Chapter 18 - Can't Take the Heat

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Hello lovely people, 

i apologise for my absence over the past month, this has been a very challenging chapter but I hope that it makes sense in the timeline now! 

I promise more destiel and continued Sabriel fluff in the next one! 


Sam could have sobbed. There stood a tall man, who seemed to know Lucifer, not like him and he was coming to Sam's rescue. Lucifer stood like a deer in headlights, then he chuckled.

"Well, well Cassie, back from your extended vacation? I'm not just going to give the crown back to you ya know. I've worked hard to keep it i'm not going to give it up just because big bro came along."

"The crown is not yours to give Lucifer and it seems that the fates have a different idea about your actions. You are powerless Lucifer, hand over the bag and let Sam Winchester go."

"Now why should I do that? This little munchkin wants me, you understand how stubborn Winchesters can be I assume." The man, Cassie, chuckled darkly.

"Oh more than you could possibly know little brother." Sam decided this was the moment to speak, if this was Castiel, this man could help Gabriel.

"I don't want him, thought that was obvious, give me back the bag Lucifer, I want nothing to do with you but Gabriel needs my help."

"What's wrong with Gabriel? Where is he?". "The whiny twat can die for all I care." Both of the men spoke at the same time. Cassie, or what ever his name was decided he was done with Lucifer's bullshit and whistled before hanging at Lucifer. Sam watched at the man artfully dodged Lucifer's blows and had him face to the wall in a matter of seconds. Just at that moment a woman in a very chic grey suit rounded the corner and took Lucifer from Sam's saviour in silence. Sam just watched in awe as the man picked up the bag and handed it to him.

"I assure you will not need to worry about my brother any longer. My name is Castiel." Sam laughed.

"Yeah I could see that, thanks by the way. I should be getting back."

"You mentioned Gabriel was hurt, could you take me to him?" Sam was astounded by the gentle tone Castiel's voice took when he mentioned Gabriel so he just nodded.

The left the city with a few short words to the lady that had taken Lucifer away, Sam later learned that she was also Gabriel sibling and her name was Hannah. After a short trek through the forest, which Sam thought took less time than the way there but then it was mostly down hill, they came to the group of trees Sam had hidden Gabriel in. Sam was relieved to find Gabriel still there but less so when he realised he still wasn't waking up. Castiel studied Gabriel carefully. When he moved past Sam to get closer, Sam let out an involuntary growl. Castiel, to his credit, backed off. Though he did give Sam a puzzled look.

Sam, after composing himself, edged into the den made by the trees next to Gabriel.

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure what came over me." Sam muttered in the vague direction of Castiel.

"It's in the past Sam, though I will admit you caught me off guard. What happened to him?" Sam chuckled.

"It involves a fire, an unlabelled bottle and my godmother," at Castiel's puzzled look he continued. "My Godmother is the reason you are technically Crown Prince. Gabriel explained it all to me. We went to her looking for an opportunity to reinstate you. Gabriel has a lot of faith in you. I don't know you very well but I can see where that comes from. Your heart is in the right place Castiel. You don't believe that." Castiel shook his head.

"I have made some terrible mistakes Sam, they involve your brother, I'm not sure that I can undo them." Sam sighed. He knew well how little Dean thought of himself and how hard it was for him to open up to those around him. if what Castiel believed he'd done was really that bad, Sam was inclined to agree with him.

"Let's leave you and Dean for another conversation. As I was saying, we went to see my godmother. She must had seen something in Gabriel that I didn't. She gave him a love potion, to use on me I suppose. Gabriel, he ultimately decided against using it. Either way, we were sitting across the fire from each other a few nights ago and I found it. He will call me an idiot for this but I decided to drink it. Gabriel freaked out and tried to run across a fire to stop me. He tripped on the stew. He'd lost consciousness a few times while we were walking through the forest, however that had only been a few minutes. He's been unconscious since early afternoon yesterday."


Suddenly it dawned on him that Sam believed, Gabriel's state was to do with his burns. What confused Castiel was that Sam too was an omega, or so he thought anyway, shouldn't he recognise the signs.

"Sam, I think you'll find that my brother is perfectly okay. He is burned yes, but not enough to cause this kind of reaction. His body has deemed it safe enough for him to go into a heat, probably the first one is a while, which means it will last longer but-"

"Castiel, I have no idea how this works for you guys or how you know so much about it but a full heat renders you incapable of making sound decisions not unconscious. Even then most of us only have half heats where we're fertile but not ragingly horny for want of a better term." Cas stared at the prince for a while.

"This does not happen for you?" He asked carefully.

"No! No this does not happen for us, you've been around Dean surely you know that."

"Well, um, you see, Angeli omegas only go into a conscious heat around their true mate or if mated. If not reciprocated they only have one and then the heats return to an unconscious, sleep like state. I never saw Dean in heat. He was conscious for the whole time I knew him." Sam laughed.

"Yeah conscious is normal for us humans." Castiel balked.

"Normal! Normal? How do you get anything done? How do you survive it alone? How? Do you just keep going?" His mind was reeling. What did that mean for Dean? Did Dean just work through them? None of this made sense. Evidently there were many different ways that the Human and Angeli races differed and this was one of them. Cas looked up from his internal freak out to find Sam staring at the floor, evidently having one of his own.

"Sam?" When the younger winchester looked up he looked distraught and much smaller than his height which was strange to see.

"Does this mean, we're not meant to be together? That we're not meant for each other?" So, that was what has riled up the young prince so much.

"Not necessarily, how long have you known him?" Sam looked thoughtful.

"Since we captured him. So about three months." Castiel smiled.

"Sam it's not unknown for Gabriel to have an irregular cycle and even then its very possible for Gabriel to have gone through the first one during your first few weeks with Lucifer. So if you use that logic, you probably wouldn't know." Sam seemed to perk up at that.

"Do you think there is some lace where we could keep him safer than this Castiel? As much as I'm sure he's fine I would like him to be comfortable." Cas smiled as Sam's obvious crush on his brother and nodded. 

Okay so Lucifer's rule is over! Dean's POV next! I am afraid infrequent updates from here on out...


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