t w e n t y - f o u r

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Christmas break had finally started, which meant I could sleep in for a whole two weeks!
Every year we either go visit family or throw a party at our house. It was my favorite part, seeing all my younger cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, it felt nice having my family together. Last year we went to Alberta to visit some family which meant it was our turn this year. Me and my sister spent days preparing the entire house for everyone, sure it was stressful, but we loved it. I was in charge of the lights outside while my sister focused on the tree, making sure every ornament was placed in the correct spot. We put the more decorative ornaments in the front so family and friends could see and the more plain ornaments in the back. 

I was always in charge of outside, for some reason my sister never wanted to do it. But I, on the other hand, enjoyed decorating the front lawn and putting up the lights. I set the reindeers on the front lawn and a small Santa statue near the front door. I put a few more small decorations before starting with the lights. They weren't that hard, I just had to put a few around the garage and some around the post at the front. Everything else my dad would take care of once he got back home.

I worked my way around the garage and looked back, bumping into someone. "Oh, sorry," I say before turning around. It was Tom, with a slightly noticeable cut above his eye. I gently press my hand around his eye, "What the hell happened?" I ask. "Oh... It's nothing." He says, clearly lying. "Don't lie to me, Tom what did you do?" I asked, my serious expression not changing. "I promise it's nothing," he says, pressing a soft kiss against my lips. How could I be mad at that?

We talked a little more as I put the lights around the post. "Are we just not gonna bring up the fact that Kyle and Jacob still want your head?" I say, part of it being sarcasm but the other completely serious. "Do we really have to talk about it?" He asks, tilting his head to the side like a sad puppy. "Tom, we can't just act like everything is fine. These two guys want to beat the shit out of both of us,"

He frowns. "What do you mean both of us?" He asks walking up to where I was standing. "Uh, I just assumed he-"

"Did they say anything to you Avery?" He asks. Concern was written all over his face. I guess I should tell him right? I can't lie right to his face... can I?

"Kyle...uh, got angry, and uh-"

"Did he fucking put his hands on you!?" Tom asks, yelling more than anything else. 

"No Tom! He didn't he just told me I'd regret it and I don't know,"

He looked furious. His head could explode at any minute as far as I knew. He doesn't say anything, which kinda worried me not gonna lie. He pulls me into a hug, I never expecting him to react like that. He pulls away just to press a passionate kiss on my lips. I sit back against the post and wrap my arms around his neck. His arm goes from my back to my waist, pulling me closer to him so there was no more space in between us. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth while I focused on deepening the kiss. 

"Tom-" I say softly in between kisses, sending chills down his spine.

"Mm?" He hums, wrapping his arms around me, his forehead pressing against mine.

"You okay?" I ask as I gently lift his head up.

He quickly nods his head before crashing his lips back into mine, catching me off guard. I loved him but something was wrong and he wasn't saying anything about it. It hurt, thinking he couldn't trust me or whatever his excuse was.

"Tom," I say, pushing his chest back so he could face me.

"Baby I'm fine," he pushes against my arms again, leaning for another kiss. This time I slide to the side so the large post couldn't stop me.

"Tom, talk to me."

"There's nothing to talk about," he pulls my wrists off his chest and brings his arms around me. Why was he acting like this? 

"Stop it," I say, a serious tone taking over my voice. He scoffs, almost rolling his eyes as he pushes me against the wall. 


"Tom I said stop." He only pushes harder, pulling my arms back.

A mocking smile creeps up on his face, his lips going to my neck.

"Tom, back off!" I yelled pushing him into the post behind him, hard. His facial expression changed quickly after, from the sinister grin to concern and fear. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" I yell, tears forming in my eyes as I spoke. I hated yelling at him but he wouldn't listen to me.

"Avery..." he trails off.

"Care to fucking explain yourself!?" I yell, getting up off the wall.

"I..." He trails off again, tears forming in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I love you..." he says, almost begging.

"Really? You got a weird way of showing it!" I yell, a tear finally rolling down my cheek. "You know what Tom? Just go."

"Wait, Avery, I'm-"

"I said go, Tom!"

He opens his mouth to say something else but nothing comes out. I wanted him to say something, stopping me from completely just kicking him out but he didn't. It broke me. I hated myself for snapping at him but the fact that he just pushed like that? I don't know what made him think that was okay, I wasn't gonna go through the same bullshit Kyle put me through. I watched as he walked away, his head down. I saw him turn his head back around before I slammed the door behind me. 

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Harrison's number. 

"Please pick up, please pick up..." the phone stops ringing, "Hey," I say walking up the stairs to my room.

[ Hey, what's up? ]

"Uh, something's going on with Tom..." I say, hoping for some answers from him.

[ What happened? ]

I explained what happened between him and I just a few moments earlier. I could tell by Haz' short responses that he was not happy. If I had found out Harper did shit like that too, I'd be angry.

[ What a dumbass, I'm so sorry Avery, I'll talk to him right away. ]

"Thanks, Haz..." I say before he hangs up.

At least Haz could talk some sense into him as I texted Harper about it. Maybe she could help me out, with everything going on.

Falling For A Bad Boy - T.HollandWhere stories live. Discover now