Chapter 4 - Don't shoot the Messenger

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Yo lovely people!!!!!

I am late I apologise but I couldn't really do the ending to my lovely Castiel. However things will only get better (after a few more chapters of angst)


He and Gabriel packed up the few belongings they had gathered over the past few days. Honestly being a fugitive wasn't so different from being a pirate, the meals were scarce and never very nutritious but Gabriel seemed to be having more problems with the new menu. From what Sam had learned about the short man he had a very sweet tooth which wasn't currently being satisfied by their diet of leaves and berries. It had been four days since they left the castle and though they had seen the armies of Haeveen and heard the prince's retinue, they had never met them face to face. That was, Sam thought ironically, the glory of having a successful practice run.

"Sam? How long must I go without the substance that sustains all life on earth?" The small man behind him whined.

"Gabriel, though I'm sure it sustains you I'm not sure that is an accurate description of sugar."

"Well it is, but I wasn't talking about the heavenly sweet stuff. I mean when can we get a refill on water."

"Gabriel, we are in the middle of the fucking forest, how long have we been out of water?"

"Well I think we ran out about midday yesterday."

"And you didn't think to tell me like at dinner when we were by the river, or better yet fill the skins yourself?" Sam was in disbelief, this man was utterly useless. He wouldn't keep him around except for the fact that he was slow falling for the short feisty man.

"Well Sammykins your arse just looked so good standing over that pot I completely forgot myself, I was too concentrated on keeping my dignity to remember the water skins." Gabriel smirked in that annoying way that he always did. Sam would be sure that Gabriel reciprocated his feelings but this was just how the guy was, adorably insufferable and flirty.

Not much later that day, Sam spotted a river that he believed to have drinkable water and so he took their skins from Gabriel and went to fill them up. They had left the horses when they reached left the trees near the roadside for the comfort of the forest. Gabriel had made sure to take off any saddles and bridles and hide them in a hole that Sam dug in the ground. Gabriel was putting his entire faith in Sam to get them to the witches cabin and render Lucifer helpless. To say that Sam was surprised at this was an understatement. Here in the thick of the forest they were less worried about being seen because the trees covered them from the sky and the main road through the forest was a good days walk in the opposite direction.

"Sammich you do know where we are going don't you." Gabriel asked tentatively.

"Yeah Gabe I do, see up there, that's the cabin we need." Sam pointed to a small house in the woods. The house looked cosy and had a light in one of the front windows. Gabriel looked relieved at staying the night in a house.

Sam walked onto the front porch and knocked on the door, which promptly swung open.


The door just swung open, Gabriel who had spent the last hours excited at the thought of stying inside and having a good meal was now thinking he might prefer Sam's leaf and berry 'salad'. But the prince beckoned to him and so he followed Sam into the depths of this creatures lair. However when he entered the main room of the cottage, he found a cosy home with an incredible colour scheme. There was rustling coming from the pantry followed by a, 'I'll be there in a minute boys' before they met their host.

The Lady who came from the kitchen area of the cottage was taller than Gabriel, with flaming red hair and an elegant style. Rowena was her name, Gabriel learned later. Whilst Sam and Rowena talked price for their complex spell Gabriel took the time to evaluate his situation. It was safe to say that he had fallen for the prince and his adorable awkwardness. What Gabriel couldn't understand was why Sam hadn't picked up on that yet. He had been flirting with the guy constantly and he was getting more outrageous by the day. Maybe, he thought, Sam just has someone already. Yeah that seams plausible.

"Alright just give me the list," he tuned into Sam's voice. "I can get some of this from the forest. Gabriel, I'll be back before sunset I'm going to get started finding the ingredients Rowena needs." Sam waited for an answer.

" okay." Gabriel finally said after having to snap back to the present from admiring Sam's incredible features. After Sam left the cottage Rowena laughed.


"You're wee heart needs him and you're trying so hard darling. It's just so funny watching Samuel be so oblivious."

"Is there anyway that you could help me?" Gabriel eyed the witch with suspicion.

"Oh there is, it's a simple love potion, that will make him love you with all of his heart."

"Is it guaranteed to work?"

"Unless he's already in love with you, yes the potion will work. For your rescuing of Samuel I'll give it to you for free." Gabriel's eyes lit up.

"Really, no underlying promise or loop hole?"

"No that's not how I work."

When Sam came back later that day, Rowena gave them a hearty meal of meat stew and sent them to her spare room with pillows and blankets.


After their letter was sent it was fair to say that Dean could not stand being at the castle. If Cas hadn't come to find him they wouldn't be in this situation. The dumbass decided that instead of letting Dean take on this task alone and find Sam, he would come too in order to 'complete his guardly duties'. Stupid little shit had to go and get himself captured in order to 'create a diversion'. Which had lead Dean here, the castle of Haeveen. Four days into their quest to save Sammy and the person who needed saving was his team mate.

To say that sneaking past the guards was easy would be an understatement. It should have flagged a warning sign in Dean's mind but he was far to focused on finding his new found crush. It wasn't until Dean made it into the throne room unchallenged that he caught on that this might be a trap.

"Hey Dean," a lanky man leered from the throne.

"Where's Cas, Where's Sam?" Dean shouted at the man he believed to be Lucifer.

"Oh! no introductions. Well, Sammy's not here at the moment. Cassie on the other hand..." he waived his hand at the sentry by the door.

The doors behind Dean opened and bloodied mess that vaguely replicated the form of Castiel was dragged over the threshold. Dean glared at the smug man sitting on the throne and stalked over to Cas. He put a hand under Cas's chin and made him reach his eyes. The Angeli man mumbled what sounded like an apology but Dean wasn't paying attention.

"What did you do!" Dean roared at Lucifer. But the blond haired Angeli smiled and held up a white envelope.

"Funny thing about letters is that they don't always reach the intended recipients. I hope you don't miss your messenger, he wasn't very cooperative." He motioned to the puddle at the foot of the pedestal Dean hadn't really taken into account until that moment.

"Thank you for giving yourself up Dean. That was very kind of you."

 See you in two weeks everyone.


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