Chapter 11 - Disaster and the Deanosaurus

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Hello everyone, 

This chapter is the longest thing I have every written in one POV. Well in this story anyway. At some point this will get better. I was hoping for this chapter but my original plan for this chapter is much longer than expected. 


Dean just couldn't get his head around this. His father, his invincible father was gone. Upjohn winchester had been the only constant thing in his life and now that had been taken away from him. He wanted to punch something, hard. Only the did it hit him that he was the ruler of Earos now. The country was his responsibility. He was the one who had to tell the world that the king was dead and they were in fact not going to avenge him, no, the were going to be friends with his killers. Dean was going to be the least popular person in the history of forever. Never mind that, his Dad was dead in the side of a mountain, his murderer was still at large, Sam was still missing and now there were two unstable lineages in the southern kingdoms. Dean hated to think what he would do if the anarchists in purgatory decided they wanted Earos whilst the throne was weak.

On top of that he had messed things up with Cas. Cas wasn't speaking to him, granted he didn't make much of an effort to talk either but Cas was outright plotting his demise by his expressionless expression. Dean was hating every second of this. He had lost two of the most important people in his life and Sammy probably didn't want him anyways. God he was pathetic. Dean was positive that if he had said no to Lucifer he would not be in this situation. But maybe Cas wouldn't be there then? Dean felt that everything he did was to protect Cas and Sam but did they feel that way, he would probably never know. They were walking to the city together but Cas seemed distant. Like he was trying to put distance between them. Had the night at the party never happened? Dean decided that he would save that moment for a rainy day and just take what he could get. The silence was killing him. He knew he didn't have much of a chance but Dean had to try and explain what happened from his point right. That's what healthy couples did.

"Cas I think we need to talk?"

"What on earth could there possibly be for us to talk about your highness." Was Cas' icy reply.

"Us? Please Cas I don't know what you went throughout, what Lucifer did to you but-"

"Oh what so my feelings don't matter now?"

"Cas thats not what I was-"

"Just save it for someone who cares Dean." Dean felt like he had just been stabbed in the heart. How could Cas pretend to care. What did that mean? Actually Dean knew exactly what that meant, he had been played for a fool.

In the city they were taken to the great hall where they were met by a guard.

"Identify yourselves."

"I am Castiel Nightingale and this is my companion Dean Winchester. You should probably know that." The hard stuttered but led the through regardless. They were left in a large anti chamber. Dean started to decide whether he should say something to Cas about their earlier correspondence (he wasn't sure it could be called a conversation). He was cut off by the doors opening and the king and consort of Haeveen being announced to them.

The consort, who Dean later found out was called Nathaniel, ran straight over to Cas and gave I'm and very tight hug. Cas seemed to withdraw a little but Dean thought it was sweet. Dean was quickly ignored by everyone in the room which he disposed greatly.

"I suppose you have found out about John's visit to the city Castiel. I am afraid you just missed him."

"Actually, I didn't know tat he had visited here, but with the placing of his horse it did seem more likely." Dean scoffed.

"Something you'd like to Dean." Cas asked dryly. That was it, Dean had had enough.

"There are several things I would like to add to that Castiel," his voice so cold he saw Cas flinch. "Firstly given that you are under my employment I think I deserve some respect. Secondly, you had nothing to do with finding my fathers body you simply followed me. Thirdly, I am King of Earos and if you all don't stop treating me like a fucking person I will have to rethink our peace treaty. Don't look at me like that Castiel, instead I suggest you prove to me that I shouldn't start a fucking war. The King looked shocked. Probably because an omega had just announced himself as the employer of his some and the King of his neighbouring country. That and the peace treaty threat of course.

"Now Dean, there is no reason to make threats because of anything that might be going on between you and Castiel." Kin g James attempted to placate. Dean just continued fuming, he was on a roll now, and like hell would they trade over him.

"This has nothing to do with Castiel," Dean Said tone flat and eerily calm (not entirely true but he could make this work.) "your sone killed my father, give me a reason not to invade your country just so I can gut the crown prince myself." James and castiel looked taken aback by the frankness of what Dean had just insinuated. Nathaniel on the other hand looked lie he was about to embrace Dean too and egg him on. Dean was all for that idea.

"I would like an explanation." James turned on Castiel. Who recounted Lucifers role in the Deaths of John Winchester and his accomplice Azazel Thorncroft. Castiel also explained that he a experienced an influx of power a few days ago and heavily insinuate that this might be behind the attacks.

Dean then had to ask what the power influx meant. Nathaniel stepped in this time which Dean was grateful for.

"In this country the Crown prince is decided less by the rulers and more by Mother Earth and the fates. It works like this, all children regardless of designation are inspected by the three fates before birth. If they deem the child worth for the throne they place the potential for great power within them. As they grow each child is taught to harness ther power and help it grow. When the first child comes of age at sixteen Mother Earth gives that child the power of the Crown, which is basically untapped power from the earth and nature. When each younger sibling comes of age Mother Earth reassesses her decision. This decision is also reassessed when members abstain or abandon the lineage. Up until what was know as his fall, Castiel was always the one designed to rule the isles."

"So why has Mother Earth reassessed her decision this time," Castiel enquired. "I have not completed the rejoining ritual nor have I accepted to being part of this family again."

"I think that Mother Earth has been forced to reassess, this would suggest that someone had removed Lucifer's original power, the one given to him by the fates. There is no one I know of that powerful-"

"I know of someone that powerful," Dean said quietly. As all eyes turned to him he continued. "Her name is Rowena, she lives in a cottage in a forest in the south of Haeveen near the Earos border, she's my godmother. And if she's part of this then the only other person that would know if my brother, which means not only is Sammy alive but I can assume that Gabriel is too." Dean said turning to look at his companions in the room.

"Explain everything." Was King James' only answer. They did. They explained how Sam was taken and lucifer was threatening marriage. How Gabriel had gotten a note to them. How when they'd gone to find Sam because their letter had been unanswered they found lucifer had killed their messenger. How lucifer had kept them in the prison for weeks. How when they had escaped they came here to tell the King this story and found John Winchester dead in the mountain ruins. Dean didn't get to recount his version of events in the prison because Castiel glossed over their time there. Eventually they decided that rest was in order and that the King would sleep in the information and make a decision in the morning.

Dean tried to talk to Cas as he led him up to his room but the older man just walked stoically and ignored him. All he said to Dean that night was "goodnight your majesty" with a low bow as he left Dean in his room.

Anyway hope you like what I have now dubbed as the Deanosaurus. PLEASE KNOW THAT I HAD NO INTENTION OF PROLONGING YOUR SUFFERING AND THIS WILL GET BETTER.


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