Chapter 13 - Love Potion Malarkey

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I am back, a little late but never mind. Here have some Sabriel angst, I think you've deserved it after angst Dean. Also sorry for leaving u all on a cliff hanger in the destiel but I felt we needed to spend some more time with these munchkins. 


Gabriel had been in and out of a comatose state all night, but something about being on the Haeveen side of the border and stronger pulls of nature meant that he was healing faster than he normally would. Sam finally saw an upside to the stupid country that had made his life a living hell. Between the heats and the rude alphas Sam had just about had enough. But apparently tonight the goddess of the earth or whatever the funk they referred to her as had decided they needed a break.

Sam was feeling a little more like himself, he had come down off his weird high from the strange potion around sunset and was wondering what it was about the potion that got Gabriel all riled up. So riled up he jumped into a fire. Sam couldn't quite understand it himself. He opted for keeping watch, he had a strange nagging feeling in the back of his mind that he shouldn't leave Gabriel's side and he shouldn't fall asleep. If only he could work out why.

In the morning, Gabriel came to a little more lucid than he had been around midnight. After Sam had fussed about the breakfast and getting him some water, washing and cooling down his burns; he decided to talk to Gabriel. He vaguely remembered attempting to kiss Gabriel the night before and he felt awful. The guy had put his trust in Sam and Sam had tried to take advantage of him. Also who knew if Gabriel wanted him or not? Maybe Gabriel wanted a big strong alpha to sweep him off his feet.

"Gabe," Sam began, struggling to find the words. "Last night, I tried to kiss you and... I wanted to apologise. It was uncalled for and you weren't in the right mindset to make decisions and -"

"Sammich," Gabriel cut him off, trying really har not to laugh by the looks of it. "It's fine, its kinda my fault anyways."

Sam cocked his head to the side, desperately trying to get Gabe to elaborate.

"You drank a love potion Sam, it not exactly a surprising outcome. Rowena gave it to me, I didn't tell you about it because, well because I didn't know how you'd react. Then I decided I didn't want it and wasn't going to use it so I didn't bother mentioning it. My point is I was just going to try and get rid of it safely. But you decided to chug the thing. You took me by surprise so much that In my bid to stop you I completely disregarded the fire. So yeah."

Sam couldn't believe what he was hearing. Gabriel had been given a love potion by Rowena. Something that Gabriel probably asked for as he didn't tell Sam. Then he planned to use it on him for a while. Granted not the whole time but still. Sam thought he could trust him. He had fallen for the guy, though he was loathe to admit it now. All along Gabriel had been trying to take advantage of him.

"Samsquatch, could you say something?" Gabriel asked in the smallest voice Sam had ever heard his friend use. Maybe Gabriel wasn't trying to take advantage of him after all and he was just jumping the gun a little. But he couldn't have a level headed conversation with Gabriel at the moment. Not while his head was spinning so much. He needed to clear his mind and then he could have a conversation without fucking shit up.

"Gabriel, we need to talk about it but I can't do that right now. I'm going to go for a walk," he struggled at Gabriel's sad face. "I just need to clear my head."


Sam hadn't said that he hated him for it, but he also hadn't said that he didn't. Gabriel was confused. He hoped Sam would get back soon though because he had a sinking feeling that he was being watched. Gabriel tried to pay attention to everything whilst thinking through what Sam, had, or rather hadn't said.

He had tried to explain that he didn't want the potion, but maybe it was enough for Sam that he just had it, or maybe it was the secret thing. True they had the same bag but Gabriel had insisted on carrying it and up until the night before had been vey careful to keep the potion on the bottom of the bag. It felt to Gabriel like Sam hadn't heard him. He hated it. Maybe Sam didn't want him and he wouldn't come back. Sam was loyal true but Gabriel hadn't trusted him enough to confide in him and trust is meant to go both ways.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice the putrid smell of blood, gore and sulphur until Azazel was on top of him. The man had a knife to Gabriels throat and held the other over his mouth as Gabriel tried to scream for Sam.

"Now, now Gabriel. That's no way to treat your brothers friend is it." Shit shit shit. Gabriel had been in this position before, Azazel had found him in a dark corridor near the starting of his heat. If Michael and his father hadn't happened to walk down the corridor just seconds later he would have been mated to the vile man he was sure of it. Now he really had no escape.

Gabriel didn't try anything until Azazel had led him out of the cave and on to a rocky mountain path. When Azazel took the knife away from Gabriel's throat and placed his now free hand on Gabriel's arm he bit down hard on the hand over his mouth. This causes a string of rather colourful curses from Azazel and Gabriel was able to get free enough to yell for Sam in the hope that he would hear and that he still cared.

Gabriel curse the Mother Earth and then prayed to her when he saw the mountainous church he was brought to. Gabriel didn't know why he was there but it couldn't be good. Worse for him he was sure he could smell Lucifer. Then it dawned on him, Sam. He'd led Sam, the handsome man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with; Sam, the man who had just nursed him back to health; Sam, the one who loved his wings even in their damaged state; Sam, the one he had tricked and deceived for weeks about the love potion, into a trap. Gabriel hoped in that moment that Sam did hate him, that he wouldn't come and that Gabriel wouldn't let him down again.

I'll be back at the end of this week!


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