Chapter 8 - No love lost

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Hiiiiiii, I am back finally. I am afraid that updates will be a little irregular and I apologise. But to make up I have bambi Cas and fluffy Sabriel. You earned it guys. 


He could feel it, it felt different and new and dangerous. He didn't know what it was either. Cas felt mighty, he felt like he could challenge Lucifer and win. He wanted to challenge Lucifer and win. He wanted to prove to Dean that he could be everything to him and more, that Lucifer was nothing compared to what Cas could offer. But there was still the little voice in the back of his head that told him Dean didn't want him, that he took too much time, wasn't assertive enough with what he wanted.

Cas was scared too. He was scared that with all the power that he was feeling, he would end up like Lucifer. He was scared that he might hurt someone. Well he was scared of hurting Dean, not that he'd every admit that to anyone.

Cas finally decided to get off his ass. He had to do something, he had a vow to the King of Earos at any rate and he had to keep to it, even if it was against what Dean ultimately wanted. And so he punched the wall. Very, very hard. No seriously, the building shook, the wall cracked and the bars bent. Well...that was new. So Cas did what any reasonable man would do with that kind of strength. He walked through the door.

Cas felt like a clumsy teenager. Like someone who had grown and not quite gotten used to is limbs yet. As a result, he fell down the stairs. He heard snickering behind him and turned to see Dean, leaning on the bars. He raised an eyebrow at him.

"You alright there Bambi." If it had been anyone else Cas would have done some thing other than grumble. It was at that moment that'd Cas realised Dean was almost naked, and looked almost deathly thin and white. He put a hand over his eyes and groaned in exasperation.

"Dean get some clothes on, we are leaving." He heard Dean turn around.

"Cas I don't have anything else," that did not make Cas feel any better. "Wait, really?" Cas took his hand away from his face to look at Dean in confusion. That was not the reaction he had expected.

"Yes. I made a vow to your father, Dean, we are leaving." Dean looked disappointed at that, which only seemed to confirm his beliefs. Cas just nodded. Then he tore the door off. To say Dean looked surprised would be an understatement.


He and Gabriel had made it to Rowena's cottage when at sunset the night before. Rowena had taken the ingredients, kicked out Sam, saying Gabriel would be more help and got to work. They had finished the spell as the sun rose and had emerged looking very worn out and hungry. Sam had walked over to Gabriel with some soup he had prepared but the man just collapsed into his arms and fell asleep. He looked up at Rowena who looked at him with a stern gaze and said, "just do it already, its about bloody time." And walked into her bedroom. Sam decided that he would take Gabriel to the spare room they had been given last time. As he went to pick the smaller man up he noticed the wings that were now protruding from the man's back. Sam ignored them for that moment and carried Gabriel to the bedroom.

After laying Gabriel face down on the bed he got in beside him. Sam was contrary to the others, wide awake and lay there absentmindedly running his had through Gabriel's feathers. Now he took more notice of them, he could see that Gabriel had three pairs of wings decreasing in size with the smallest having the softest feathers. He couldn't see the colour of the very well but that didn't matter, especially when Gabriel snuggled closer and grabbed Sam's shirt in his sleep. Yeah, Sam could get used to this. It didn't take him much longer to fall asleep after that.


He woke up covered in what felt like a big duvet, which he soon realised were his wings, and laying in a very comfy position, with a pillow that was bigger than usual. Only then did it hit him, his wings were out, he was lying on a sleeping Sam, with his hand gripping Sam's shirt and Sam's hand in his wings. Gabriel freaked out and got up very quickly. Waking Sam up in the process.

"Gabriel?" Sam said sleepily, the man held out his hands and made a grabby motion. Gabriel thought that was just too cute. He couldn't deny Sam. And so he went and lay next to him as Sam fell back asleep. Gabriel knew what Rowena had told him last night, the potion would have no lasting affect on Sam either way. She encouraged him to use it, but he didn't want to be disappointed by the outcome.


He reached the northern town on Atlanta by sunrise, he had taken a route through the mountains in order to avoid the teams of Angelici patrolling the border. He found the King and prince regent by noon that day.

"Your majesties, his Royal Highness John Winchester." John walked through the doors to the dinning hall with confidence. He found the Rulers of the Haeveen Isles rather surprised with the King stood protectively in front of this husband.

"Believe me James, I have no intentions of harming your family. I come to gain some more information about the match supposedly being orchestrated in the capital." James Nightingale looked very confused and looked at his husband before addressing John.

"This is new information to us, please have a seat, it seems things are unfolding that we both have little control over."

Over the course of this meeting it became clear to John Winchester that James was very supportive of his country and disappointed about his sons attitude, where as Nathaniel Nightingale was very much angry with Lucifer for acting the way he did and also seemed to be angry with the fact the at situation had got this far. Ultimately the Rulers said that they would deal with their son and make sure that Sam and Dean were sent home with appropriate guards and in appropriate conditions. John decided that this was a far as he was going to get with them. Lucifer may have been a dick but he was their son and it was up to them to decide what should happen. Simply because he was intrigued by their family dynamic, he decided to ask about Castiel.

"So how many children do you have? Is lucifer the only one capable of inheriting the crown?" James looked sad.

"Lucifer is no the only one that has the power to hold the country now, we did have another possible candidate, but he decided that it wasn't for him"

"And you respect that decision? I am only asking because my son has done a similar thing."

"We respect his decision yes," Nathaniel answered. "But ultimately we still miss him and there will always be an empty space at our table."

"I understand what you mean. I am glad you think highly of Castiel, if you had not, I think it would have made me uneasy considering he is my sons bodyguard." The Rulers stared at him, and John realised that like him they probably hadn't know about Castiel's second persona. And so without much further discussion he excused himself and left the city. John was making his way over a mountain pass when someone jumped him from behind.

The only thing John heard before the world went black was the beating of wings.

Hahaha, I'm kinda sorry, but not tho. I'll try not to take too long with the update and leave y'all hanging. 

See u soon 


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