Chapter 14 - Caves and Claustrophobia don't mix

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Hello lovely people! 

I am late, I know, I apologise. I would like to add a warning for gore in this chapter, I got quite descriptive. Longer than usual, full of Sabriel and anti-hero Lucifer. Have fun! 


Lucifer was triumphant. He had killed the man who had deceived him and also taken John Winchesters power. Better yet no one had apprehended him. Lucifer flew and walked through the mountain range toward he previous army encampment. He could tell the army that Azazel had been killed by Dean Winchester or something similar. That way he old spur them on with his own deceit. Lucifer was winning and he knew it. He took a detour somewhere near the source of their main river and and went into the city. But there he wasn't met with the welcome he was expecting. Instead of treating him like a prince he was chased out of the city by parts of the garrison. Now he knew people had found out. He didn't care about the deaths, no he was certain that it wasn't that. They had found out he wasn't who he had said he was. They'd found out about the change in crown prince and now he was wanted.

After loosing law enforcement, lucifer decided to stick to the mountains. At least there he could continue without being seen.

He found a witch in a cottage for down south. She called herself Rowena.

"Do you understand what I need." He asked slowly. Witches could be very old and many were hard of hearing.

"I know what ye need ye imbecile but it simply can't be found. There are very few places that possess such ingredients and I for one am not one of them. So you can take your pitiful excuses and get out of my house. You are a disgrace to the Haeveen Isles, Lucifer, I watched what you did to John Winchester. I watched you when you tortured Dean. You will stay away from my godsons."

"You're godsons are arrogant bitches who think they own the world-"

"Samuel and Dean Winchester have only ever made the bet of what was given to them. Everyone knows that Dean never wanted to rule alone and that Sam would prefer to live out of the limelight. If I aid the boys I consider my own in finding their happiness then that is up to me. You, however, embody the arrogant bitch role you have painted my godsons in. Why would I help anyone as worthless as you?"

"You will regret that witch!" Lucifer snapped his fingers, then did it again, and again. Why wouldn't the damn thing work. Rowena laughed at him.

"What you didn't think I'd make it permanent. You already killed my son Fergus. I want to make sure you can do no more damage. I know the ritual you want to perform it will not work, I have made sure of that."

Lucifer roared in anger at the witch. What he didn't notice was that suddenly he was far away from the cottage and somewhere on the mountain side.


He heard the shot coming from the mountain pass above him and flew up to gain a better view of the situation. It was then that he saw Gabriel being shoved and manhandled along the pass by none other than Azazel. Apparently Sam Winchester was here too. Lucifer began to form a plan in his head. If he could kill Azazel once and for all, he could free Gabriel and then convince his brother that he meant well. Gods knew the little omega was pitiful like that. That way he cold get close to Sam and hopefully finally claim the tall man as his. Lucifer smiled to himself this was going to be so fun. His mood was instantly dampened by the force Azazel shoved his brother forward with. Gabriel was in pain that he could tell. Oh he was pissed, Azazel would die. Slowly.

He crept along the pass behind Azazel and Gabriel, what he found strange was that Sam was nowhere to be found. Lucifer watched as Azazel stated up the ritual, he waited until he was partway through the Enochian spell before butting in.

"You really thought you could betray me, ME? You may be stupid Azazel but I didn't think you'd resort to killing my brother. And lets be honest, even I thought you were smarter than that."

"Lucifer, he's just a pitiful omega, what could you possibly want with him. Let's make a deal."

"A deal, really? Now that was just the wrong thing to say entirely."

He charged at Azazel. He attempted to get Azazel down by using jab to the head. Azazel came back with a knife. he wrestled the knife off him and stabbed the guy through the arm. There was a shriek and Lucifer took that as an opportunity to go for the gut. But he tripped and he landed on top of Azazel with a deafening crack. The altar split in two and lucifer stood up to see a small stream of red coursing its way over Azazels brow. So he stabbed him in the gut, four times, for good measure. when he turned around he noticed the room was empty. Lucifer was so caught up in his battle with Azazel that he didn't notice Gabriel had gone.


Sam went down the mountain to an small creek and sat there thinking about what Gabriel had said to him. Free a while he just felt stupid. When it dawned on him he jumped up, mentally kicking himself and falling headfirst into the river. He'd left Gabriel alone in a cave where he as sure there was someone else. Resurfacing he pulled himself out f the water and tried to shake himself dry as quickly as possible.

"SAM!" It was Gabriel, he was sure. Once he had rebooted his systems, Sam began running back up the mountain. He didn't really have a plan so he slowed down and took a more subtle approach when he bearded the cave. Who ever hurt Gabriel would be disemboweled with a spoon.

As he approached the cave he saw someone who looked like Gabriel being dragged across a mountain path that looked fairly precarious but had little to no tuning room, Sam observed. That was where he noticed Lucifer, heading up the back, far enough away not to be scented but close enough not lo loose sight. Sam would have been worried about him if it weren't for the seething rage he could feel coming off Lucifer in tidal waves. Sam decided to follow behind Lucifer. He didn't want to be noticed by the man just yet, not until he figured pity what part Lucifer played in this kidnapping.

Creeping behind Lucifer set everything on edge for Sam. He was just waiting for the guy to turn around and go for him. What Sam wasn't expecting was for Lucifer to creep into the cave and hide in a crevice in the wall. Lucifer, Sam realised, wasn't going to stop whatever was going on but he wasn't actively part of it either.

Sam found a small tunnel on the other side of the cave and through that he could get to the back, closer to Gabriel. The cave he notices was set out much like an ancient church would be back home. With an altar and standing space and what he realised must be the choir corridors as he walked through them. Sam just hoped that they also had catacombs.

As Gabriel's kidnapper began chanting in an old language Sam recognised as Enochian he was trying to work out what was being said when Lucifer revealed himself in true dramatic fashion. Sam rolled his eyes and once he was sure that the two men were too busy to notice him and Gabriel he crept over to the alter.

"Gabriel? Sorry for leaving you." He whispered.

"Sammich, your here," Gabriel whisper celebrated. "So are we good?"

"Can we wait to have a more lengthy conversation until we're well away from here. But yeah, Gabe. We're good."

He grabbed Gabriel and led him back through the tunnel he had come from further into the mountain.

"Sammy, the entrance is that way." Gabriel said nervously.

"Yeah I know but, bingo," Gabriel raised an eyebrow at him. "This church is like the majority of ours back home and many of the ones in the mountains have a stairway to the catacombs. There'll be an entrance at the base of the mountain and we'll get down quicker." Gabriel still looked nervous.

"Gabe are you claustrophobic?" Sam said.

"Maybe." Gabriel said in a small voice. Sam smiled at him.

"It's okay Gabriel, we'll do this together." Sam promised.

They went through the tunnel and were immediately met with a spiralling staircase. Gabriel looked even more nervous at that an so Sam kept him close as they made their descent.

I promise some more destiel by the end of this week! I won't leave you waiting much longer on their cliff hanger!


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