Chapter 23 - Sam Winchester and the Bad Flirting Instincts

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Dear Readers, 

I apologise for the late update. I am working on finishing this story so it is a complete book. However, there are two factors currently making this a slow process. Firstly I have become rather attached to this world and as such do not want to see it go. Therefor I have decided on sequels and prequels. Secondly, School is a bitch and so given that this is my final year and I have loads of shit to do updates can be expected to be very slow and very steady. Hopefully you'll get more updates in the holidays. I'm going to try and get one more chapter up before school stats again but no promises. 


He and Gabriel headed back up to the castle. Sam was determined to give Dean and Castiel at least more than an hour to themselves today. He was so caught up in how he was going to get this done he didn't even notice that Gabriel was trying to get his attention. When the final yell of SAM! Caught his attention.

'Huh?" Gabriel looked equal parts annoyed and adoring.

"Well, I was saying that I think I would like to stay, but I'm not sure I want to if your going to ignore me."

"No, please stay. I'm listening. Wait, I thought you were going home, why do you want to stay? No that its a bad thing if you stay, I want you to stay... I think. We haven't got that far have we-"

"Sam. It's a joke. I want to stay because there's so much more freedom here. Here I can be whoever I want to be and I don't have to abide by the rules set out by my ancestors. I love all of the cooking and the decorating and even the cleaning but if I had to do it at home I'd hate it. I'm not sure that makes much sense."

"Oh. No it makes loads of sense. Gabriel," he takes his head in his hands. "I love you." Gabriel just smirks at him.

"Oh Samshine, I know." Sam watches in awe as he walks up the grass towards the castle. Sam hears a chuckle behind him.

"Dude just Han Solo'd you."

"Shut up jerk."


"Go find Cas dude, I got this." Dean saluted him and ran in the other direction.

Convincing Bobby was harder than he thought. The man went on and on about all of the duties that Dean had to do for the day. Basically dinners and charming people who might be vexed if he didn't. Eventually Sam convinced Bobby that he could be the go between with the crown and the Lords. Sam ended up cancelling the dinner for that night and attending the lunches himself. Gabriel was there to help him through a few. Eventually Gabriel disappeared and Sam didn't know here he went. But he continued. All in all the day didn't go a badly as he might have thought. Though many of the lords made condescending comments about Dean not being able to complete his duties due to his omega status. This needless to say made Sam seethe.


After the mandatory brunch meeting between Earos and Haeveen. Gabriel found himself bored and wondering the castle. It was then that he bumped into a paige rushing round ordering people about.

"Oh for the sakes of all the gods, you cannot put the red tunics in with the white sheets. Where is Ellen when I need her"

"Can I be of any help?" The paige jumped and spun round. Opening their mouth once and closing it again before answering.

"Oh! I didn't see you there your highness. Please don't worry. It's only the head maids day off and the head of the household is busy. Please don't feel you need to help." It was at this point that Gabriel realised that this paige was in fact a woman. Not that it was a problem to him but for others it might have been, he loved the fact that she was going against everything for what she wanted. It reminded him of himself.

"Oh but I want to. I'd like to see how this country runs its castle if that's alright. I want to live here, but don't go saying that too loudly because I haven't broken the news to my father."

"Of course your-"

"Call me Gabriel." She took a double take at that, evidently she hadn't expected the informality.

"Sure Gabriel. I'm Charlie. There's quite a lot of inventory that needs doing because of the feasts and everything so would you mind going down to the kitchen to help with pantry?" She said pointing toward the door that would hopefully take him in the right direction.

"As long as its helpful of course. It was nice meeting you Charlie." He did a mock bow before entering through the door and following the passage. He did indeed end up in the kitchen. Not that the arguing kitchen maids and the fighting cooks even noticed. Things were being shouted across the room like 'no don't put the spices over there they belong by the window', 'what do you mean he kissed you. How dare you he's mine' and for gods sake Fiona not everything is about you.' Gabriel decided to take things into his own hands.

"Alright! I think that is quite enough," everyone looked over to him mid action, stunned to silence. "There is inventory to be done and sauce needs to be off the walls and you clothes in time for the small dinner tonight. How many hands do we have?" A small girl with mousy hair looked over to her friends before stepping forward.

"There's ten of us kitchen maids sir and seven chefs."

"Thank you. What I want is a list of everything that each cook needs for the next few days. Then I need that list cross referenced with the pantry contents to find what need restocking. The kitchen maids will need to clean the kitchen so that the walls look less like tomato and more like the tiles they're supposed to be. Is that clear to everyone?" There was a unanimous nod and then people started moving everywhere.


Finding Gabriel it turned out was not that hard. After he had bumped into Charlie and enquired as to his whereabouts he was sent to the kitchen. But instead of finding Gabriel eating sweat treats and gossiping, he found the Prince on his hands and knees scrubbing the pantry shelves with Donna their head pastry chef. Honestly Sam didn't know how to react. His brain was pointing out how good Gabriel looked in that position and how very domestic the scene was. Neither comment was helpful. He stood in the door way waiting for something to to turn on in his brain when he over head their conversation.

"Oh, he's wonderful. He's not scared or weirded out by my wings, not bothered about our roles in society either. Makes it sound like he wants to take on the world with me."

"You are such a smitten kitten."

"Oh Donna I know." Sam stopped listening then. Gabriel loved him. At least he assumed that Gabriel was talking about him. He should do something. Something cool or flirty or awesome. He should trust his instinct.

"So do you need any help?" He should not have trusted his instinct.

"Oh!" Gabriel jumped up, blushing slightly. Wow that was adorable. "Um hi Sammy."

"Oh don't worry your highness we were about done here. You can take Gabriel away though. Think he was a bit bored without you." Sam watched and smiled as Gabriel seemed to turn redder. He held out his hand and pulled Gabriel in when he took it. As they were walking out the door he said over his shoulder.

"Thanks Donna!" And then he whispered to Gabriel. "You're right I think your wings are awesome." Ahh finally, Sam's better instincts had kicked in. Gabriel's head whipped around so fast he choked and Sam laughed as he pulled Gabriel in impossibly closer. 

Some fluffy Sabriel for you. Next chapter Cas and Gabriel confront their parents. Hannah gets a surprise and we meet Jo Harvelle. Until next time my lovelies. 


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