its been a while...

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Hi, hello, good morning, good evening--
I'd like to give a big warning that I wrote this story back in 2017/18 (💀) which was like 3/4 years ago. (It's may 1st, 2021 right now)

I'll just say it straight up, I had no idea what I was doing and this story was the first one I actually finished and published. It's not great, at all actually. I was contemplating deleting it completely but it seemed like people still enjoyed it and the "reads" were going up every day.

I'm not gonna delete it, but I wanted to give a warning that not all my work is like this. There are actually decent storylines in some of my newer stories.
So with that being said, I still hope some of you enjoy the story even though it makes absolutely no sense at all (lmao).

Thank you for the support and I still love reading the comments.
If you have any questions feel free to msg me or comment on here or any of the other stories published.

If you have any questions feel free to msg me or comment on here or any of the other stories published

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You wanted a new bad boy type story with the lovely Tom Holland, and you shall receive. So far, only the first book is published but I will start working on the second one as soon as I'm done with the first.

Love you all so much <3

-yours truly

Falling For A Bad Boy - T.HollandWhere stories live. Discover now