t w e n t y

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I sat in a hospital bed for hours. A few nurses walking in and out checking how I'm doing. They told me that they needed more time to make sure everything was okay. This wouldn't be happening if I was fine. My dad sat by my side the entire time but I couldn't talk to him. My sister had school and she wasn't allowed to stay, dad's rules. I found out she stayed with the Hollands which made my heart hurt because I knew Tom would worry even more if Kyla didn't even know what was going on. I told her to keep her mouth shut about everything and she promised... I trust that she'll keep her promise.

I didn't get that much sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about everything. It's like my life flashed in front of my eyes. No matter how shitty my childhood has been, I know that the past 3 months have been amazing, all because I had people that really cared about me. My sister was growing up and she is a beautiful and intelligent girl. My dad, no matter how much he fucked up, I still loved him and I knew that he would not be okay if I died. I knew that my mother would partially blame herself one way or another, I didn't even care about how she felt but feeling responsible for someone else's death is the worse thing that could ever happen other than actually dying.

The doctor walked in and my dad got up quickly. "Hello Mr. North," The doctor says walking to my bed. I was exhausted, I hadn't had any sleep at all since yesterday. I just stared at my ceiling, just thinking. "We got the tests results..." The doctor starts. "I'm sorry to say that Avery has Supraventricular tachycardia."

My dad sits back down in his chair... tears rushing down his cheeks. 

"W-What's that?" I asked, panicked at my dad's reaction. 

The doctor sits on the side of the bed and sets the clipboard down. "Well, Heart arrhythmia can occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate your heartbeat don't work properly. In your case, your heart beats too quickly," he explains as I hear my dad sobbing quietly beside me. It didn't sound terrible, I wasn't understanding why he made it sound like a terrible thing. "We think that it could just be genetics, so no one could've done anything to prevent this,"

"W-What does it feel like?" I ask quietly.

"Fluttering in your chest, racing heartbeat, chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating or fainting."

"What could happen to me? What will happen to me?" I ask, tears going down my cheeks one after the other.

"Well, there's a slim chance of heart failure or stroke. But looking at how healthy you are, that should be out of the picture. We will prescribe you medication and bring you in for weekly checkups that will hopefully turn into monthly and then, later on, yearly checkups." 

"Ok..." I look back down at my hands and take a deep breath. My dad was pacing around the room. "I'll leave you two alone for a bit..." The doctor gets up and closes the door behind him quietly. 

"Dad?" I ask looking back at him, tears still rushing down.  He doesn't answer.

"Dad!" I say louder, but still no answer, just pure panic.

"Dad! Holy hell! I get it you're upset but stop it! You aren't the one that has some heart condition can you stop freaking out!?" I yell. He stops in his steps and looks back at me.

"I'm sorry I just didn't know it would happen, I don't know how to react,"

"Well react some different way okay?" I say wiping my tears away. He turns back around to face the window.

And just then, the stress and chaos that's been going on for the past couple weeks got to me, and hard. I felt dizzy and my heart started beating so quickly I could feel it, and really feel it. I felt like my chest was going to explode. I started to panic, is this a heart attack? What's going on? The monitor started going crazy but before I could say anything, I passed out. 

Falling For A Bad Boy - T.HollandWhere stories live. Discover now