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The next morning wasn't so hard, I woke up to Tom right next to me and Haz be loud and obnoxious in the kitchen. I walked down the stairs and was greeted by freshly made pancakes on the counter with cups of coffee not too far from them. "I didn't know how you liked your coffee," Haz says making you look up at him fairly quickly. "It's great, thank you."

You take your plate and coffee and sit at the kitchen table. At that moment you remembered what had happened the night prior and that you would have to go get changed at your house since you didn't pack anything. Great. I had no idea if Kyla and my dad had already left and I really didn't care, all I knew was in 2 to 3 days Kyla would be running back to me with tears in her eyes telling me how horrible her mother was. Why bother having another child if you can't even take care of the first one? It hurt knowing that the only reason she really wanted to see them was for money, and knowing my dad, he'd give it to her.

I snap back to reality when I notice Tom walk into the kitchen stretching his arms out and yawning. Cute. "Good morning," I said sipping my coffee. "Morning," he said back as he took the other plate and cup. Not too long after Haz joined us at the table. "Damn these are really good," I said stuffing my face with more of his delicious pancakes. I hear Tom chuckle from across the table, "What?" I ask with a giggle. "You look like a chipmunk," he says laughing even louder, making Haz and I laugh as well.

After breakfast, I finally forced myself out of the house but just before I opened the door, I felt Tom's hand on my shoulder, "You okay?" he asks quietly as Haz runs up the stairs to get ready. "I think so," I say looking out the glass door at my house. He nods his head and I leave the house leaving Tom at his doorstep. Once I finally made it inside my house I heard Tom's door close.

"Where have you been?" My dad asks, frantically rushing at the door, my little sister following him.

"At Tom's." It was pretty obvious. Where else would I go? Harper lived too far for me to simply walk there and I hadn't talked to any of our other neighbors.

"You didn't bother to call?" He almost yells.

"You didn't either, I guess we're both in the wrong," I snap back. I walked past him and up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" He asks. What's with these useless questions?

"To my room. School, remember?" I say, continuing my way up the stairs.

I change into a yellow striped sweater with regular ripped jeans and tie my hair into a messy bun since I didn't have enough time to do anything with it. I put on some light makeup, grabbed my bag and my wallet and headed back downstairs. I walked to the kitchen to grab my water bottle and noticed two bags and a pillow stacked up on top of each other next to the couch. They really were leaving. I brushed it off as I did with everything else involving my mother and walked out of the house without saying another word. 

I didn't care what they thought, they didn't bother to call or text me, neither of them why should I bother saying bye? 

Haz ended up driving us to school this morning. I'd usually walk or take a bus but it was starting to get cold and they insisted. I mean why wouldn't they? School wasn't any different though, same old, same old. Haz would come up to me every so often to ask if I had told Tom and my answer was always the same, 'not yet.'
I felt bad for keeping him from this, yes. But at the same time, I felt like I was somewhat protecting him from this dark past that I had He would've asked me why, and why my answer bothered me so much, then it would go into 'you've done it before?' and he'd ask why for that as well. I didn't want to get into any of that with him since I just wanted to have this moment with him. Without all the chaos.

I'd always get stares from Jacob and his 'gang' but never paid much attention to it until, today.

As I was putting my things back into my locker before the end of the day I heard a group of people walking in the hallways. It was weird, I was the only one in the hallway since everyone else was still in class. I decided to skip class for the last 10 minutes since I got away with 'it's an emergency.' 
I might be cruel for using that as an excuse to ditch class, but I didn't care. 
I didn't pay much attention to the group of guys until I felt a slight shove in my back pushing me slightly into my locker. I turned around and of course, jack-ass Jacob was standing there with his whole gang surrounding me. "I didn't quite like the way you talked to me a couple of weeks ago."

Damn, that took long enough to confront me about it? "And you decided to talk to me now? Way to be petty," I said with every inch of sass in my body. Clearly, he didn't appreciate my sarcastic masterpiece and pushed me harder into my now closed locker. Ow. Don't run your mouth North you'll regret it. "Will I though?" 

The bell rings just as he got closer to me, good, this is good. But instead of backing off of me he simply grabbed everyone's attention by slamming his fist into the locker next to mine. A couple of people watched on the sidelines as they whispered to each other, probably placing bets on who'd end up winning this fight. I had gotten in many fights before but never 8 versus 1. It was a lose-lose situation, I'd either try to fight my way through and get beat up or simply just get beaten up. I was stuck. "Watcha gonna do now North?" his face inches away from mine.

"Probably give you a mint," I joked back making a couple guys 'ooh!' from the sidelines. I was proud of my comeback but Jacob didn't like it as much as everyone else did. "You're done."

I didn't know he'd stoop so low and actually hit a girl. Especially in front of dozens of people watching. I took a deep breath as two of his guys hold my arms against the lockers. Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit.

What the fuck did I get myself into?

Falling For A Bad Boy - T.HollandTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon