Chapter 2 - The annoying Imp

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Hey guys, 

Just a heads up, Sam's POV happens at the same time as the party in the previous chapter!


He and Dean stayed up all night examining the letter, trying to work out if this was real or if it was a trick. Cas didn't believe it was a trick but he felt the possibility had to be listed. It was early morning when Dean finally let up and assumed that the letter with a hidden note was real.

"Cas you gonna sit down or..." the young prince trailed off. They were both anxious and they both needed a break but neither of them could sleep. "Come here Casanova lets try and relax a little.

"Who's Casanova?" The man asked. Dean shook his head and chuckled, one of these days he was gonna sit him down and take him through everything.

"Are you gonna get your wings out for me?" Cas huffed, he didn't know how to tell Dean that what he was about to do was a very intimate gesture between the Angelici. Though he would have to take him through that before the wedding or whatever was going on. Still he couldn't deny he enjoyed the prince touching his wings, Dean was right it would calm him down and it seemed to do the same for the prince so he manifested his wings and sat on the bed.

Dean settled down behind him and started to massage the tip of one of the Angeli's biggest wings. The prince was touching his wings lightly and in places that probably shouldn't be touched by anyone but his mate. Cas gave into it knowing that he would have to cling to whatever self control he had left.

Unusually for the castle nothing happened that day. It was almost as if the gods had heard their distress. Cas highly doubted that this was the case but never the less it was nice. It was also Cas' day off and so he spent the entire day, almost, with Dean. After lunch Dean asked him a question he had been dreading for a while.

"So if I go to Haeveen, I'll need to know the customs am I right?"

"It would probably be a wise thing to know."

"Can you tell me about them?" There it was, the question Cas didn't really want to answer because of the closeness he had developed with Dean. But Dean was right he had to know.

"Well, traditionally, the couple mate during the ceremony of the wedding."

"Oooookaaay. As in sex?"

"Yes Dean, as in sex," Dean made a face that made Cas laugh. "Though recently that part of the ceremony happens the night before. Another thing that you might want to know is that grooming the wings of an Angeli is incredibly intimate and should not happen in public."

"Oh..." Dean trailed off his cheeks going a rather deep red. "Sorry Cas I didn't know."

"Dean, its fine and it's partly my fault because I didn't tell you. But I thought you might not want to do it to my siblings."

"Fair point."

"Anyway, the ceremony itself takes place in five parts. The union, the mating, the reception, the arena and the leave of the couple." Dean was sitting hanging off his every word. "The union is the wedding, its pretty similar to what I have seen take place here but we have a ritual that we perform to bind the souls of the couple together. This means that they will always know what the other is feeling. This ritual might not happen but Lucifer is a traditionalist. The mating is pretty straight forward-"

"Yeah we can skip the details, you said your brother is a traditionalist, does that mean I'll have to watch him going down on my baby bro?"

"Maybe, I don't know how much influence my parents will have on planning the wedding. The reception is very much like your wedding reception, music, dancing, dinner. The arena is a celebratory fight between some of our greatest warriors and fiercest beasts. The romans that ruled your country once got that from us. And finally the leave of the couple is very much like a honey moon, except that they stay in the cottages at the bottom of the castle estate and their expected to have conceived before they return."

"How does that work for Sam?"

"You are aware of the secondary genders?"

"Yeah, but they are so weak in Earos that no one really talks about them."

"Well they are essential in Haeveen. If your brother is an omega then he can conceive, if he's not then I don't know why Lucifer is marrying him science he's a big bad alpha himself."

"What about other customs. How do you greet people?"

"How do I greet you?"

"Okay that was stupid."

They talked about what Dean might have to expect when going to the isles for three hours and by the time they were done Dean had to get ready for Dinner. Dinner was a family occasion tonight and Dean planned on asking John exactly what was going on.

Sam: (meanwhile)

He shivered in his thin clothing, though the Haeveen isles were known for their good weather he couldn't say that it reached all the way down here. Sam knew where he was, that, he thought, was at least grounding. Over the past few years Sam had been living his best life, or close to, he was part of a crew on a ship that was notorious. The fair lady was by far one of the most feared ships on the see and Sam was first mate. The captain was a fierce lady named Joanna, she had take over after her mother retired. Sam liked her, she was like a sister to him. He had ended up here because of a sassy mouthed prisoner they had managed to capture. The golden haired imp had managed to send a message back to daddy dearest and get himself rescued and take Sam in the process. Sam had seen the Angeli that went by the name of Gabriel since, every time Gabriel apologised and he wasn't quite sure why. For the past few days another one of the kings sons came to visit. This one had hair similar to Gabriel but it was duller, darker his eyes were blue but Sam could have sworn he saw them flash red once. Gabriel had told him that this man's name was Lucifer and he was the heir to the throne.

Ever since he was taken to Haeveen, his inner omega had been making the odd appearance and that terrified the young Winchester. He had never had to deal with this before, especially not in chains. He hoped that Dean knew where he was or that Jo was coming to get him. If there was anyone he could count on it would be those two.

The next three days went by similar to the last, the lucifer guy came more and more often, often cutting Sam and Gabriel's conversations short. Sam had grown to like the big mouthed imp and Gabriel had become his friend. He had managed to get some information out of Gabriel. Apparently he was to marry the man that visited him now almost hourly. Time with lucifer was nothing short of torture and he dreaded the wedding which was apparently fast approaching. When Sam voiced his fears to Gabriel the man had smiled sadly and explained what everything lucifer had said meant. Needless to say this did nothing to calm him. Gabriel had however agreed to get a message to Dean, which Sam was grateful for. Gabriel said he had sent it in form of an invitation to his brother whom he knew was close to Dean and would understand the magnitude of the situation. But he also said that he had hidden a message in between the front and back pieces of card that would explain how this marriage was taking place.

"And if it doesn't work?"

"Then...uhhh...I don't know." The Angeli looked sadly at the floor.

"What about you break me out and we run away?"

"Well......I could, it would cause political uprising and I would be exiled but... it would be hella fun!" The man said his grin widening.

What you think of Gabriel? Comment, vote etc 


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