e i g h t e e n

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- feel free to listen to the song before, after, or during reading the story, I thought it went well with the story, idk it made me feel somethin so yeah :) -

As he wrapped my hands in some type of tape, anger was boiling inside of me. I wanted to punch something so bad but at the same time, I just wanted to numb everything and sit there. I knew it wasn't healthy but that's how my mom would impact me. As a kid, she'd hit me and yell at me. Saying I was a disappointment when all I did was come back 20 minutes after the curfew. I never yelled back cause she'd quickly hit me or kick me out the house. I always took the hits for my sister, I couldn't bear it whenever I couldn't help out. She'd make us leave the house at 9:00 o'clock because she needed drugs or she had some other druggies over. The sad part is that my dad never helped, he was never there to protect us. Whenever he was at home she'd keep her hands off us but the minute he left, she pulled my hair or give me another bruise. It hurt, not only physically but the fact that the woman that gave you life, hurt you, you can never go back after that. I was tired of getting the hits, I wanted to hit back. And now I can.

"You ready?"

"I think so,"

He takes a few steps back and simply watches as I punched the bag, weakly. The bag wouldn't budge, I kept punching and hitting it but nothing worked. It made me mad, why the hell wouldn't it move? Wasn't I hitting it hard enough? "Here lemme help," Tom moved behind me placing my hips in a certain way, the feeling of his hands on my hips made my stomach flutter. He slid his hands down my arms and placed them differently. He pulled his mouth close to my neck, "punch the bag." the warmth of his breath gave me chills but at the same time, it fueled me. I punch the bag as hard as I could, it moved. I made the bag move! He walks back again with a slight smirk on his face.

I punched the bag, one swing at a time. My knuckles started to sting but I didn't care.

My dad knew what she was doing and he never did anything about it. He never once gave a damn. I always looked at him as the hero but he let this shit happen. He let me get the bruises even after I cried for help. What kind of dad does that!? I can't let my sister get hurt, not again at least. I was trying so hard to keep her away from my mom but what if my dad just as bad? Not only that, my mom never even apologized after humiliating me! She picked me up at school, high off her ass in front of every one of my friends. I was so angry. 

I continued to punch the bag, harder and harder every time. Blood dripped down my fingers but it only fueled me even more. All those hits I took, I was finally getting them back. The bag swinging back and forth made me want to keep going. My eyes never leaving the bag, I kept hitting it, left, right, right, left, right. I was so over their bullshit.

Tom noticed how hard I was hitting but quickly realized the blood through the tape and pulled me back. "No! Get off I'm not done!" I yelled pushing him back. "Avery look at your knuckles!" He says holding my wrist up. "So!?" I say turning back around facing the bag once again. I prep myself for another round of punches but he stops my arm. "Tom what the hell!?" I yell, even angrier than before. "Avery please!" He looks straight into my eyes. Those damn eyes. I felt tears forming into my eyes, I don't know why that damn woman does these types of things to me.

"Avery, I don't know what's going through your mind right now, but please just listen to me," he says quietly, not breaking eye contact.


We sit on a bench not too far away from us and he starts unwrapping the tape. I squint my eyes because of the slight pain. Blood kept dripping down my hand slowly. He was careful to not hurt me, he knew that I was already in non-physical pain from everything going on. He didn't want to make anything worse.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, making him look up from my bruised and cut up hands.

"Don't be..." He said with a sympathetic smile.

He knew exactly what to do and it made my heart break cause he was always picking up the fucked up pieces of my life. I felt so terrible that I let him too. 

"Why haven't you just left me...?" I ask, tears slowly creeping back down my cheek.

"Avery..." He trails off lifting my chin up. "Why would you ever think that? You are the one thing keeping me from getting into any more trouble. I- I love you Avery Madison North."

His words made my heart crack and break, in the best way possible. "I love you too Thomas Stanley Holland..." A small smile shows up on my face. He pulls up and kisses me gently, the kiss felt like so much more now that he could tell me he loved me. It felt like everything that's been missing in my life. That person that would stick by your side through thick and thin. I needed him, I don't think I'd be able to breathe without him in my life. Of course, I lived my whole life without even knowing him but when he first stood up for me he made breathing so much easier.

He made it easier to trust and love.

Falling For A Bad Boy - T.HollandWhere stories live. Discover now