Chapter 22 - We've Lost His Majesty!

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Hello lovely people, 

Exams are over and I bless you with a new part! 

Destiel is canon and you cannot convince me otherwise 


"Where is Castiel?" His father whispered to him. Gabriel shrugged. He hadn't seen Cas since he went to bed early last night. Which he should probably thank his brother for because it took his parents attention away from him. Which ultimately found him in a dark corner with the one and only Samuel Winchester for the night. Which may or may not have led to sneaking out in the morning. Nothing untoward happened mind, but that was what they were trying to avoid people thinking.

Gods how Gabriel longed to be with Sam. In this country where the world didn't seem to care that he was an omega. Where they talked of the princes like they were people. Where there where laws against violence and harassment. Gabriel longed to be with Sam. It was like nothing he had ever felt before.

He was snapped back to the conversation when a servant came through suggesting that the king was missing. Gods above did that get people moving. Gabriel tried really hard not to find it funny that both Castiel and Dean were missing at the same time and were probably together. A hand trapped hold of his in the melee to find the missing monarch. Gabriel didn't have to look up to know it was Sam.

"We gotta find them Gabe. Before anyone else does." Gabriel nodded. The last thing their one true pair needed was Deans new fancy job getting in their way.



Cas woke up and apparently he had not been dreaming. There was Dean. Clothes and all, sleeping next to him in his bed. After manoeuvring himself away from Dean without waking him up, Cas watched as Dean rolled over and curled into his vacated spot on the bed. He thought Dean was adorable. Not that he'd ever tell him that.

It was a noise from just outside the door that startled him. He floundered around for what to do about his majesty currently sleeping in his bed but was saved by the person knocking on the door.

"Castiel," it was his father Nathaniel. "Are you awake?"

"Yes papa, give me a minute, I'm getting changed." Nathaniel chuckled and to Castiel's relief walked away. Castiel let out a sigh.

"If your really that concerned about people seeing you with me I can leave." Came a muffled voice from the bed.

"Dean I was more concerned about your reputation at the moment."

"Aww Cas, aren't you a gentlemen." He couldn't tell if that was meant to be teasing or passive aggressive.

"Dean I think we need to talk." Dean sat up and brushed himself off, looking very regal as he did so.

"I think you might be right," he took off the coronation jacket revealing a white shirt. "I know just the place we can do it too."

Dean led them through the servant corridors out of the back of the castle, towards the river. When they reached the forest Dean slowed down. They were less likely to be spotted now and maybe, just maybe he could get away with no royal duties today. It was the day before his royal tour and people were expecting him tomorrow but today was just filled with dinners. Perhaps they could be postponed, or even better cancelled. Once they reached the river he stopped. The water was running over the stones creating foamy white patterns in the clear liquid. The mossy ground gave the area a mystical feeling and an enchanting look. It was a place he loved. His mother used to take him down here when certain ministers came to visit or when Dad was busy. He felt connected to her here. It was the only place that still did that.

They sat down and Cas looked like he was ready to launch into a big speech. But Dean didn't want to hear it, not yet. So he put his hand to Castiel's mouth.

"Shhhhhh. Just listen." Cas seemed to catching pretty quickly. He kissed Dean's fingers, which did not make him blush. Nope not at all. He then curled his fingers around Dean's and set them down on they ground between them.

After a few minutes Dean bucked up the courage to ask Cas what he was going to say.

"I wanted to apologise. I've treated you badly and ignored you. I was convinced that it had to be me that fixed everything because it was my mistake. However, I have come to realise that leading Haeveen is not what I want. It's not where I want to be. Because I want you, Dean. Not to come home with me, I would never ask that of you. Besides I don't want you there. You deserve far better than what Haeveen can offer you. I want you to be Dean Winchester King of Earos and if you'll have me some day, I would like to be your consort." Well Dean didn't know what he expected. Of course Cas had be e perfect and say everything he wanted and more. Dean had only dreamed of Castiel by his side as his equal. He never thought Castiel would be willing enough to let Dean take the lead.

"Cas...don't get me wrong I want that, I do. But I need an explanation. What happened with Lucifer, with my father and in the prison. I'm not sure either of us knows exactly what happened and I think it's time we went over that. For me thats the only way I think I can get past this," Cas looked torn so Dean decided to start. "In the Haeveen the prison I'm really not sure what they put you through, what they told you. But everything I did there, I did for you. Lucifer he..."

"He took advantage of you," Dean's head snapped up. It wasn't even a question, he looked at Cas questioningly. "I didn't know at the time, at the time I thought you were in league or something," he chuckled. "Dean, Michael as I'm sure you have figured out, is not the kindest of people. He made it seem so obvious that you were with Lucifer that I believed it for a long time afterwards as well. Even after we'd left the city. It wasn't until I left to return to the capital that I started to question what I was thinking. Even then once we'd caught lucifer and he started boasting about it that helped me understand. I'm so sorry Dean. I shouldn't have doubted you." Dean nodded.

"What about the roof?"

"You confronted me with so much information. I was being, as my father would say, a stubborn ass about it. I didn't know what to do when you challenged the way I was seeing the situation. And so I ran. I can't explain it any better than that." Dean chucked. He laid down and rested against Cas' side.

"I forgive you Cas. I forgave you last night to be honest, but I needed those explanations."

"I understand Dean."

"Do you think we could stay here all day? Political dinners are bloody boring." Cas laughed.


Him and Gabriel went down to the forest. They found Castiel and Dean in the grove, Sam and Dean related to their mother.

"Of course he brought Cas here," Sam chuckled. At Gabriel's questioning look he continued. "Our mother used to bring us here as kids, Dean said its the only place he feels close to her." Gabriel nodded.

"Do you think we should interrupt them?"

"We could. Or we could go inside call off the search and get bobby to cancel events for today. Then we could talk to your parents? Or should we do our own disappearing act?" Gabriel gave him a smirk.

"You know what I'm thinking. Though we should have a conversation with my parents. They have to know I want to stay here." Sam was taken aback by that. He and Gabriel had talked briefly about what might happen after the coronation. But Gabriel had never stated that he wanted to stay here. Perhaps the coronation had changed his mind.

More Sabriel coming up. Stay tuned for jo/charlie and James/nathaniel instalments!! I promise I won't bore you with angst much longer!


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