Chapter 16 - The King, The General and The Criminal

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Hello people who read my book, 

I have worked out that deadlines are not for me. However I will try and do one a week! Hopefully this won't be too long and you are still interested, please let me know if you would like something to happen or have a particular prompt you would like me to write! 


The carriage was an opulent one. Gold, red and purple hues lined the insides and the cushions were comfy and a greatly appreciated luxury after the cold prison and stony hills. Dean had almost forgotten what he took for granted before this whole fiasco.

James Nightingale it turned out was a very agreeable man and doted on his husband greatly, it reminded Dean of the way castiel had treated him in private before Lucifer. Dean hated Lucifer, hated him with a passion. Though he couldn't take that out on the Monarchs. In reality they had no decision on which of their children where chosen by their Gods. It was unfortunate that Lucifer had been the chosen one for a while, but that was reality. Dean had a job to do. He was, as of a few Days ago, the Leader of a country that was slowly falling into disarray. Though on the outside Earos looked like the prosperous country it had always been, digging deeper it became clear that after the death of his mother, John Winchester had changed. The slums that they passed going through the first major city made Dean cringe.

"Is this normal?" James asked a hit of disbelief. Dean shook his head.

"It shouldn't be, but it is. A large proportion of the population live like this. As the reigning monarch it was my fathers job to ensure that housing and building works were safe and secure. After my mother died my father went into decline for years and a rogue company not chartered by us started building houses on the outsides of cities without the correct precautions. It took my dad about four years to get his head out of his ass and recognise it for what it was. By that time though half of the houses they built had either collapsed or where in unsafe conditions. We had to relocate about two million people. The slums were supposed to be temporary but my father didn't see housing as top of his list."

"What about your list?" Nathaniel asked slowly. Dean smiled. Where did he start with that? There was so much he wanted to do.

"I think housing is one of the first things I'll address. The others being hygiene, education, health and our monetary support system." Nathaniel smiled and James nodded his head.

"Would you mind explaining to me how those systems work?" James looked at him in what Dean decided must be a small amount of wonder. He happily agreed.


The next few days were filled with dinners, conferences and law making. Castiel decided that in order to undo everything that Lucifer had done her had to turn to the people. The lords, barons and bishops were all very informative but their view was skewed by their power and Castiel needed to make a difference to everyone if he wa to be accepted fully back into the role of crown prince.

His first action was to make lucifer a wanted criminal and investigate Michael and his scholarly followers. Next he went into the church and quietly investigated the people who held the most power. He found that unsurprisingly most of those in positions of power had usurped their predecessors. Whilst his most trusted sorted through the nobility he went to meet Hannah. She had after all just returned from Lucifer's great crusade.

"Hannah, it's good to see you." He was met with a loud slap around the face. Well he couldn't say he didn't deserve to.

"You bastard, you think you can just waltz in here with your wings and your perfect smile and just take control. You left us to that monster, you left us for what, freedom? Was it worth it? Was your freedom worth watching everyone suffer? Bet your happy now. Not only have you been welcomed back into the family but you've got your position back as well. You left us Castiel, Gabriel, Anna and I, you left us to wither away. I'm glad Gabriel isn't here, you don't deserve anyone's forgiveness." She was still seething but she seemed to have run out of things to say.

"Are you finished?" He waited for an answer, when he didn't receive one he continued.

"I will not pretend to be in the right Hannah, I have made many mistakes over the last few years. Though I do not regret leaving, it helped me find who I am, it made me a better person. I will admit that I didn't leave you, Anna or Gabriel in the most capable hands but I thought it would go to you. Not that that's any consolation. Hannah I am here to make things right. I can't promise that I won't leave but it will never be permanent. Walk with me General, we have much to discuss."

To his surprise Hannah followed.


"Gabriel? Sorry for leaving you." He whispered.

"Sammich, your here," Gabriel whisper celebrated. "So are we good?"

"Can we wait to have a more lengthy conversation until we're well away from here. But yeah, Gabe. We're good."

He grabbed Gabriel and led him back through the tunnel he had come from further into the mountain.

"Sammy, the entrance is that way." Gabriel said nervously.

"Yeah I know but, bingo," Gabriel raised an eyebrow at him. "This church is like the majority of ours back home and many of the ones in the mountains have a stairway to the catacombs. There'll be an entrance at the base of the mountain and we'll get down quicker." Gabriel still looked nervous.

"Gabe are you claustrophobic?" Sam said.

"Maybe." Gabriel said in a small voice. Sam smiled at him.

"It's okay Gabriel, we'll do this together." Sam promised.

They went through the tunnel and were immediately met with a spiralling staircase. Gabriel looked even more nervous at that an so Sam kept him close as they made their descent.

The catacombs were damp and musky. Sam held Gabriel close as they descended.

"Sammich are you sure that you know the way round these?" Gabriel asked fearfully.

"Yes, Gabriel I have done this far more often than you think. You're gonna need to be quiet, these caves are echoey and Lucifer can't be far behind." Sam felt Gabriel's shudder at the mention of the former crown prince and he held the smaller man impossibly closer.

It took them hours to get out of the caves and Gabriel was quiet through it all, though Sam could practically taste his apprehension and fear. It was not far off midnight when they emerged and he made sure to check the stars for help in navigation. He decided to head south east towards the coast knowing that the Capital could be due north up the coast from there. He just hoped that Castiel had been accepted as new Crown prince, Gabriel seemed to like him and Sam wasn't sure about Gabe's other siblings.

They had not long entered the forest when they heard a deep, frustrated roar. Lucifer had exited the caves and he was not far behind them.

Hannah's not mean she's angry and John is a broken person. I don't have too many bad characters. Will Lucifer be caught though and can Dean and Castiel repair their relationship ? This if going to take me longer than my original 15 chapters! 

Until next time, 


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