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What the fuck did I get myself into...?

I struggled to get out as Jacob walked away from me for a second just to run back over to me and throw a hard punch to my stomach. Fuck. He really did just hit a girl? It knocked the wind out of me and I lifted my head back up, "You're really gonna do this, now? In front of all these people? What about your rep? You're gonna fuck that up just cause I called you a dick?" I say, hoping I wasn't showing any sign of weakness in my voice. I was scared, not gonna lie but I couldn't show it. I could see more anger just rising up in his face as he threw another hard hit to the face, my cheek now stinging from a small cut. "Well fuck you then," I whisper with a small smirk on my face, loud enough for him to hear and reach in for another hit. 

I closed my eyes, expecting sharp pains in my face but it didn't happen. I was confused, I only opened my eyes when the pressure on my arms was let go. "GET OFF OF HER!" I hear. It was Tom, Haz and Harper. All coming to the rescue. Harper rushed towards me as I grip my stomach, groaning in pain. "Hey, are you okay? Let's get you out of here," She says putting my arm around her neck and helping me walk out. Harper's usual happy look was completely ripped away and her eyes were filled with worry. I turned back and saw both Haz and Tom, especially Tom, beating the shit out of Jacob and the two guys that were holding me. The 5 others ran away like the cowards they were. Saying Tom was enraged was an understatement. I could tell from the amount of force he was putting in each of those hits. The anger in his eyes as he punched Jacob's face and abdomen. "Wait," I say quietly still holding my side as I turned around completely. "Tom!" I say as loud as I could, even though that wasn't quite loud enough for him to hear me. Punches were being thrown by Haz as well until he turned back and saw what Tom was throwing.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Tom shouts as he throws a hard punch to the side of his face.

"She fucking deserved it!!" Jacob yells, trying to act tough and throwing another slow punch but missed.

"Tom, stop dude," Haz says quietly trying to pull him back.

Tom finally pushed Jacob to the ground, and I knew he thought of hitting him as he was on the floor as well but stopped himself. "Don't you EVER put your hands on her again!" He screams in complete anger. Haz pushed Tom out of the crowd. Harper had just decided to take me outside and set me down against a tree. 

Everything hurt. It felt like every single one of my ribs were broken. Not only that, my face was throbbing. I must've broken something. Harper takes out a towel that she had set for cheer practice from her bag and places it on my cheek, I squint at the burning sensation. "What the hell happened out there?"

"Some kid with anger issues," I grunt out still holding my stomach.

- Tom's POV -

I couldn't even process what had happened. Was Jacob really so angry to the point where he'd corner a girl, Avery? He even went to the point of putting his hands on her, how could he? If I wasn't there to stop him he would've 100% beat the absolute shit out of her. I wasn't going to let that happen though, I was gonna stay by her side as much as I possibly could. No way in hell will she be out of my sight as long as Jacob and his crew still roam the halls. He was really that much of a prick. I was disgusted by him. I really was, and just so angry. I can't even describe. I would've gone to jail if it meant that Avery wouldn't be hurt by him anymore. I would've kept going if Haz and everyone else wasn't looking at me. I didn't want his blood on my conscience.

As we walked out the back doors, my heart completely dropped to the floor when I saw Avery sitting against a tree in pain. Pain that was caused by something I could've prevented one way or another. My legs felt weak and I just wanted to collapse right where I was standing. "Haz... what do I do...?" I say quietly trying to keep tears from falling. He looked just as shocked as me, in complete awe. "I really don't know man..." he says placing his hand on my shoulder and looking back at me. My breathing started to get a lot heavier and Haz noticed it as well. "Listen to me, listen to me!" he says pulling my shoulders to face him. "You gotta be strong for her okay mate?" I look back at her tears forming in my eyes. "I-I can't see her like this. How can I be strong for her I don't even-"

"Stop it! Stop crying and man up okay? I know it's hard, trust me I understand but she's in pain right now, she's feeling every type of pain and no matter how much that hurts you, you gotta just be there for her!"

I nodded and tried to take control of my breathing. I looked back at Avery and Harper who were sitting down next to one of the trees in the yard. I walk over to her, I tried so hard no breaking down as I walked and the only reason I didn't was cause she noticed me coming over. I crouch down next to her, I didn't know what to do or say.

She sits up and takes her hand off her stomach. "I'm fine Tom, really," she says quietly, almost like she still had the wind knocked out of her. 

"Avery I-"

"I'm okay, see?" She forces a small sympathetic smile. I know she was trying to keep me from worrying too much. But I hated it, I hated knowing she had to fake that beautiful smile of hers.

"I'm so sorry Avery..." is all I could say without completely sobbing.

"Don't be Tom I-" she holds her stomach and squints in pain. "Avery?"

"ow..." she wined out. My heart broke. I couldn't do anything, hospital maybe? I knew she wouldn't want to speak to her dad and all but would I really let her sit in pain while she could be getting treatment?

"Avery breathe..." Harper says setting her hand softly on her shoulder.

"Fuck this hurts.." she cried out. Holding her stomach with both hands. 

I had no idea he had punched her so hard. It must've been in an exact spot in her abdomen because she really was crying. Her face started to bruise up just a little showing, tints of blues and yellows on her pale face. Harper shoots me a worrying look, w-why would she do that? Is Harper okay? "Haz can you get some ice please?" Harper asks standing up signaling me to stand up as well. Haz then runs out to the office to get ice. We walk slightly away from Avery who is holding up the cold towel to her cheek and squeezing her stomach.

"What?" I whisper.

"This doesn't look good," she says.

"W-Why? What makes you think it's worse?" I asked stumbling in my words hoping she'd just tell me some good news.

"I'm not sure but I have dealt with a lot of hurt cheerleaders. Whenever they get a knee to the stomach, and hard, they act like Avery."

Ok, so that's not good.

"I have to check her stomach to make sure there isn't too much bruising but if her abdomen is already getting bruised like I mean, really bruised. We need to take her to the hospital cause it could be a lot worse than we think."


She's right, could internal bleeding be a thing at this point? Avery never actually expected the punch so when he hit she wasn't ready for any of it. Maybe it is a lot worse than we think but I really hope it doesn't end up that way...

Falling For A Bad Boy - T.HollandOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora