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- Avery's POV -
- Sunday -

I haven't spoken to Tom since we kissed, no text, no calls, nothing. But it was the only thing I could think about. The ride home wasn't awkward, at all actually. We listened to music and completely just avoided the topic of Tom and I. Haz knew about both kisses but once again kept his mouth shut about it, at least with me. I was debating whether I should text Harper about it or not. She'd be happy about it, right?

- Harper <3 -

Hey: Avery

Harper: Hey girl, what's up?

So I did a thing yesterday: Avery

Harper: Omg you lost your V-card. 😨

What? Omg no! Harper ew: Avery

Harper: My bad, what happened?

I kissed someone...: Avery

Harper: WHAT!? OMG WHO!?!?!?!

Tom Holland...: Avery


?: Avery


Okay lol: Avery

Well, that ended up somewhat differently? I kinda assumed this would be her reaction since Harper is very outgoing and girly. I decided to wait until tomorrow to talk to Tom. Harper could get me out of there easily if it ended up getting awkward. I would've never thought Tom had feelings for me though, but then again, I still remember what Chelsea told me. Fuckboy. Had a bad reputation. This would never end up good, or last at all. I kept it in the back of my head and went downstairs for a snack, I hadn't eaten all day and it was already 1 pm. 

My dad was sitting at the kitchen table with his cup of coffee as always. I didn't know why he was up so early since he had another night shift tonight, he should be sleeping. "Up early?" I ask as I opened the fridge. "I need to ask you somethin'," he says with a serious tone.

"Uh oh, what's up?" I say as I take out left-over noodles from yesterday.

"How do you feel about visiting your mom...?" 

I stop and set the food down, I look back up at him with disbelief. "What?"

"Kyla wanted to see her again since she was only 3 when she left," he explains, still not looking straight at me.

I scoff.

"Is there something funny?" he asks slightly frustrated.

"You're seriously taking Kyla to see that crackhead?"

Right as I spoke, Kyla walked into the kitchen, a frown on her face.

"What's going on?" she asks quietly, looking back and forth between me and my dad.

"You seriously want to go visit Marie? Do you have no respect for yourself!?" I say, louder than I meant to.

"Avery Maddison North do not raise your voice at your sister," My dad says standing up from the table.

"Maybe she's changed," My little sister says quietly looking down at her feet.

"Yeah! Maybe she has! Maybe she's in jail? Dating another crackhead? Or, even better, is doing some other type of disgusting shit!" I yell.

"Do not speak about your mother that way Avery!" My dad yells back.

I whip my head to face him. "Mother? She is not my mother! A mother doesn't leave her family for drugs. A mother isn't abusive. A MOTHER DOESN'T DO WHAT SHE DID!!" I yell, tears forming in my eyes as I spoke.

He stays silent.

"I never said you had to come with me!" My sister yells.

"You can't seriously be thinking about this Kyla. You're smarter than that I already told you what she did to us and you still want to go?" I say quietly trying to keep my tears from falling down my cheeks.

"I'm not thinking about it..." she pauses, "I already packed my bag and we're leaving tomorrow."

Wow. Incredible. That bitch is sneaking her way back into my life. My dad was all for it as well. They didn't separate, they didn't leave on bad terms. My mother had decided to 'take care' of herself and she told us she'd come back when she was a different person. My dad has been waiting 10 fucking years for that woman to walk back in our lives as if nothing happened. There was always a part of me mad at him for that. We all knew it was the only damn reason he never dated anyone else. I knew.

I pause for a moment, anger filling up my head. "Fine then. But don't come running back to me when she hurts you."

I turn around to look back at my dad and just shake my head in disappointment. And just like that stomped out of the house. I didn't care anymore. Why would I care? I was furious, I was fucking hurt. That they would be so damn desperate. I cried as I walked down the street not knowing where I was going, and I didn't care I just wanted to get away, get away from everything. I slowed down my walking once I made it to the park a few streets down and just sat down against a tree with my head in my hands, crying. I wasn't sad, I was angry but the only thing that I could do was burst out in tears.

I sit in silence for a few moments, my eyes red and puffy from the 15 minutes of Niagara Falls happening on my face. I hear a car stop not too far from me and never even noticed who was driving it until they hopped out of the car. It was Haz. He quickly ran up to me and crouched down to sorta get to my level. "Hey, are you okay?" he asks. A worried look sparked up on his face the minute he noticed how red my cheeks are from crying. "No," I said bluntly. He looks around me to see if I was with anyone but with no luck, he kneeled down. "What happened?" 

I didn't care if he knew at this point. "My sister and dad are going to see my crackhead mother tomorrow," I said with a smirk on my face. "Why are you smiling?"

I guess you could say I was completely out of it. The tears made me feel the same way you'd feel if you just drank 4 bottles of vodka. I was dizzy and didn't feel in control of anything coming out of my mouth, that was maybe why I didn't care if he knew about my fucked up family.

"It's funny."

"What is?" He frowns.

"My mom left us, and 10 years later she thinks it's a good idea to squeeze her way back into my life," I say with a slight giggle at the end. Jeez, I was really out of it wasn't I?

He stays silent and looks at my soaked sleeves. "Alright let's get you home," He says trying to help me up but I pull my arm back to my chest. "No." I said it like I was some type of child that didn't want to eat her broccoli. He pauses for a moment like he was thinking of some other solution. "Okay, well, I was headed to Tom's for the night, want to come with?" 

A small smirk lit up on my face and all I could respond with was "yes."

- ouh dats the tea lmao. I have a couple of ideas on what happens with their mother but you'll have to keep reading to find out! I hope you're enjoying the story so far! -

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