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- Tom's POV -
- Saturday -

It was weird, I never had these types of feelings towards anybody, why now and why her? The name Avery never left my mind, and I gotta say, it's extremely annoying. I didn't have romantic feelings towards her but whenever I was with her I never wanted that moment to end. I'm caught up with a girl that doesn't even know me, hell I don't even know her! How could I have feelings for her? My thoughts were interrupted when my brother Harry bangs on my door. I had 3 brothers, Sam, and Harry who are both 14, and Paddy who is 6. "Tom! Mom wants us to go introduce ourselves to the new neighbors!" 
Ah yes, we just recently had a new family move into the house across the street from us. I was slightly thankful because the other family had a bunch of annoying little kids that wouldn't leave me alone. "Dude!"

"Yes, yes I'm coming!" I jump off my bed and open the door. "Are you gonna stop being an annoying brat?" I say looking down at Harry. "Whatever, you're the annoying one here." 
I swat for Harry but miss, making him run downstairs. I didn't realize the family was at our doorstep until I heard my mom say, "Ahem, boys, come say hello!"
I stop chasing Harry and make my way towards the door. I saw a man and a little girl, about Harry and Sam's age. "Hi boys, I'm Eric and this is my youngest daughter Kyla." 
"Nice to meet you," me and my brothers said.

Wait did he say the youngest daughter?

"And this is my other daughter, Avery."

No. Fucking. Way.

She waves to my brothers and my mom until she notices me standing behind them. I could tell because her mouth flung open as she looked directly at me. "Might wanna close your mouth, love." I joked making her blush and close her mouth. 

"That's right, Tom and Avery go to the same school! How crazy is that?"

So crazy.

"Come in, I'm sure the kids could entertain themselves," My mother jokes letting them into the house.

Eric and Kyla walk past my brothers and I but when it came to Avery she scoffed and continued her way to the living room. 

They sit down on the couch and the two chairs we had and my brothers made sure that the only spot left, was next to Avery. Bunch of twats. "So, what do you do Eric?" My mom asks. "Well I'm actually a firefighter," he explains smiling. 

So, overprotective, check.
But often gone at work, check.

"That's interesting, and what about your wife?"

The room goes silent and I see Avery's head turn to me ever so slightly. "She left." She says bluntly. "Avery," Eric trails off, shooting his head at her. "What it's true isn't it?"

Feisty? Check.

"I'm so sorry," my mom says. "No need to apologize" Eric answers fairly quickly. To change the subject my mom asks, "So what do you girls do?" with a bright smile. "Well, Kyla dances and Avery is an artist," he says proudly. Avery almost chokes on absolutely nothing and argues back, "I'm no artist." she says looking back at her dad. "I saw what you drew in class, it was pretty good," I say quietly. She looked back at me with a puzzled look on her face. "Not only can she draw, but she also sings," he says looking back at me. "Is that so?" I try not to let out a laugh. 

She is the perfect girl, check.

They continue talking until I nudge Avery to follow me. "What, no?" she whispers while the rest of the group is talking about her dad's firefighter stories. "C'mon!" I whisper back. We both get up and I tell my mom that I'd show Avery around the neighborhood. She nods and continues talking.

Once outside I joke, "So here's my house, your house, the other houses-"

"Tom I get it," she says unimpressed.

We start walking along the sidewalk, not really sure where we were headed but it was nice finally being able to have a real conversation with her.


"Listen, I don't know what your deal is but just because I'm your neighbor does not mean you're forced to talk to me."

"I don't see anyone forcing me to talk to you," I frown.

"Yeah but you're just so-"

"So amazing, hot, funny, charismatic-"

"Arrogant, annoying, and might I add a terrible flirt."

"Ouch." I joke holding my hand to my chest making her shake her head with a smile.

Gorgeous smile, check.

"Where'd you move from?" I ask trying to have a decent conversation with her.

"Canada," she says bluntly.

"Why did you move so far?" I ask curiously.

"My mom." Again with the short ass answer Avery c'mon give me more details!

"What happened with-"

"What's with all the questions Holland?" she asks looking back at me.

"I'm just curious that's all." I look back at her and smirk. Girls like that right?

She scoffs, "My mom was an addict and left us for drugs or whatever. It's been like 10 years so I don't know what's up with her now, and I don't care."

"Oh," I trail off.

We both stay silent for a bit until she asks a question I think I kinda saw coming. "Why did you punch Jacob my first day?" she asks looking down at her feet.

"I never really got along with him, to be honest. When I saw him put his hands on you I kinda flipped..." she looks up at me and I realized what I had just said, "No one should be treated that way." Nice save. 



"If no one should be treated that way why'd you do it that way?"

"Hey just be thankful you didn't get beat up on the first day," I joke.

She was really something else. I don't know what it was about her but she made my day so much better. We talked a bit more, me trying to get to know her things like that. 

I couldn't believe I was falling for her.

Falling For A Bad Boy - T.HollandWhere stories live. Discover now