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- Avery's POV -

We walked back in, just in time for the big ceremony the school was having. Since the school actually celebrated Halloween we were allowed to leave school early. Which was great cause I really wanted to be with Tom outside of school, if you know what I mean. The ceremony wasn't anything huge just a couple songs were played as the entire high school kinda just danced around and they told us when we were allowed to leave, which was right after lunch. Tom had quickly brought up something about a new kid, I wasn't too bothered by it, what would this new kid want to do with me anyway? 

The classes were very laid back and I ended up just talking with Tom, Harper and Haz all day. We talked about our fears, I mean it was an appropriate topic since it was on the 'scariest day of the year', right? I brought up how Tom was scared of spiders, he never denied it but also never admitted it. Haz explained how he was afraid of sharks. I simply laughed, "Seriously? Sharks?" I exclaimed making his eyes widen. "Sharks are fucking terrifying!" He says making us laugh. "Dude just don't go swimming with sharks then!" Tom laughs out. It was Harper's turn, she had a deadly fear of clowns. Like she never does anything remotely close to anything clown-related. She also said she was afraid of tight spaces, I get it, they aren't fun to be with. I told them the story on how I got trapped in an elevator once and it made her super uncomfortable. It was pretty funny though. "Okay Avery, since you find it so funny, what are you scared of?" Harper snaps back. 

I honestly didn't know. What was I afraid of? Not clowns, spiders or sharks, "I never liked the dark," I said trying to find something that I was really afraid of. "There must be something else," Haz says leaning back in his chair. "Uh, throwing up is another one," I said still clueless as to what I was really scared of. And it hit me. I was absolutely terrified of heights. "Oh, I'm really scared of heights," I said, just admitting it sent chills down my spine. Tom looked at me, with the evil smirk once again. "What?" I asked, nervously waiting for his response. "It's just-"

He gets cut off by the teacher trying to get everyone's attention. "Everyone, please make our new student feel welcomed!" She says looking at all of us. Just then the new kid walked in, I couldn't fucking believe it. It was my ex. "holy fuck." I said under my breath making Tom's head snap back at me. "Everyone this is Kyle, he will be in this class for the rest of the year," the teacher explains as Kyle scans the room. That dumbass was really back. He looks around the room and his eyes finally find you, looking straight at him with the most unimpressed look on your face ever. He shows a little smirk before sitting next to some other jocks in the classroom. Harper notices the look of complete and utter frustration. "uh oh..." she starts before the two boys turn back around. "mother fucker..." I said under my breath. "Who is that?" Tom asks looking back at Harper but she shrugs her shoulders, simply looking back at me. "He's my ex," I say quietly, looking down at my feet. "Want me to beat the shit out of him? I can, and I will I-"

"No Tom, not yet at least."

A small smirk pops upon his face as he gets up, making sure Kyle was looking. He pulls my off my chair and kisses me passionately enough to let Kyle know I'm his. I look back at Kyle who's smirk disappeared completely, instead, he shakes his head and looks back at his group. "Didn't think of that," I said under my breath making Tom chuckle.

After lunch I see Kyle walk up to me, one hand holding the strap of his bag over his shoulder. I roll my eyes and try my hardest to leave before he could make it but I was too late and he was only a couple lockers away. "Avery, can we please talk?" He says resting his hand on the locker next to me. I turn around and he's right in my face, pissing me off even more. "No." I turn back around and grab my bag and slamming my locker, making him back up a little. "Please, I know I messed up, I just want a second chance," I turn on my heels facing him again. It sounded sincere, which surprised me cause Kyle was dumber than a fucking grape. "What the hell do you want,"

He smirks and looks down at his feet, just to look back up at me, "You didn't change at all," he says with a slight chuckle. "If you're just here to flirt with me, fuck off," I say, I meant it, Kyle already wasted 2 years of my life. "No, I'm sorry Avery, I really messed up and I'm not the same without you..." 

I scoff at his 'apology', "Should've thought of that before sucking another girl's face off." I say rolling my eyes.

"I know, that was a mistake and I regret it completely," he explains. He really did sound sorry, but knowing him, if I were to fall for him all over again after 2 weeks he'd get bored and cheat on me.

I look behind him and see Tom and Haz pop around the corner. He notices Kyle come closer to me with his hand out, about to put it on my shoulder but Tom quickly jumps in beside me kissing my temple and looking back at Kyle who stands there like a deer in headlights. It was hilarious. "Hey, I'm Tom," he says looking straight at Kyle. "I'm Kyle,"

"Oh right, you're the new kid," Tom says, acting dumb just to mess with Kyle.

It was cute seeing him do this while in his gang costume. 

"Yea, I was just saying hi," Kyle says quietly looking back at me.

"Oh, well this is my girlfriend Avery,"

"Yea, we've already met," Kyle says starting to get annoyed with Tom, but Tom being incredibly amused.

"Oh is that so? Well, we better get going, nice meeting you Ty,"

"It's Kyle."

"Whatever," Tom says as he walks away, his arm around my shoulder. "That was amazing," I say leaning my head on his shoulder. I knew Kyle was not impressed at all but it amused both of us. 

And if he gets any ideas, Tom'll be there.

Falling For A Bad Boy - T.HollandWhere stories live. Discover now