Chapter 6 - Bittersweet Reunion

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Hi Y'all, 

Apologies for the hiatus I took a well needed break for my wellbeing, plus this chapter was hard to write,  I just want to promise there will be light at the end of this tunnel, though it is a very long tunnel. 


The next week was hell, he was treated by the guards like a prisoner but they insisted on making him comfortable and giving him extra food and blankets. Could they not just treat him the same? Though being given blankets was better than being whipped, his back still hurt from the last one he had gotten and the burns on his legs and torsion made it almost impossible to move. He had refused to take his wings out, however much he desperately needed to because he didn't what his sadistic, maniacal brother to have more things to play with. He spent most of his time distracting himself worrying about Dean. How was he? Did he have blankets? Would he still love Cas? He felt like a fledgling with his obsession over the prince. And just to top off his week Dean and Lucifer had paid a visit. Together. Seeing his brother touch Dean, his Dean in the way he wanted to killed him. He found it hard to believe that Dean had done the things that both Michael and Lucifer had described. The man he knew didn't leave people behind, though maybe that only extended to family.

As the day went by Cas began to find explanations and answers to his questions. How was Dean? Taken care of. He was with Lucifer after all. Did he have blankets? Yes, and they were probably also Lucifer's blankets. Would he still love Cas? No and he obviously never did.


He felt awful, he hadn't eaten in days and the chills from the roof still hadn't gone away completely. His body was a mosaic of cuts, burns, grazes and breaks. Gods knew he deserved it. Over his time as a captive in Haeveen, he was beginning to realise what being an omega really meant. It was painful. Very, very painful. No top of that he had to wear these weird tight clothes with too many buttons, frills and ruffles. All that just to follow Lucifer to Cas, be manhandled, sexually assaulted and watch as the light drained from the eyes of the man he loved. Gods he felt like a teenage girl. Lucifer had come to taunt him about it all through the day and Dean had just switched off, until the vile, evil little cockroach brought up Cas of course. Dean couldn't tell what was worse, being tortured, starving or being the reason for his best friends eventual surrender.

"He was hanging on well Dean, real strong, for you to just break him like that...did wonders for me." Lucifer babbled on about unimportant things and Dean just tried to block him out.

He began thinking to that day, that turning point apparently. He had just come down off the tower from the night up there and was greeted with a mediocre breakfast which he ate, because survival was also important. Later, Lucifer came up to him with clothes that he demanded he put on, which he did. The unfortunate thing was that Lucifer has worked out pretty quickly who Deans weakness was in this situation and he used Cas and sometimes his brother to his advantage constantly. He was then dragged through the dungeons down to where Cas was being held and forced to stand there looking neutral and uncaring whilst Lucifer did what he thought necessary. Which apparently involved touching Dean in places he really wasn't comfortable with constantly and...kissing him. It wasn't even good either. Not that that would have made the situation any different he was still being assaulted. What killed him the most as that Cas couldn't see that.


After a weeks trek through the forest he and Gabriel arrived at the road house. Simply wanting to get some rest he and Gabriel entered the inn and they were greeted with a row.

"Joanna Beth Harvelle what do you mean he was take captive."

"I mean he was taken captive and so he's not here."

"And you didn't go and save him."

"Mom we were on our way and we needed some supplies."

"Like hell am I giving you supplies missy, you come here with nothing worth selling and missing a crew member..." it was at that point that Sam looked at Gabriel and motioned to the door. His friend nodded and they left about as quietly as they'd come in.

Once they were outside Gabriel breathed a sigh of relief and Sam realised he had been holding his as well. They walked over to the well outside and leant against it.

"I gotta say Sasquatch, you couldn't cut the tension in that room with a knife if you tried. This happen often?"

"Only when Ellen's angry, when that happens you steer clear." Gabriel nodded his head in an "understood" kind of manner. And they returned to companionable silence as they waited for the argument inside to fizzle out.

He was sitting facing away from he door watching Gabriel when Ellen came out later. He decided that watching Gabriel talk to the horses was very hypnotic.


He was aware that Sam was watching him and not "planning their route back to roweena's" as he had said. He ignored it because honestly having tall, hot prince stare at you was not a hardship. Consequently however, he almost burst out laughing when Ellen came out to see them and Sam didn't even notice.

"Sorry about that boys, is there something I can help you with?" There was some silence whilst Gabriel tried to make Sam pay attention.

"Fucking hell," he muttered. "Samshine you gonna join us on planet earth anytime soon."

"Huh?" Was Sam's intelligent contribution to the conversation. Gabriel sighed.

"Sorry ma'am he not usually this out of it. We came because the weirdly tall moose over there said you might have some things we're looking for."

"Oh yeah, and does the 'weirdly tall moose know what that might be?" Gabriel looked at Sam, who was obviously still floundering.

"We need-"

"I don't deal with your type boy."

"Little help Sam." Gabriel hissed. Sam sat upright coming to his senses fairly quickly.

"Right, um, hi Ellen?" Ellen looked at Sam with surprise and then back at Gabriel with suspicion.

"You better have a reason for this boy?" And led them inside.

Gabriel was made sit in the main room, with Jo if he remembered correctly.

"So, blondie, long time no see?"

"Don't talk to me." Gabriel just nodded.

Hopefully Sam and Gabriel were a break from the disapproving thoughts and deception happening with Cas and Dean. Will Ellen and Jo like Gabriel? Will Sam and Gabe succeed? Will Gabriel use the love potion? All will be revealed!

Please stick with me!


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