Chapter 7 - the Mountains range

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I am back with some more angst and John being the father we know him to be! That sounds more happy than it should. I hope the last few parts make up for the hiatus. It'll get better I promise but we have to go through the bad stuff to get to the cute fluff. Anyways.... (this was a long intro).


John Winchester, having lost both of his sons in the space of a few weeks and having no response from his letter, decided to take things into his own hands. Dean, as usual, a thought with his heart rather than his head and John could only assume that Castiel had fulfilled his job description and followed him, gods knew that Dean needed the supervision. With Sam in the wind, John could assume that either Dean had got him out or that the Gabriel that had written the note had escaped with him. He was inclined to believe the latter given the upset on their border with Haeveen. But John could only go on the information from his most trusted spy master, Bobby Singer.

According to Bobby, the King and Prince Regent of the Isles were on a tour on the most northerly parts of the Haeveen, not far from where he had recruited Castiel. And so, John mounted his horse and began his journey, alone, to the easterly peaks of Earos.

He took no company with him as he could not risk being noticed by the border, not whilst tension was growing. He had arranged for Bobby to ensure the castle remained running and to keep the servants inside the grounds until his return, so that it would seem the country still had a ruler. John just hoped that his intervention wasn't too late.

The journey was a long one, and though it would only take him three days, John knew it wasn't going to be pleasant. By the evening on the first day, he had had to avoid three parties of Angelici and he wasn't even close to the border yet. Each party seemed angry and rather confused. But still John kept to the shadows, his time in the Earos army's hunters division serving him well. And by mid morning the next day he had reached the mountains.


"Ellen, please, I know it is a lot to ask-"

"A lot to ask boy, you go missing, show up with gods know who and demand that I give you some of my most expensive ingredients for free." Sam sighed, this wasn't going well at all.

"Not free Ellen, future favour." Ellen looked at him, Sam was her favourite out of Jo's crew. Not that she'd ever mention that sober. She sighed and looked up at him with begrudged eyes.

"Fine, but it better be a damn big favour." She grumbled and then walked out the room.

Sam looked around for what seemed like ages and wondered whether Ellen knew he could here her cursing and complaining about 'princes with puppy eyes'. He would deny to the day he died, that it made him love the grumpy woman more.

She came back with a sack and placed it down with an angry cautiousness. Evidently something was delicate in the bag, Sam guessed it was the goofer dust. He smiled up at Ellen but she gave him a hard stare that said, 'get out before I change my mind'. Sam did just that.

He collected Gabriel from the main room, where he was hiding from Jo and her death glare. Sam did not blame him.


As the sun began to set, Gabriel wondered whether he'd ever be able to sleep in a normal bed again. They'd had the chance but apparently Angelici were not liked much this side of the mountains. Sam always said that he would change that, usually when they were by the fire at night. Sam was always saying how he would like to change the views of people in Earos, but he hadn't wanted to do the army time and so he'd ran away before his Dad could make him. Gabriel couldn't deny it, the ex-prince fascinated him, Sam was so kind, gentle and loving no one would believe his sarcastic, smart and warrior side.

Gabriel had yet to use the love potion given to him by Rowena. He hadn't quite plucked up the courage yet. Rowena insisted that it would make no difference especially if what she thought was happening was true. Gabriel just didn't want to influence Sam in that way, he'd almost grown too fond of the prince to want to find out.

Another thing that bothered Gabriel was his secondary gender. He wanted to be with Sam but sometimes he felt like that wasn't going to happen because why would Sam want to be with another omega. It was another thing that astounded him about Sam, the man didn't seem to care what he was, apparently there wasn't the same level of old magic in Earos and Gabriel had definitely felt the difference when they crossed the border. Secondary genders just weren't as prominent and Sam never seemed bothered by it, well other than asking the odd question about what happened and how it worked. Sam had brought it up in one of those long, late night conversations that Gabriel had come to love so much.

Which was where they were now. Sitting under a large oak tree, on an autumn night, no fire because these parts of the woods were safe and also covered in dry debris and very few blankets. Which meant that sharing body heat was the way to go and so here he was very, very close to Samuel Winchester. He hadn't realised that he was off in his own world until Sam nudged him.

"Huh?" Was his intelligent reply as he looked up at Sam. Wow Gabriel way to go, he thought. Sam just laughed, he looked really handsome when he laughed.

"I asked if you were okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Just lost in thought." Sam looked puzzled.

"I don't think your like Lucifer, Gabriel." Gods why did Sam have to hit the nail on the head every time. Gabriel sighed. He put on a fake smile and looked up at Sam.

"I'm just tired, Sammich, lets go to sleep?" He hoped it didn't sound as pathetic and pleading as he thought it did. 

Sorry for the Sabriel angst, it wasn't going to happen but it did. 


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