Chapter 21 - The Mighty Little Bumble Bee

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Hello lovely people, 

Thanks for sticking with me thus far. Some fluffy destiel angst for you all because you deserve it. What do y'all think about Nathaniel personally my fave side character atm. 


When the towns people and the royal household started to pay homage to Dean, Cas found it very hard to sit still and remain in his seat. Every instinct was telling him that it should be him standing next to Dean in Sam's position. Cas hated this. He had to stay sat with his parents like a good little prince. He remembered why he ran away in the first place.

Later that evening he retired early not wishing to see Dean dancing with all of the pretty ladies at court or to withstand the pitiful and worried glances he kept being sent by his father and brother. But now he was upstairs he felt like he'd left Dean to fend for himself. Oh fuck this he just couldn't win. He was pacing back and forth now like a scorned petulant child.

"Will you tell me what's going on or is this a brood until it becomes too much moment?" Cas jumped at his fathers voice coming from the door.

"I think we've already got to the point where it's too much to be honest."

"What's up bumble bee?" Cas laughed as he started to cry.

"Please don't call me that?"

"Too late for that little bee. Come on talk to me." His father Nathaniel opened his arms and Castiel some what ungraciously fell into them and was guided to the bed as he sobbed into his fathers regal doublet.

"I want to stay, here I mean," he said between sniffs. "I want to stand by Dean, I want to aid him and all throughout today I've wanted to be by his side. I want to stay and be with the one person who could possibly be considered the love of my life and instead I have to sit and play the part of unimportant ally whilst he flirts and dances with everyone but me. I want another chance papa. I screwed up so badly and I want a second chance. I'm not sure I deserve anything from Dean but I want it so badly it hurts. It doesn't help that every time I walk into a room in this castle I'm reminded of how it used to be. Papa when did this all get so complicated?"

"Oh my little bee, you'll get there with him. I'm sure of it, you just have to be patient and tell him how you feel."

All Cas could manage was a small nod on his fathers shoulder as he cried harder. Soon enough he fell into a fitful sleep.

What felt like an eternity later James nocked on the door, bringing Castiel back to a some level consciousness. He registered his father kissing his forehead and walking out the door, talking in hushed tones with James on the way out. Just before he slipped back into a heavy sleep he could have sworn he felt someone curl into him and possibly kiss his nose, but he was convinced he was dreaming.


Once Castiel left he excused himself as soon as polite and necessary for people to assume that he was actually tired and not off meeting the Crown Prince of another country. Of course he wasn't supposed to be doing the latter but the party downstairs just wasn't the same without Cas. It was dull anyway and excruciatingly painful to watch Cas' heart seem to shatter every time he agreed to dance with one of the ladies. But without Cas there he just didn't see the point.

So after Cas left he waited for about half an hour then he joined Castiel and consort Nathaniel in the retired for the evening squad. He was walking towards the kings suite or so he thought. He found that his feet had surreptitiously changed direction and he was walking to the suite designated to Castiel via the servant corridors. Well at least his subconscious had the forethought to make sure little to no one knew where he was going. But he stopped short of the door when he heard talking and crying inside. Dean had never heard Castiel cry but then again he wasn't sure it was Cas until he got close enough to make out the conversation.

"Too late for that little bee. Come on talk to me." The a stumble or something similar

"I want to stay, here I mean. I want to stand by Dean, I want to aid him and all throughout today I've wanted to be by his side. I want to stay and be with the one person who could possibly be considered the love of my life and instead I have to sit and play the part of unimportant ally whilst he flirts and dances with everyone but me. I want another chance papa. I screwed up so badly and I want a second chance. I'm not sure I deserve anything from Dean but I want it so badly it hurts. It doesn't help that every time I walk into a room in this castle I'm reminded of how it used to be. Papa when did this all get so complicated?"

"Oh my little bee, you'll get there with him. I'm sure of it, you just have to be patient and tell him how you feel."

Oh. Dean didn't know how to take that. Obviously it didn't explain everything or indeed anything. But it confirmed what Dean had been hoping for and that was probably the only reason he smiled. Cas wanted to stay. Cas wanted a second chance. Dean was more than happy, in fact he would be over the moon if he gave Cas a second chance. But Dean wasn't ready to trust that easily, Cas had to understand that right? He had to know that they would have to go back to the beginning, that Dean would have to have explanations and he'd have to believe them. He understood that this wasn't a easy thing to ask for right? Dean stood for about ten minutes with those thoughts spinning round his head making him dizzy. Then he heard Nathaniel leave and say something quietly to someone at the door. Then the door shut with a soft snick.

Dean eased open the servants door, which was just a hidden panned in the wall and softly walked inside. There he was. Dean wasn't sure what he was expecting when he was alone with Castiel again but it certainly wasn't Cas face down, crying on a bed. Cas whimpered as he rolled onto his side and Dean was spurred into motion. Talking could wait he decided. He'd had a stressful day and the urge to curl up in bed with Cas and just forget was far to appealing. And so he did just that. After taking off the too many decorations and his shoes, he climbed carefully into bed and pulled a mostly sleeping Cas up to the pillows with him. Cas clutched onto him as he went to shuffle over. Dean chuckled and pressed a kiss to Cas' nose. He had to stop himself from laughing as the mighty Castiel attempted to bury further into Dean's chest. Soon enough Castiel settled and his breathing evened out.

Dean watched as Castiel slept peacefully in his arms and wished that it could be this easy when they woke up. But he knew that he needed those explanations, if only for Cas to get rid of their weight.

I apologise for the bad grammar in this chapter, I might go back and edit but maybe not we'll see. 


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