Chapter 50

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That night Jax got home late. I was laying in bed holding Abel when he got home.

"Who needed cuddles?" Jax asked when he walked into the bedroom.

"Both of us," I said.

"He probably knew something was off with you. How'd today go?" He asked.

"It was rough. Josh called again. He's leaving tomorrow to drive home so he's planning on the day after tomorrow to get here. I told him he could stay at Mom's place til he gets on his feet here," I said.

Jax just nodded as he got ready for bed. "How do you feel about that?"

"We'll see I guess. I'm worried about when he finds out that I'm with you," I said.

"That won't be a problem baby," he said. I just glared at him a little as he came over and took Abel from my arms.

"Come on little man. Daddy and Mommy need some alone time," he said as he bounced Abel a bit and took him to his room.

When Jax returned, he stole the blankets away from me and instantly started kissing me.

The following morning, I was woken up by my phone ringing.

"Hello," I said.

"Alex, it's Chief Unser," he said.

"What can I do for ya?" I asked, wiping my eyes as I looked at the clock. It was barely six am.

"Caracara is on fire," he said. That woke me up instantly.

"I'll be there as soon as I can," I said. I got out of bed and Jax groaned.

"Babe," he said as I grabbed some jeans and one of his hoodies and threw them on.

"Caracara is on fire," I said and he shot up, grabbing his phone to call Gemma to come get Abel.

I called Damon and told him what was going on and had him notify everyone to not come in today.

"Gemma is on her way," he said. "I'll wait for her. You should head out there."

"Be safe," I said, kissing his lips. I headed out to my car and sped to Caracara. When I pulled up Deputy Hale met me at my car.

"We can't save it. Insurance should cover it," he said.

"Except the Sons are coowners so they'll think it's fraud," I said. "You better fucking prove that it was arson."

"How do you know it wasn't something else?" He asked.

"Just fucking prove whatever it was Hale," I said. "I can get Damon out here. He would've been the one who closed up last night."

"Yeah, please do," he said. I nodded and grabbed my phone.

"Hello Alex," he said as he answered. "Everyone has been notified."

"Thanks," I said. "When can you get here? The police need a statement since you closed last night."

"That new accountant was there after me," he said.

"Well get your ass down here anyways," I said. "I'll have Jax find him."

I hung up the phone and hit my car with my palm out of frustration.

"You gotta hit something that breaks to make you feel better," Jax said with a smirk as he walked over to me.

"When did you get here?" I asked.

"Few minutes ago," he said.

"You need to find the guy that Clay has doing the books now," I said. "He was here after my guy Damon left last night."

"Damon was supposed to be the last one out," Jax said.

"Trust me, I know," I said.

"Baby, it's gonna be okay," Jax said.

"Insurance won't cover it if it looks like the club did it for the claim money," I said.

"Fucking Clay," he said, instantly growing angry.

"I'm gonna kill him," I said, trying to get in my car.

"No, no," Jax said as he wrapped his arms around me. I tried to fight him off but it didn't work.

"Jax let me go," I said angrily.

"Not until you calm down. You'll get yourself fucking killed if you go after Clay right now," he said, pinning me to the car.

"I don't fucking care," I said.

"I care Alex," he snapped back. "I fucking care and I'm not letting you kill yourself."

He started searching my pockets for my keys.

"Where the fuck are they?" He asked.

"Back pocket," I said and he took them.

"You can have these back when you calm down and you're not going to go after Clay," he said.

"Fuck you," I said, storming off to Damon's car as he pulled up.

"You're supposed to be the last one in the fucking building," I snapped as soon as his feet hit the ground.

"I know but I had a date and he promised to lock up after he was done."

"Damon I swear to fucking God if that asshole burnt down my mother's business I'm going to have your head on a silver platter," I said before returning to my car and sitting on the hood of it.

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