Chapter 17 - Regarding Gabriel

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Hello lovely people, 

I apologise for my hiatus but I needed some time to process the ending of season 15. Anyway, I'm back with more fluffy Sabriel and some justice. 


Gabriel was lagging, that much was obvious. The burns from a few nights ago were bothering him more that he was letting on and Sam could see that. he wanted to help Gabriel as much as he could but the small Angeli was stubborn, which was why he was carrying the bag and all their clothing. Sam walked behind Gabriel as he had collapsed more than once and Sam wanted to make sure he caught him before he hit the ground.

Just then Gabriel's knees gave out from under him and Sam decided that they'd done enough walking for the day an started to make camp. Sam only worried more as time went on and Gabriel still didn't wake up. He went through a pattern of trying to distract himself, keeping watch, stirring the stew he'd made for dinner and checking Gabriel's vitals.

Finally Sam gave in and brought Gabriel to the river before, stripping him down and placing him in, Sam hoped that the river would help Gabriel regain consciousness. It didn't. But it did bring his fever down and that to Sam was a plus. He brought Gabriel back to the fire and lay him on one of their coats. He spent the next few hours warring with himself as he ate, dried out clothes, kept watch and finally slept for a few hours.

When Gabriel didn't wake up again the next morning, Sam made an executive decision. There was a large town not far from where they were, maybe a couple hours south, that would have the supplies he needed to help Gabriel, he could pick up more food, clothes, some burn salve and other supplies and then be back before sunset. Sam left Gabriel bundled up in a small cluster of trees where he was less likely to be found and wrote a note on the off chance that Gabriel woke up while he was gone. He didn't want the Gabe to think he had abandoned him. And so he set off.

Sam made the city in record time, even before the sun had fully risen. The market was already busy though and Sam had a hard time getting through the people. He managed to find a trustworthy healer who had just the salve he needed and was gathering supplies in the market when he smelled it. Lucifer. Sam could tell lucifer a mile off but he supposed that with Gabriel and his lack of sleep his nose wasn't working quite a well as it should have been. Sam left the carrots he was thinking of buying and darted through the crowd eager to get away from the burning sooty smell.

Lucifer caught up to him though and Sam now stood backed into an alleyway, Lucifer in front of him. To make matters worse Lucifer had his bag. He could make a run for it but then he would be useless to Gabriel and have lost more than just the burn salve.

"Heya Sammy."


Cas was no really happy about this but Anna had suggested it. He was going on a tour of all the cities in the country to establish him as their ruler and to prove he was nothing like Lucifer. So here he was, first day into his tour and he was already done with it. Until he took a walk the first morning before his sister could find him and realised that no one in the country knew who he was. He had been away for so long that he had all but faded from memory.

He was taking a stroll through the market, when he saw it. A small blade not much longer than his forearm. The blade itself was well fashioned, it had a walnut handle and etched along it in ancient Enochian was a phrase that loosely translated to 'he comes from the darkness to strike swiftly, he is a demon of the night'. Castiel just had to buy it. Castiel thought maybe he'd give it to Dean as a peace making present. He'd bought it because of him anyway and the Enochian on the blade was an acute reference to Dean extra curricular activities that only he'd been privy to. There was a reason no one knew the identity of Earos' best assassin and there as a reason he was referred to as the ghost or the demon.

He was walking past the fountain in the square when he was almost knocked over. It took him a second but he recognised that smell. Lucifer was here and Castiel planned to get him. Cas followed Lucifer through the crowd, much to everyone's surprise. Not many people got in the way of an alpha/omega chase. But then again this wasn't just the average mating chase, this included a fugitive.

Castiel rounded the corner near the alley way. He stopped to listen to their conversation.

"What if I was to just drop-"


"No? Why? Do you need it Sammy? Is it important?"

"Just give it back Lucifer."

"But Sammy that's no fun." It was then that it dawned on Castiel, this was Prince Samuel Winchester. This was Dean's brother and for some reason Cas didn't dare think about, that made it all the more personal and so he picked his moment.

"Come on Sammy, what should we do?"

"I think you've done enough

are y'all ready for a destiel redemption, I know I am. Also love that we made Dean as wedding trend on valentines. In the words of mister Misha Collins "that was beautiful"

Until next time, 


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