was breathtaking. Not in the way that you would usually use the word, Cas had always seen Dean as handsome and, not that he ever said it out loud, gorgeous. But dressed in the kingly coronation attire, Dean commanded the room. Cas could not take his eyes off him.

Dean was dressed in a black suit with gold, leaf like detailing on the left arm and right shoulder with a red sash going left to right across his torso fastened with a gold broach at his hip. The broach itself had what Cas assumed was a sun carved into it. Dean was also wearing a long red cape with gold, leafy detailing which trailed behind him like a small lake. Dean's outfit complemented his features and he looked every part the king he was about to become. Needless t say Cas spent a lot of time trying to calm his thoughts, who would have guessed he had a thing for men in uniform.

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