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I rushed as quickly as I could to my locker, grabbed my things and made my way to class. On my way there, of course, Tom was rushing to class as well.  "Oh I see your temper tantrum finally ended," I say sarcastically. "I didn't want to let the guy beat the shit out of you!" he says, with a frustrated tone in his voice. "Why not? It was none of your business." I say rolling my eyes. "It would've ruined your pretty little face," he said with a smirk. What? He is not seriously flirting with me right now. 

We both walked through the class door at the same time, making everyone look up at us. Amazing. "Ah, glad to see you could both, join us." the teacher said sarcastically, making everyone in the class giggle quietly. She puts her hand towards two desks, right next to each other, in the back of the class for us to sit at.

 We both sit at the desks and I take my notebook out but Tom doesn't instead he kinda just looked at me. "Can I help you?" I whispered, annoyed. He scoffs and shakes his head, looking back at the front of the class. Urgh.

English was boring as always so nothing crazy exciting happened. But now I had History, which I actually enjoyed. I sat in the back of the class a few minutes before the bell so I decided to whip out my sketchbook and sketch out a couple of things.

It wasn't anything too spectacular, drawing made me calm down and after everything that happened this morning, it seemed like the world was telling me to grab a damn pencil and paper and draw

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It wasn't anything too spectacular, drawing made me calm down and after everything that happened this morning, it seemed like the world was telling me to grab a damn pencil and paper and draw. I drew my dad's boat. (the biggest one) I wasn't rich or anything, but my dad's dream was to get a boat and that's exactly what we did before my mother left. Sad story, I know but It's been me, my dad and my little sister Kyla.  I snapped out of it when I heard the bell ring, and I quickly noticed some guy staring at my book. "Uh, hello?"

"How do you draw like that? It's really good." He adds.

"Uh, my dad taught me."

"Damn, I'm Harrison by the way but call me Haz!"

"Avery," I say politely.

We both turn around to the front of the class before the lesson started. I would say about 5 minutes into class the teacher turned their focus to the door, "haha idiot..." I hear Haz mumble. 'Idiot'? And there he was, the one and only Tom Holland. Of course, he was late again. He makes his way towards Haz, we were sitting next to each other, and looks back at me, with a giant ass smirk. What is up with this guy and smirking? Like got anything else better to do than to make me hella uncomfortable. 

"So we will start with a group project, make groups of three's and I'll tell you guys more information."

Everyone jumps out of their seats and partners up with their best friends while I just sit in silence in my corner. "Hey, join our group!" I hear, Haz waves and signals me to bring my desk closer to theirs. By signal I mean he just grabbed my desk and moved it himself. Ok, jeez. Tom then puts a chair in front of both our desk and just sits there looking up from his phone, at me. "Dude, why do you keep looking at me?" I whisper-yelled. "hm... nothin'," he says looking back down at his phone. HE HAS THE NERVE TO JUST- stay calm Avery. You do not wanna make a scene.

"You guys have 3 weeks to finish this assignment and hand it in. Discuss." 

The teacher had told us all the information about this assignment and I wrote it all down. I wasn't completely miserable with my group, at least I had Haz who seemed decently smart when Tom over here just wants to get in every girl's pants. We start talking about what subject we wanted to do and simply chose the discovery of the United-States.

After class, I had a free period and then afterwards had lunch. I decided to take this time and be alone for a bit. Just so I could freshen up before gym. I go outside and sit, with a notebook in hand, under a large tree. There were a couple of other people outside but not many near me. I always loved writing songs, most of them were just about my mother and family but today some random verses came to mind. I started writing down sentences trying to make the first verse.

"your smile... dun dududun.. can't seem to take your eyes off mine.. "

Mid thought I see a girl coming up to me. She seemed pretty upset and I was confused as to why she came up to me out of all people.

"Guys are dicks," she said pouting and sitting next to me.

"Agreed." I don't know this girl, but I immediately agreed with her. "What happened though?"

"I dated this one guy for like, 6 months. Turns out he only wanted sex," she says, putting her head in her hands.

"I'm so sorry," I say quietly.

"Urgh, It's fine. He was a jerk."

"He doesn't deserve you, I have no clue who you are but you seem to be an amazing girl and he clearly was too stupid to notice that."

She looks back at me and smiles. "I'm Harper."

"Avery," I say and shake her hand.

"So watcha up to?" she asks looking down at my notebook.

"Writing a song," I say looking back at it myself.

"Seems like it's about someone," she smirks.

"Hm... I guess so."

I never realized what I had written down until just now. Who could I be writing about? I literally had no clue and I was the one that had written them.

We sit and chat for a while until the bell for lunch rang and we made our way inside. We grabbed our food and made our way towards her friends. They seemed to be all peppy and nice so hopefully, these girls could become my friends. 

"Hey, bitchess!" This guy walks up to us. And I already love him.

Every girl at our table yells "Heyyyy!" and laughs. 

"So who is you?" he asks eating a fry that he had gotten at the cafeteria. 

"This is Avery North, she's new here!" 

I get welcomed by everyone, "So, have you thought of joining the team?"

The team? What team are they talking about, a cult or something? 

"Huh?" I ask confused out of my mind.

"The cheer team!" he says tilting his head to the side.

No flipping way! These people who I hoped were gonna be my new friends were all apart of the school's cheer team. 

"I mean yeah, I was captain at my old school."

We all joked around and laughed about the dumbest things until Colby (the guy) asked if there was any drama.

"Well, I'm sure Avery has something to talk about," Harper said winking at me and looking back at Tom who was laughing with Haz.

"Uh, no... what are you talk about?" I whisper yell the last part at Harper. 

"Okay, if you say so!" she jokes.

I had fun with these people. They were all really funny and nice. I guess high school wasn't gonna be so bad after all.

Falling For A Bad Boy - T.HollandWhere stories live. Discover now