Chapter 19 - Chaotic Coronation Emotions

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Hi lovely people,

I'm sorry it has been a while but I have been a little tired and have had no motivation but here is part 19. I thought this would stop at 20 but again I was wrong. 


They arrived at the Castle in one piece which was a relief to Dean. James and Nathaniel had been an incredible help in distracting him from the crushing disappointment and self-resentment that had inevitably reared up after Castiel's rejection. Dean just needed to throw himself into the betterment of his country. First, he and James with the input of Nathaniel drew up a formal peace treaty and alliance arranging monetary aid for Earos from Haeveen and for the possibility for similar arrangements in the future. The next this they did was plan a publicity tour and Dean's official coronation ceremony. One thing that Dean was on edge about was that Castiel would be invited to the ceremony, but for not he had decided to leave that and deal with that later.

The news came a few days into the ceremony planning that Lucifer had been found and captured and that Sam Winchester and Gabriel Nightingale had been located and were currently on their way back to the capital of Haeveen. All of them breathed a sigh of relief at those words. Sam and Gabriel would be alright. Dean was concerned about bringing his brother back into the limelight of royal life because that was what Sam had runaway from in the first place, he was however excited and ready to welcome his brother home. James and Nathaniel left the day the news came and went to prepare Haeveen for the announcement of the alliance, the official trial of the previous crown prince, the coronation of Castiel and the homecoming of Gabriel. Dean wished them well but without them the castle was beginning to get lonely. Dean finally understood why his father was so adamant Dean married before taking the crown.

Finally a few days before his official coronation, Dean sat alone in his study looking over the names of all the guests coming that morning. Dean had heard from all of the neighbouring countries that had been invited. There were a few that were on the list because they were family: Rowena, Bobby, Sam and Adam. There were a few on the list because they were important: Lisa, Cassie, Sarah and their respective families; Ruby and her mother Lillith, Megara and her father Asmodeus all from Hellania; Adam, Eve and their son Cain from the only Earos protected fortress citadel in Purgatorio. Dean didn't like many of the Hellania "Royals" however they were allied with Haeveen. They, Earos and Hellania, also had an understanding. One that Dean planned to make official on paper. Then there were the people that would be invited to prove Dean was a king for the citizens. Dean thought it ironic that they were to stand at the back and the press had been asked explicitly not to take any pictures of them.

The list was extensive, there was no denying it but there was one name that Dean couldn't quite gloss over. Castiel had confirmed his invitation almost as soon as the announcement had been made. Dean wasn't too sure he could look him in the eyes. Which in itself would be difficult given that he would have to greet him in person as soon as he arrive the next afternoon.


After his parents had arrived back from their trip to Earos, one they wouldn't disclose many details of, things happened pretty quickly. Plans were put in place for Castiel's coronation as Crown Prince. He had tried to renounce the idea but Hannah said that it wold have to be him, she just wasn't cut out for the role and they didn't want Lucifer to get given anything by their gods again. Eventually he just agreed. The next decision was the punishment of Lucifer. Eventually James called Lillith Morningstar. She was a highly respected noble woman of one of the biggest citadels in Hellania. She wasn't nice but she seemed trustworthy, she also had a strange relationship with his papa. Nathaniel, who was usually quiet and behind James in these situations, walked right up to Lillith and embraced her. He later found out that Lillith was his aunt and they never made it that public because Lillith and Nathaniel's father was very traditional and didn't want anything to do with Haeveen. If he was honest this just gave Castiel more questions. Lucifer was eventually sent off to a very secure prison within Lillith's control. She assured him that Lucifer would never be released unless it was ordered by Nathaniel, James or herself.

In other news, Gabriel woke up not long after Lucifer had been escorted out. Sam definitely regained some of his lively nature once he had seen Gabriel awake. That was also the day the announcement of Dean's coronation came. Which was what had led him here.

Here was a carriage with Sam and Gabriel on the way to Earos for the coronation of Earos' new monarch.

"So what exactly happened between you and my brother?" Sam finally broke the silence. Cas sighed.

"We had something, Lucifer happened and then I fucked up. Massively I think but it could be worse." Gabriel looked at him curiously.

"What exactly happened Cassie?" And so he started from the beginning.

"When I left I walked over the mountains and somehow became the security detail for Dean. We danced around each other for years. Finally he made a move at a dance to find him a suitor. We were in the garden and he asked me to dance with him. Then we received the message from Gabriel about the wedding and after our letter or enquiry got no responses, Dean decided that he couldn't take it anymore. He went to look for you and I joined him. We got ambushed and so I got myself captured as a decoy. Lucifer didn't hold back at all when it came to beating me. Dean obviously followed and walked straight into a trap. Then they started treating me better, I couldn't understand why. Michael came and told me Dean had gotten together with Lucifer, which to start with I didn't believe. Then they visited me together. Dean and Lucifer. I was too angry to really evaluate their body language and the way I remember Dean seemed stiff but I couldn't tell you what was going on in his mind. Anyway then I got an influx of power because of the transfer and I fell down the stairs and saw Dean in a cell. That was a shock because I thought he was with Lucifer. Anyway we then went to visit my parents. We witnessed you father's death on the way. Dean was cold and distant but then I wasn't much better. Dean tried to get everything out to me when we had a conversation before I returned to the capital to uptake my role and he basically showed me a side of him I hadn't seen for a very long time. The self sacrificing side. Because of the sudden appearance and everything Dean described I basically bolted. There's no better way to describe it. I was overwhelmed with how wrong I was about everything and clinging to my wrong assumptions because everything else was too much to filter through at once. Then I left and flying back to the capital cleared my head. By the time I had worked it all out it was far too late. So there that's my sob story."

"Yeah douche move. But I don't think it's as bad as you think." Cas looked up at Sam. Sam looked at Gabriel.

"Yeah Cassie, sure you made some stupid mistakes, like running from him on the roof top and not trying to talk to him about how he felt during your trip to our parents. But I think you might be able to fix this."

"But I lost his trust. That I'm sure of. Sam what do you think." Cas asked still convinced that he had completely screwed up his chances.

"I think your both right. You have a chance Castiel but you will have to earn his trust back and that will be hard. Especially since you will be apart for a lot of the time." With that they fell back into their awkward companionable silence.

Castiel debated everything that they had discussed and hoped that he would get a second chance with Dean

I apologise for any spelling mistakes. Also what do people think about a prequel of James and Nathaniel's love story? Tell me in the comments. 


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