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I sat against the tub. My wrist stinging from the open slits. What have I done? I promised myself the first time it happened that I would never do it again. But here I was lying on the floor with a pair of scissors in my right hand. A knock at the door kinda snapped me back into reality. "Avery, everything okay?" I hear someone say, Tom. "Y-Yeah just doing my hair," I say in the most optimistic voice possible. I rolled down the sleeve and threw the scissors back in the cabinet and tied my hair in some sort of bun. I unlock the door and find myself face to face with Tom. I hoped my eyes weren't as red and puffy as before so that he wouldn't worry.

We walked downstairs together and Haz was scrolling through Netflix with the bole of popcorn on his lap. "You got anything in mind?" He asks looking back at me. "Uh, you guys can pick I don't have anything in mind," I lied. I wanted to watch sad movies until there were no more tears left in my system. I sit down next to tom and Haz is on the other side of the couch. (It's like an 'L' shape)

After about 10 minutes of scrolling through 'On-Demand' Haz and Tom finally agree on watching bumble-bee. I had already seen it and I enjoyed it very much so I wasn't upset with their choice. "I'm gonna go get some popcorn," I say as I get up from the couch. "Ok," Tom says quietly watching me walk out of the room. I stopped at the kitchen counter, my back facing the doorway from the living room. I quietly pull up my sleeve and squint as the fabric rubs against my cuts. It was red and stinging a fuck ton. I grab some frozen peas from the fridge and gently place it over my burning wrist. Good.

"Avery, what are you doing?" I snap being me and throw the peas back onto the counter. Haz was standing there with an empty bowl of popcorn in his hand. He didn't look confused or anything just in shock or disbelief. He knew exactly what was going on and set the bowl on the counter next to him. "Avery, what the fuck did you do?" He says from the other side of the kitchen. "I swear I can explain Haz I-" before I finished he took my hand and looked at my somewhat swollen wrist. "Avery..."

"Dude back off!" I say a little louder than I meant. Hoping Tom didn't hear I quickly roll my sleeve back down. "What- When- W-Why?" He whisper-yells. 

"It's none of your business, just don't tell Tom."

"Don't tell Tom? Seriously? Avery, you need help! I can't just sit here and wait till it gets out of hand!" He says.

"Haz! Be quiet! Please, I'll tell Tom myself but keep your damn mouth shut!" I say, almost pleading.

"Avery I-" he shakes his head and puts his hands in the back of his neck. 

"Please Haz..."

He pauses for a moment and looks back at me. "You promise you'll tell him?"

"Y-Yes I promise..." I whisper.

"Is everything alright?" I hear Tom yell from the living room.

"Yep, everything's great!" I yell back.

"Okay! Hurry up the movie's about to start!" 

I quickly pour some more SmartFood popcorn into the bowl and make my way to the living room, Haz not keeping his eyes on me the entire time.

I sit next to Tom, not that close to him, and we watch the movie. During the movie, I felt Tom inching his way closer and closer to me. I didn't mind, it was cute actually. 
I didn't really pay attention to the movie I just felt horrible that Tom was completely oblivious to what had happened between me and Haz. I knew I had to tell him and I knew it had to be soon.

- 11:00 pm - 2 more movies later -
- Tom's POV -

Avery had fallen asleep on me about an hour ago. I didn't mind it was actually really cute. She kinda cuddled her way into my arms during the last movie. I don't blame her though, it's been a long day and she needed to rest. Haz, on the other hand, was fairly quiet ever since he came back from the kitchen with Avery. "I'm gonna go put her to bed, we should probably all sleep we got school tomorrow."

He nods his head and starts putting things away while I gently try to wake Avery up enough to bring her upstairs. "Love, wake up, I'm gonna bring you upstairs." She slowly gets up and whispers "ok..." in the cutest way possible. I'm not usually this soft but damn Avery just got the best of me.

I set her up in my bed while I decided to sleep in Sam's room. My entire family was gone for Harry's soccer tournament which was quite far but I couldn't miss school. It sucked that I couldn't cheer my brother on but I knew that once I came back it would take weeks to catch up since I'd be gone for 4 days. And with my luck, everything would happen during sed 4 days.

I tuck her in bed but before I could leave she grabbed my arm. "no... stay," she says quietly. Well, how could I say no? I walk over to the other side and just lay as far as I could to give her, her space. She rolled over and wrapped her left arm around my stomach. I set my arm down on top of hers and she flinches, almost in pain? "oh, sorry..." I whisper. "it's okay..." she whispers back.

I wonder what made her flinch. Did I do something?

Falling For A Bad Boy - T.HollandWhere stories live. Discover now